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Will my application be stopped.


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I am quite sure I allready know the awnser to this. But I figure there is no harm in asking some more experienced members. I have applied to the Infantry, I gone through reliability, did extremly well on my Cfat, did very well in my interview, and my medical was great. However there is one problem I did not forsee. When I was younger I dropped out of highschool to go firefighting (I know stupid move). I thought I had completed all of grade ten but it turns out I am three courses short. I just finished all of my testing today and did very well, And just recieved a call from my last school telling me I was short these courses. I am going to call my recruiter tommorow and let him know about it.

My question to all of you is, will this stop my application? Since this afternoon when i recieved the bad news I made arrangements to take my GED. As I do not feel I will have a problem with it. The only problem is, the testing date is not until June 5/6. If this problem does stop my application process will they put my application on pause until I get my GED? Or will I have to do this all over again.

Thank you guys I could not find any information on this in search. Just wondering if they make exceptions at all if you scored well on your exam. Any input is greatly appreciated
You must have 15 high school credits OR the GED. Your file will remain open until you get your GED results if you ask them. Have you looked at any way to challenge your missing credits at a high school?Call the school board and ask them. Some places will allow you to study and write the tests for a fee.
The GED is your best bet as it is counted as completed high school in most provinces.

Call the CFRC and talk to the MCC who interviewed you. Shouldn't be a problem holding your file until you get GED done.


He basically said it all but no they wont stop your application, more like putting it aside until you have the proof of completing your grade 10 or your GED. However long it takes your application with always remain their.
CFR FCS said:
The GED is your best bet as it is counted as completed high school in most provinces.

Out of curiosity, which provinces don't count the GED as completed high school?