's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

It was a mystery to me why the Canadians and British were advancing so hesitantly. Their enormous tank superiority was hardly fulfilling its potential. Instead of pushing their tank formations quickly and deeply into our defences and creating a bridgehead over the Orne, they were only using tanks to support their infantry operations. With the exception of the extremely agile and well-led artillery, the attacker lacked momentum and initiative on the battlefield and was conducting the assault on Caen along tactical principles employed in World War I.

- Generalmajor der Waffen-SS Kurt "Panzer" Meyer, Commander, 12th SS Panzer Div "Hitlerjugend

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Military Word Of The Day
forward line of own troops

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Today in Military History

September 28


YPRES, effective dates for battle honour begin (to 2 Oct 18)

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