's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

Once upon a time we knew what to do. A British district officer, coming upon a scene of suttee, was told by the locals that in Hindu culture it was the custom to cremate a widow on her husband's funeral pyre. He replied that in British culture it was the custom to hang chaps who did that sort of thing. There are many great things about India - curry, pyjamas, sitars, software engineers -- but suttee was not one of them. What a pity we're no longer capable of being 'judgmental' and 'discriminating'.

- Mark Steyn

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Military Word Of The Day
troop-carrying vehicle

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Today in Military History

June 27


Japan proclaims "Greater East Co-Prosperity Sphere"


Cherbourg taken by the Allies

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