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Your experience's

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I live in Montreal and am at college level, I am seventeen and I am joining the reserves when I turning eighteen. When I finish my education (university) I will join the regular force, hopefully as an officer. My question is: what has been your experience in the military, any suggestions? I believe Light Infantry is the way for me. Please post your experiences or any tips.
You already posted that here, you might want to delete or edit that one as the title of the thread does not reflect what you are seeking.
Alpha032 said:
I believe Light Infantry is the way for me.

haha, seen a more than a few guys who thought they would love Light Infantry, an after 7 weeks of SQ doing dismounted work, etc they were all about wanting to goto the Mechanized Battalions.

As a civilian with no clue what the Army is like how do you know that the Light Infantry is the place for you? Also you have no say in which battalion you goto.  An last week didn't you want to be a Combat Engineer Sniper?
I didn't want to become an combat engineer sniper. I just asked if it was possible. It's like asking if Infantry can become combat divers, now I know it's stupid.
Please start posting your thoughts and tips, I need your input.

Alpha032 said:
Please start posting your thoughts and tips, I need your input.


Geez, it's only been a little over an hour, give it some time. 
People do have lives other than being on here (yeah, I know, hard to believe, eh?  ;) ).
My tip is that research is the key to making any career goals. Look around, there is a lot of information. Take your time in the process, you will gather more knowledge.
Alpha032, can you answer my question above

Alpha032 said:
Please start posting your thoughts and tips

The Light Infantry stuff may look awesome and hardcore in the movies, but it's not easy an at times it sucks.

Also, the Mech BNs also do some Light Fighter training and do dismounted patrolling, send Soldiers into the OMLT, etc

The only thing you can really do to prepare for the Military is just get in the best shape you can an take care of all your personal things like payments, banking, family, etc before you leave for basic.
-Skeletor- said:
As a civilian with no clue what the Army is like how do you know that the Light Infantry is the place for you?

You are right, I am sorry if I seemed.. lets say "n00bish", but thats why I'm here. If you explain to me what it's like or point me in the right direction I won't have to make a choice I will regret later. As for being part of the light infantry, I know I don't decide were I will be placed, but I would like to be part of light infantry because I've read somewhere on this site that opportunities for recce, para, and sniper are above others,(is this true? It seems unlikely once I think about it).

(and I am getting in shape)

Thanks for your time

Why should we take you by the hand and walk you through all the aspects of becoming a superninjasniper if you will not even make a minimal effort to research the CF website or even this site?  ::)
I know you have to be infantry to become a sniper, I know I can't pick were I am going. I'm just trying to get a little information about what might happen.


And I did search the CF website, not much this one, but thats why I'm here. Post some links.
Recce an Sniper are hard courses an you shouldn't even be thinking about them at this time.

Also, every Infantry Battalion has a Recce Pl an Sniper Grp. Mechanized Infantry needs them just like Light Infantry. And yes the Light Battalions have the Jump Companies, but that doesn't mean Soldiers in the Mech Battalions can't go on the Basic Para course.

Anyways, like Gap said search don't expect to be spoon fed. Theres a lot of topics covering everything you are asking about.

The title of this thread is "Your experience's" - Extreamly vague and besides this site has, I don't know, maybe 10000 threads relating to mbrs recruiting experiences all the way to experiences in combat and pretty much everything in between. If you wish to hear people's expeariences in relation to light Infantry or light Infantry v.s. Mech Infantry state that in the title, but both of those discussions are covered in numerous threads already here at Army.ca.

If you head on over to the Infantry sub catagory I am sure you find tons of threads containing tons of information

By the way, on a side note it should be "Your experiences" not "Your experience's" but in the end not a huge deal
Thanks this is exactly what I wanted, somebody to correct me and put me in my place. This is not meant to be sarcastic, when I start to get hyped up on something I need some thing to calm me( normally a yelling parent helps, but they don't seem to mind).

As for the topic I can't change it anymore.
It was well stated in another thread....if you want to be an officer you should be able to at least do the research to get your own answers. 

And tanks can snipe....they just aren't as subtle as an infanteer.
Well thanks everybody, I'm now gonna do as you said and do some research and continue training.

  :sniper:                                                          :pushup: :PT:
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