's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

I want to go to zero, and I'll tell you why: If we and the Russians can go to zero nuclear weapons, then think what that does for us in our efforts to counter the new war... Think how intolerant we will be of nations that are developing nuclear weapons if we have none. Think of the high moral ground we secure by having none... It's kind of hard for us to say to North Korea, 'You are terrible people, you're developing a nuclear weapons,' when we have oh, 8,000.

- General Charles Horner

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Today in Military History

June 24


Lord Kichener born


Captain L.S.T. Halliday, Royal Marine Light Infantry, awarded the Victoria Cross, Peking


VC won by Flight Lieut. David Ernest Hornell, Royal Canadian Air Force, Shetland Islands (posthumous)

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