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Would you enlist in the US Marines if it were open to Canadians?


  • YES

    Votes: 89 56.3%
  • NO

    Votes: 48 30.4%
  • Only if I could not get into the CF

    Votes: 21 13.3%

  • Total voters

PJ D-Dog

Reaction score
Hello All:

In an attempt at gathering some non-scientific data as part of my research, I have created this new poll.  Please answer the following question in your reply.  Thanks.  PJ.

If the US Military were to begin accepting applications from natural born Canadian citizens, what would be your reasons for joining the US Military?  Please elaborate.
First a question.  Are we talking about the entire US Military or just USMC?  The poll says US Marines but your question says US Military.

Now an answer. The US military offers many oppourtunities that the Canadian forces don't.  Things like working on an aircrafy carrier, flying many different kinds of aircraft (different types of fighters, bombers, attack helicopters, transport planes and transport helicopters etc), driving tanks (well I guess Canada will still have tanks for a few more years) there is alot more, but you get the picture. 

For the US Army, if you visit the website that lists all the different jobs you can have, you can see there is much more variety then in the Canadian Forces.

As well, in my opinion, the US Military has alot more support both from the people and from the government,  though some may dispute that.  I'm sure it varies from province to province, city to city etc.

I personally would join the US Miltary (either the US Army or Marine Corps) if it was mad easier for Canadians to enlist.  If it isn't done then  I will still serve for Canada and have great pride while doing so. :salute: :cdn:

scm77 said:
First a question.   Are we talking about the entire US Military or just USMC?   The poll says US Marines but your question says US Military.

I meant the US Marine Corps but I accidentally wrote the US Military.  You can answer with your comments both ways.  Thanks for the input.

PJ D-Dog
I'd consider it.  The CF would still be my main choice, but if something happens that would make the CF less desirable to join, or more difficult (budget cutbacks, personel reductions, etc.), then yes, I'd consider the USMC.

No. I'm Canadian, therefore I serve in Canada's army.

Plain and simple, end of story.
Agreed with bloggins, my motives are more then purely mercenary, as such, I have no desire to be in the armed forces of another country.
There is no way in hell I would serve for another country and I don't care how many better opportunities or weapons/vehicles they have.

:cdn: , eh!

No, because despite the idiots that sometime govern her, this great country is the country of my birth and I am proud to serve her in whatever capacity I can. :cdn:
Well, my questions would be:

1) What's the USMC health plan out look wrt gender reassignment proceedures?


2) Is there going to be a lot of drill? I don't like drill.....

Not sure what you mean by "Natural born", it would rule me out if it means what I think it does. Also, what kind of deal would there be wrt obtaining citizenship and/or a pension after one's contract is complete? What about access to funding for education a la GI bill or whatever it is you call it? Presumably if one is serious about joining there would have to be some long term stability, since I doubt you're looking for guys who join just to "shoot ragheads"? I suppose it would all depend on the terms of service, I wouldn't consider it unless I was offered at least the full set of benefits that US citizens enjoy (I don't think anyone's going to put their ass on the line without getting access to the good stuff  at the end), but I personally wouldn't rule it out on principle alone.
Britney Spears said:
Well, my questions would be:

1) What's the USMC health plan out look wrt gender reassignment proceedures?

You want to know if the Marines can make a man out of you?

If the Canadian Army couldn't do it, Britney, what makes you think the Marines could? ;D
I'm a little old to be changing horses in mid stream...  But I think of a book called "Dual Allegience" by Ben Dunkelman.  A company commander in the QOR in WW2, he went to Isreal and was their first Armd Bde Commander.  I could see Canadians joining the US military to accomplish goals necessary to the defence of democracy and western civilization, if they felt they could contribute more outside of Canada.

The large number of Americans who fought with the Canadians in WW1 ("Generals Die in Bed", by an American in the Royal Montreal Regt is one example) and WW2 (read "Terror in the Starboard Seat" by a Canadian Mosquito Nav flying with an American Pilot) joined up to fight a war their country had not yet figured out how to enter. They knew it needed fighting, and they went.  I see a similarity today, with traffic moving in the other direction.

Iit was easy when I joined - the "front" was the Inner German Border.  Now, if a young person asked me where best to contribute in the fight for democracy and liberty... well, I would say,  go South.

If the Canadian Army couldn't do it, Britney, what makes you think the Marines could? Grin

We ARE ahead of the game in that department. Perhaps that is a good reason to jump ship?
I was born in Canada, love Canada, and want to serve, yup, you guessed it, Canada.  But in circumstances such as the first and second world wars, when Americans joined up to fight for the greater good of man, I can see the logic.  But right now, I dont see any reason to go south.  So at this moment in time, no, I think I will stay here, trusting that my country will do the right thing.
At the risk of adding fuel to this digression, I find it odd that the Canadian Taxpayers would give me a larger set of teats faster than they would give a female soldier a larger set of teats.  Mind you, I would no doubt be optioned for the whole package....

Naw, my wife likes me just the way I yam.   ;D

Would be interesting to see the other side of the coin on this question:

Would the American tax payers and politicians want/accept a foreign legion?

Perhaps someone here has more insight to the American perspective that says different, but my personal inclination is that it would never happen. Especially in this post 9/11 era with security issues being one of their top concerns.
I don't think they need a separate force, just seemless policies that encourage specific foriegn nationals to go to the USA, enlist for five years or so, and get citizenship as a result.  If they did that, it would blow our recruiting efforts right out of the water here in Canada.  No way could we compete with those wages or benefits. 

So why don't they?  We compete for Doctors, Engineers, Entertainers (yechhh) and others, why not fr soldiers?

As much as I have thought about it in the past, even as I stood on the flight line at FT Hood, waiting for 31 CBG to arrive and watching 1 Cav deploy to Iraq to relieve 4 ID, I would have to say no.  I am a Canadian, and bear allegence to Canada and ERII.  On the same note, if the oppurtunity to serve in Brit Army came up, my answer would probabaly be different.