Canadian Military Acronyms: Difference between revisions

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(26 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 15: Line 15:

|Access Control Point
|Assistant Deputy Minister
|Assistant Deputy Minister
Line 40: Line 43:

|Base Auxiliary Security Force
|British Army Training Unit Suffield
|British Army Training Unit Suffield
Line 54: Line 60:
|Blank Firing Attachment
|Blank Firing Attachment
|Battle Fitness Test
Line 60: Line 69:
|Battery Captain
|Battery Captain
|Bio-Medical Engineering Technican
Line 77: Line 89:
|Base Personnel Selection Office
|Base Personnel Selection Officer
Line 101: Line 113:
|Canadian Forces General Order
|Canadian Forces General Order
|Canadian Special Operations Forces Command
|Canadian Air Force
Line 110: Line 128:
|Chief of the Air Staff
|Chief of the Air Staff
|Confined to Barracks / Base
|Canadian Brigade Group
|Canadian Brigade Group
|Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear
|Canadian Decoration
|Chief of the Defence Staff
|Chief of the Defence Staff
|Construction Engineering
Line 125: Line 155:
|CF 98
|CF 98
|Canadian Forces form #98 - Report on Injuries
|Canadian Forces form #98 - Report on Injuries
|Canadian Forces Ammunition Depot
|Canadian Forces Administrative Order
|Canadian Forces Administrative Order
|Canadian Forces Base
Line 138: Line 174:
|Canadian Forces Housing Agency
|Canadian Forces Housing Agency
|Canadian Forces Hospital
|CF H Svcs Gp
|Canadian Forces Health Services Group (formerly CFMG)
|Canadian Forces Medical Group (Old terminology)
|Canadian Forces Military Police Academy
|Canadian Forces Naval Engineering School
|Canadian Forces National Investigation Service
|Canadian Forces National Investigation Service
|Canadian Forces Naval Operations School
Line 149: Line 203:
|Canadian Forces Personnel Support Agency
|Canadian Forces Personnel Support Agency
|Canadian Forces Provost Marshal
|Canadian Forces Registration
Line 164: Line 224:
|Canadian Forces School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
|Canadian Forces School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
|Canadian Forces Service Prison and Detention Barracks
Line 188: Line 251:
|Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group
|Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group
|Canadian Medical Group
Line 203: Line 269:
|Company Orderly Sergeant
|Company Orderly Sergeant
Line 218: Line 287:
|Career Review Board (Medical)
|Career Review Board (Medical)
|Custody Review Officer
Line 224: Line 296:
|Company Sergeant Major
|Company Sergeant Major
|Canadian Special Operations Regiment
|Cadet Summer Training Centre
| Component Transfer
|Component Transfer
Line 240: Line 318:
|Defence Administrative Order and Directive
|Defence Administrative Order and Directive
|Defence Controlled Area Access Regulations
Line 258: Line 339:
| Distinctive Environmental Uniform
| Distinctive Environmental Uniform
|Director General Health Services (also Comd CF H Svcs Gp)
Line 297: Line 381:
|Deputy Provost Marshal
|Deputy Provost Marshal
|Defence Research and Development Canada
Line 306: Line 393:
|Department of Veteran Affairs
|Department of Veteran Affairs
|Drop Zone

Line 322: Line 412:
|Enabling Objective
|Enabling Objective
|Explosive Ordinance Disposal
|Engineer Technical Quarter Master Sergeant  
|Engineer Technical Quartermaster Sergeant  

Line 332: Line 425:
|width="200px"|F & E
|width="200px"|F & E
|Furniture and Effects
|Furniture and Effects
|Fleet Auxiliary Security Force
|Fleet Diving Unit
|Frigate, Helicopter equipped
|Frigate, Helicopter equipped
|Full Fighting Order
Line 353: Line 455:
|Forward Surgical Team
|Forward Surgical Team
|Government Property Traffic Regulations
|General Restricted Area
Line 361: Line 474:
|House Hunting Trip
|House Hunting Trip
|Home Leave Travel Assistance
Line 380: Line 496:
|In Accordance With (reference)
|In Accordance With (reference)
|In Charge
|Individual Battle Task Standards
|Integrated Clothing Ensemble
|Improved Environmental Clothing System
|Intermediate Engagement
|Intermediate Engagement
|Improvised Explosive Device
|Intelligence Preparation of Battlefield
|Infantry Section Commander's Course
|Infantry Section Commander's Course
|Inspection and Search Defence Regulations
Line 399: Line 536:
|Joint Force Headquarters
|Joint Force Headquarters
|Joint Personnel Support Unit
|Joint Task Force 2
|[[Joint Task Force 2]]


|Kellogg Brown and Root
|Kellogg Brown and Root
Line 417: Line 558:

|Light Armoured Vehicle
|Land Duty Allowance
|Land Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
|Land Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Line 427: Line 574:
|Land Force Command
|[[Land Force Command]]
Line 443: Line 590:
|Land Force Western Area
|Land Force Western Area
|Local Headquarters
Line 452: Line 602:
|Light Support Vehicle Wheeled
|Light Support Vehicle Wheeled
|Landing Zone

Line 458: Line 611:
|Maritime Command
|[[Maritime Command]]
Line 465: Line 618:
|Maritime Coastal Defence Vessel
|Maritime Coastal Defence Vessel
|Maintenance of Clinical Skills Program (For non-physicians)
|Military Family Resource Centre
|Military Family Resource Centre
|Militarized Commercial Off-the-Shelf
Line 489: Line 648:
|Military Occupation Code
|Military Occupation Code
|Maintenance of Competency (Physicians only)
|Military Occupation Structure Identification Code
Line 504: Line 669:
|Mobile Support Equipment
|Mobile Support Equipment
|Main Supply Route
Line 512: Line 680:

|North Atlantic Treaty Organization
|[[North Atlantic Treaty Organization]]
|National Counter Intelligence Unit
|Non-Commissioned Officers/Non-Commissioned Members
|Non-Commissioned Officers/Non-Commissioned Members
|Negligent Discharge
Line 523: Line 697:
|National Defence Headquarters
|National Defence Headquarters
|Natioanl Defence Identification
Line 535: Line 712:
|Non Governmental Organization
|Non Governmental Organization
|National Investigation Service
Line 544: Line 718:
|National Joint Training Plan
|National Joint Training Plan
|North American Aerospace Defence
Line 550: Line 727:
|Non Public Property
|Non Public Property
|National Security Studies Course
|National Security Studies Course
|Night Vision Goggles

Line 560: Line 743:
|Officer General Specifications
|Officer General Specifications
|Officer On Duty
Line 597: Line 783:
|Put Away (as instructed to a Clerk in a minute to file a document)
|Put Away (as instructed to a Clerk in a minute to file a document)
|Public Affairs Officer
Line 607: Line 796:
|Personnel Evaluation Report
|Personnel Evaluation Report
| Platoon
| Platoon
Line 624: Line 813:
|Performance Objective
|Performance Objective
|Petroleum, Oil & Lubricants
|Prisoner of War
|Petty Officer of the Day
Line 630: Line 828:
|Personnel Support Agency
|Personnel Support Agency
|Personnel Support Programs
Line 668: Line 869:
|width="200px"|R & Q
|width="200px"|R & Q
|Rations and Quarters
|Rations and Quarters
|Rest & Relaxation
|Royal Canadian Air Force
|Royal Canadian Navy
|Reserve Entry Training Program
|Reserve Entry Training Program
|Residential Housing Unit
Line 677: Line 890:
|Royal Military College
|Royal Military College
|Rocky Mountain National Army Cadet Summer Training Centre
|Reviewing Officer
Line 698: Line 917:
|Rendezvous point on patrol
|Rendezvous point on patrol
|Road and Vehicle Safety
Line 706: Line 928:

|Search and Rescue
|Security and Military Police Information System
|Staff Assistance Visit
|Staff Assistance Visit
Line 720: Line 948:
|Standard for Harassment and Racism Prevention
|Standard for Harassment and Racism Prevention
|Significant Incident Report
|Company Orderly Sergeant
Line 726: Line 960:
|Staff Inspection Visits
|Staff Inspection Visits
|Service Level Agreement
|Service Number
|Standard Operating Procedure
Line 738: Line 981:
|Secteur du Québec de la Force terrestre
|Secteur du Québec de la Force terrestre

Line 743: Line 989:

|Tactical Combat Casulty Care
|Temporary Duty
|Temporary Duty
Line 759: Line 1,008:
|Technical Quarter Master Sergeant
|Technical Quartermaster Sergeant
Line 771: Line 1,020:

|Unit Identification Code
|Unit Medical Section
|Unit Medical Section
Line 783: Line 1,035:
|Vice Chief of the Defence Staff
|Vice Chief of the Defence Staff
|Vehicle Check Point
Line 790: Line 1,045:
|Vernon Army Cadet Summer Training Centre
|Vernon Army Cadet Summer Training Centre
|Wing Auxiliary Security Force
|Executive Officer
[[Category:Canadian Forces]]

Latest revision as of 05:21, 3 July 2014



2IC Second-in-Command
404s DND 404 (Military Driver's License)


ACP Access Control Point
ADM Assistant Deputy Minister
Adm or Admin Administration
AFC Armed Forces Council
AMSC Advanced Military Studies Course (16 weeks run at CFC Toronto)
ASC Advanced Surgical Centre
ATI Access to Information Act
AVGP Armoured Vehicle General Purpose (Grizzly, Cougar and Bison)


BASF Base Auxiliary Security Force
BATUS British Army Training Unit Suffield
BC Battery Commander
Bde Brigade
BF Bring Forward (placed on a document with date the Clerk is to bring it back from the files)
BFA Blank Firing Attachment
BFT Battle Fitness Test
BG Battle Group
BK Battery Captain
BMET Bio-Medical Engineering Technican
BMS Brigade Medical Station
BMQ Basic Military Qualification
Bn Battalion
BOR Battalion Orderly Room
BOS Battalion Orderly Sergeant
BPSO Base Personnel Selection Officer
BQMS Battery Quartermaster Sergeant
BSM Battery Sergeant Major
Bty Battery


C&P Counselling and Probation
CADPAT Canadian Disruptive Pattern
CANFORGEN Canadian Forces General Order
CANSOFCOM Canadian Special Operations Forces Command
CAF Canadian Air Force
CAP Common Army Phase
CAR Canadian Airborne Regiment
CAS Chief of the Air Staff
CB Confined to Barracks / Base
CBG Canadian Brigade Group
CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear
CD Canadian Decoration
CDS Chief of the Defence Staff
CE Construction Engineering
CEF Canadian Expeditionary Force (1914-1919)
CF Canadian Forces
CF 98 Canadian Forces form #98 - Report on Injuries
CFAD Canadian Forces Ammunition Depot
CFAO Canadian Forces Administrative Order
CFB Canadian Forces Base
CFC Canadian Forces College (located in Toronto)
CFCSC Canadian Forces Command and Staff Course (run at CFC located in Toronto)
CFHA Canadian Forces Housing Agency
CFH Canadian Forces Hospital
CF H Svcs Gp Canadian Forces Health Services Group (formerly CFMG)
CFMG Canadian Forces Medical Group (Old terminology)
CFMPA Canadian Forces Military Police Academy
CFNES Canadian Forces Naval Engineering School
CFNIS Canadian Forces National Investigation Service
CFNOS Canadian Forces Naval Operations School
CFP Canadian Forces Publication
CFPAS Canadian Forces Personnel Appraisal System
CFPSA Canadian Forces Personnel Support Agency
CFPM Canadian Forces Provost Marshal
CFR Canadian Forces Registration
CFR Commissioning From the Ranks
CFRC Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre
CFRETS Canadian Forces Recruiting, Education and Training System
CFSD Canadian Forces Supply Depot
CFSEME Canadian Forces School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
CFSPDB Canadian Forces Service Prison and Detention Barracks
CFTO Canadian Forces Technical Order
CHAP Cadet Harassment and Abuse Prevention
CHRA Canadian Human Rights Act
CHRC Canadian Human Rights Commission
CIC Cadet Instructor Cadre
CLFCSC Canadian Land Force Command and Staff College (located in Kingston)
CLS Chief of the Land Staff
CMBG Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group
CMG Canadian Medical Group
CO Commanding Officer
COA Course of Action
COS Change of Strength
COS Chief of Staff
COS Company Orderly Sergeant
Coxn Coxswain
Coy Company
CP Command Post
CQMS Company Quarter Master Sergeant
CRB Career Review Board
CRB(M) Career Review Board (Medical)
CRO Custody Review Officer
CSIS Canadian Security and Intelligence Service
CSM Company Sergeant Major
CSOR Canadian Special Operations Regiment
CSTC Cadet Summer Training Centre
CT Component Transfer
CTP Course Training Plan
CTS Clothe The Soldier


DAOD Defence Administrative Order and Directive
DCAAR Defence Controlled Area Access Regulations
DCDS Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff
DCO Deputy Commanding Officer
DCOS Deputy Chief of Staff
DDH Destroyer, Helicopter carrying
DEO Direct Entry Officer
DEU Distinctive Environmental Uniform
DGHS Director General Health Services (also Comd CF H Svcs Gp)
DGMC Director General (Military Careers)
DGPA Director General (Public Affairs)
DGRC Director General (Reserves and Cadets)
DGSP Director General (Strategic Planning)
DHH Directorate of History and Heritage
DI Daily Inspection (vehicle)
DIN Defence Information Network
DISO Defence Information Services Organization
DM Deputy Minister
DND Department of National Defence
DO Duty Officer
DP Development Period
DPM Deputy Provost Marshal
DRDC Defence Research and Development Canada
DRET Directorate of Recruiting, Education and Training
DSM Drill Sergeant Major
DVA Department of Veteran Affairs
DZ Drop Zone


ED & T Exempt From Drill and Training
EIS Equipment Issue Scale
ELOC Essential Level of Capability
EO Enabling Objective
EOD Explosive Ordinance Disposal
ETQMS Engineer Technical Quartermaster Sergeant


F & E Furniture and Effects
FASF Fleet Auxiliary Security Force
FDU Fleet Diving Unit
FFH Frigate, Helicopter equipped
FFO Full Fighting Order
FHP Force Health Protection
Fin Financial
Fin O Financial Officer
FOA Field Operations Allowance
FOO Forward Observation Officer
FST Forward Surgical Team


GPTR Government Property Traffic Regulations
GRA General Restricted Area


HHT House Hunting Trip
HLTA Home Leave Travel Assistance
HLVW Heavy Logistics Vehicle Wheeled
HMCS Her Majesty's Canadian Ship
HQ Headquarters
HR Human Resources (ie... HR (Mil)- Military, HR (Civ)- Civiliian


IAW In Accordance With (reference)
I/C In Charge
IBTS Individual Battle Task Standards
ICE Integrated Clothing Ensemble
IECS Improved Environmental Clothing System
IE Intermediate Engagement
IED Improvised Explosive Device
IPB Intelligence Preparation of Battlefield
ISCC Infantry Section Commander's Course
ISDR Inspection and Search Defence Regulations
ISTAR Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance


JAG Judge Advocate General
JFHQ Joint Force Headquarters
JPSU Joint Personnel Support Unit
JTF2 Joint Task Force 2


KBR Kellogg Brown and Root
KMB Kabul Multi-National Brigade


LAV Light Armoured Vehicle
LDA Land Duty Allowance
LEME Land Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
LFA Land Force Area
LFAA Land Force Atlantic Area
LFC Land Force Command
LFCA Land Force Central Area
LFDTS Land Forces Doctrine and Training System
LFQA Land Force Quebec Area
LFRR Land Force Reserve Restructure
LFWA Land Force Western Area
LHQ Local Headquarters
LOAC Law of Armed Conflict
LP Listening Post
LSVW Light Support Vehicle Wheeled
LZ Landing Zone


MARCOM Maritime Command
MCC Military Career Counsellor
MCDV Maritime Coastal Defence Vessel
MCSP Maintenance of Clinical Skills Program (For non-physicians)
MFRC Military Family Resource Centre
MILCOTS Militarized Commercial Off-the-Shelf
MIO Maritime Interdiction Operations
MIR Medical Inspection Room
MLOC Minimum Level of Capability
MLVW Medium Logistics Vehicle Wheeled
MMU Multi-National Medical Unit
MND Minister of National Defence
MOC Military Occupation Code
MOCOMP Maintenance of Competency (Physicians only)
MOSID Military Occupation Structure Identification Code
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MP Military Police
MPCC Military Police Complaints Commission
MPI Mean Point of Impact
MSE Mobile Support Equipment
MSR Main Supply Route
MTAP Military Training Assistance Program


NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NCIU National Counter Intelligence Unit
NCO/NCM Non-Commissioned Officers/Non-Commissioned Members
ND Negligent Discharge
NDA National Defence Act
NDHQ National Defence Headquarters
NDI Natioanl Defence Identification
NDOC National Defence Operations Centre
NEO New Entry Officer
NES Non-Effective Strength
NGO Non Governmental Organization
NIS National Investigation Service
NJTP National Joint Training Plan
NORAD North American Aerospace Defence
NPF Non Public Funds
NPP Non Public Property
N/S Non-Serviceable
NSSC National Security Studies Course
NVG Night Vision Goggles


OGS Officer General Specifications
OOD Officer On Duty
OP Observation Post
Op Operation
OPDP Officer Professional Development Program
OPI Office of Primary Interest
OPME Officer Professional Military Education
OPV Offshore Patrol Vessel
Ops O Operations Officer
OR Orderly Room


P & A Pay and Allowances
P Res Primary Reserve
PA Put Away (as instructed to a Clerk in a minute to file a document)
PAFO Public Affairs Officer
PD Professional Development
PDC Professional Development Council
PER Personnel Evaluation Report
Pl Platoon
PLD Post Living Differential
PLQ Primary Leadership Qualification
PMed Preventive Medicine (NOTE IT IS NOT PreMed or PrevMed!!!!)
PMQ Permanent Married Quarters
PO Performance Objective
POL Petroleum, Oil & Lubricants
POW Prisoner of War
POOD Petty Officer of the Day
PRB Performance Review Board
PSA Personnel Support Agency
PSP Personnel Support Programs
PSWQ Platoon Support Weapons Qualification
PSO Personnel Selection Officer


QL Qualification Level
QM Quartermaster
QMSI Quartermaster Sergeant Instructor
QOL Quality of Life
QOLPMO Quality of Life Project Management Office
QOLSRB Quality of Life Senior Review Board
QR&O Queen's Regulations and Orders


R & Q Rations and Quarters
R&R Rest & Relaxation
RCAF Royal Canadian Air Force
RCN Royal Canadian Navy
RETP Reserve Entry Training Program
RHU Residential Housing Unit
RIIP Reserve Integrated Information Project
RMC Royal Military College
RMNACSTC Rocky Mountain National Army Cadet Summer Training Centre
RO Reviewing Officer
ROE Rules of Engagement
ROTP Regular Officer Training Plan
RSM Regimental Sergeant Major
RSO Range Safety Officer
RSS Reg F Support Staff
RTU Returned To Unit
RV Rendezvous point on patrol
RVS Road and Vehicle Safety
RW Recorded Warning


SAR Search and Rescue
SAMPIS Security and Military Police Information System
SAV Staff Assistance Visit
SCONDVA Standing Committee on National Defence and Veterans Affairs
SCRR Special Commission on the Restructuring of the Reserves
SFOR Stabilization Force
SHARP Standard for Harassment and Racism Prevention
SIR Significant Incident Report
SISIP Company Orderly Sergeant
SIU Special Investigation Unit
SIV Staff Inspection Visits
SLA Service Level Agreement
SN Service Number
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
Sp Support
Spr Sapper
SQ Soldier Qualification
SQFT Secteur du Québec de la Force terrestre
Sup Supply


TCCC Tactical Combat Casulty Care
TD Temporary Duty
TL Trade Level (obsolete term for course training levels, ex. TL 2, TL 3 ...)
TOS Terms of Service
TP Training Plan
TQ Trade Qualification (obsolete term for course training levels, ex. TQ 2, TQ 3 ...)
TQMS Technical Quartermaster Sergeant
Trg Training
Trg O Training Officer


UIC Unit Identification Code
UMS Unit Medical Section


VAC Veterans Affairs Canada
VCDS Vice Chief of the Defence Staff
VCP Vehicle Check Point
VFS Verification of Former Service
VACSTC Vernon Army Cadet Summer Training Centre


WASF Wing Auxiliary Security Force


XO Executive Officer