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  1. daftandbarmy

    Marines say no more ‘death by PowerPoint’ as Corps overhauls education

    Good... hopefully others will follow the example! Marines and those who teach them will see more direct, problem-solving approaches to how they learn and far less “death by PowerPoint” as the Corps overhauls its education methods. Decades of lecturers “foot stomping” material for Marines to...
  2. daftandbarmy

    NDP light relief

    If nothing else, they're providing opportunities for endless hours of poking fun ;)
  3. daftandbarmy

    Higher fitness standards will prepare soldiers for real-world problems

    Killing with kindness, it seems... Higher fitness standards will prepare soldiers for real-world problems There is a concept called “bulldozer parenting” that refers to parents who knock down every obstacle for their children before they get a chance to struggle. While this is meant to protect...
  4. daftandbarmy

    Report - Stealth, speed, and adaptability: The role of special operations forces in strategic competition

    Very interesting! Stealth, speed, and adaptability: The role of special operations forces in strategic competition Today, the US Joint Force grapples with an array of security challenges that transcend traditional boundaries and cut across theaters and domains. US competitors—China and...
  5. daftandbarmy

    Which U.S. College Major is the Worst for Finding a Job?

    Arts Major's Motto: Would you like fries with that?;) Which U.S. College Major is the Worst for Finding a Job? Which U.S. College Major is the Worst for Finding a Job? (visualcapitalist.com)
  6. daftandbarmy

    The answer to our crisis of young men? Boy Scouts

    Didn't even mention the Boer War ;) This Sunday morning, at the crack of dawn, I will put on an itchy tan dress shirt covered in small colourful badges, walk up the icy hill to our local church in West Toronto, and continue a nearly 100-year-old tradition of leading a parade of eight to...
  7. daftandbarmy


  8. daftandbarmy

    The New Rules of Executive Presence

    You know who you are... carry on ;) The New Rules of Executive Presence Over the past decade, as a result of the pandemic, political and economic instability, social movements such as Black Lives Matter, and changing workplace technologies, what people expect from leaders has changed...
  9. daftandbarmy

    For Job Seekers

    The BC Public Service will be recruiting at the BCIT Career fair, amongst quite a few other organizations... https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7154219075991228416/
  10. daftandbarmy

    How The Trinity Nuclear Test Spread Radioactive Fallout Across America

    Downwind messaging... it's a thing: How The Trinity Nuclear Test Spread Radioactive Fallout Across America 21st-century weather models show how radioactive fallout from atmospheric nuclear tests spread more widely than thought across the US The Trinity Nuclear Test on 16 July 1945 is a key...
  11. daftandbarmy

    6 B.C. search and rescue leaders pen finger-pointing letter to provincial government

    Trouble 't mill... 6 B.C. search and rescue leaders pen finger-pointing letter to provincial government A letter to Premier David Eby from the former head of the B.C. Search and Rescue Association accuses the government ministry overseeing search and rescue of a lack of respect for volunteers...
  12. daftandbarmy

    The curse of the badly run meeting

    Nothing more awful to behold than the torturous meeting. Especially the Law of Triviality ;) The curse of the badly run meeting An update to a wartime-sabotage manual In january 1944 the Office of Strategic Services, an American wartime intelligence agency, issued a short document. The...
  13. daftandbarmy

    Climate disasters will be part of defence update as strains grow, minister says

    Less money, more pressure to respond to climate change emergencies. The government's long term plan for DND is coming together nicely, it seems ;) Climate disasters will be part of defence update as strains grow, minister says Defence Minister Bill Blair affirmed Thursday that...
  14. daftandbarmy

    P8A Poseidon splashes into bay off Hawaii

    Everyone's OK, apparently... BREAKING: Large military plane splashes into bay off Hawaii, all 9 crew members survive - HHN
  15. daftandbarmy

    Active shooter incident reported at 2 locations in Lewiston, Maine

    Just breaking... 16 x dead, times two wounded, approximately... https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/live-blog/active-shooter-incident-reported-lewiston-maine-live-updates-rcna122249 https://www.cnn.com/us/live-news/lewiston-maine-shootings-active-shooter-10-25-23/index.html
  16. daftandbarmy

    Platoon Attack

    Damn... wish my runner had a bicycle... ;)
  17. daftandbarmy

    Five things to know about the auditor general's reports on the federal public service

    Spoiler alert: none of the five things are 'good' ;) Five things to know about the auditor general's reports on the federal public service A new round of reports from the auditor general is once again revealing gaps and delays across the federal public service, including in access to...
  18. daftandbarmy

    Why We Glorify Overwork and Refuse to Rest

    Just posting this before I get going on the post work night shift ;) Why We Glorify Overwork and Refuse to Rest None of us want to admit that we would rather feel overwhelmed than underwhelmed. In fact, we often experience a greater sense of our own value when we’re working than we do when...
  19. daftandbarmy

    Welcome: 12 MLR

    The new-ish kids on the Littoral block... The #MarineCorps will redesignate the 12th Marine Regiment as the 12th Marine Littoral Regiment (MLR) on Nov. 15, 2023. The redesignation marks the next historic chapter in the Corps’ commitment to designing a force that can respond effectively to the...
  20. daftandbarmy

    11 SAS

    A great book! Reg Curtis recalls the day he volunteered for the new parachute force in October 1940: "In October, as a result of a directive sent out by Prime Minister Winston Churchill, we received a letter, which was read out to us by the regimental sergeant major. ‘Volunteers’, he shouted...