's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

It is quite true that my film's view of man is less flattering than the one Rousseau entertained in a similarly allegorical narrative—but, in order to avoid fascism, does one have to view man as a noble savage, rather than an ignoble one? Being a pessimist is not yet enough to qualify one to be regarded as a tyrant (I hope)...The age of the alibi, in which we find ourselves, began with the opening sentence of Rousseau's Emile: 'Nature made me happy and good, and if I am otherwise, it is society's fault.' It is based on two misconceptions: that man in his natural state was happy and good, and that primal man had no society...Rousseau's romantic fallacy that it is society which corrupts man, not man who corrupts society, places a flattering gauze between ourselves and reality.

- Stanley Kubrick

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Military Word Of The Day
RCA School
The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery School

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Today in Military History

July 1


The Provinces of Canada united under British North America Act


Lord Strathcona's Horse (Royal Canadians): Preservance


The Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps is authorized


The regular component of the Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers is authorized: Ubique (Everywhere)




SOMME, 1916, effective dates for battle honour begin (to 18 Nov 16)

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