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Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

The Brits have HMS Agamemnon, why can't we have HMCS Amotken?
Agamemnon is a purportedly historical figure from a work of literature, not a deity for a start. Agamemnon is more akin to Isildur, than Amotken or Yahweh.

Also, even with the RN using names from ancient Greek mythology, it was names from a long dead religion. Using names from currently practiced spiritual beliefs/religion is more trouble than anybody wants.
HMCS Coaches Corner?
Only if there’s an onboard RHIB named All Yuze People

I am hoping there will be small sets. For example a set of Tribals, a set of River class and a set of Battle Class.
I'll admit it. I remember that. I guess that makes me an old geezer (but I'm still not old enough to collect my old age pension).
The morning kid's show lineup was "The Friendly Giant", "Chez Helene", followed by "Mr. Dressup".
I'll admit it. I remember that. I guess that makes me an old geezer (but I'm still not old enough to collect my old age pension).
The morning kid's show lineup was "The Friendly Giant", "Chez Helene", followed by "Mr. Dressup".
Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot