's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

I divide my officers into four classes:
the clever
the lazy
the industrious
and the stupid.
Each officer posses at least two of these qualities.

Those who are clever & industrious are fitted for the highest staff appointments.

Use can be made of those who are stupid & lazy.

The man who is clever & lazy however, is for the very highest command; he has the temperment & the nerves to deal with all situations.

Whoever is stupid and industrious is a menace and must be removed immediatly.

- Gen-Baron von Hammersteiner, Equord C-C, Reichswehr

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Military Word Of The Day

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Today in Military History

June 24


Lord Kichener born


Captain L.S.T. Halliday, Royal Marine Light Infantry, awarded the Victoria Cross, Peking


VC won by Flight Lieut. David Ernest Hornell, Royal Canadian Air Force, Shetland Islands (posthumous)

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