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Why I hate hippies- the Department of Peace?


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I've been getting fairly positive support from my friends and family on my decision to rejoin the CF. The most common question is "why do you want to be a soldier". In response, and to help answer this I posted "On Sheep, Sheepdogs and Wolves" retold by Grossman in On Killing.

Well, needless to say, I received a couple of crazy replies. One of my Facebook friends decided to post comments saying that I was only joining the army because of a manhood inferiority complex and was trying to compensate with a gun. I don't even know this guy that well so I simply removed him from my "friends" list and deleted his rants. (Including one about calling for a Department of Peace (http://www.departmentofpeace.ca/). Don't even get me started on why replacing DND with this is a stupid idea.  ::)

His most recent note, which I have now deleted: 


Forget Overseas. Try succeeding domestically. Joining the army's is not for everybody. This army dude is an example of the mild paranoia that I was referring to earlier.

Not too many people have the psychological strength to endure civilian capital murder charges when their life ambition is precieved to be exactly the opposite; to defend the country.

Unless, this is an isolated incident, which I don't think it is. Then one might conclude that the millitary industrial complex is out of control, anti-productive. Hence, we need a department of peace.

That was the final straw for me. To which I replied (privately),

I'm finding your comments to be highly offensive. Please stop posting them on my note. I am not joining the military because "I have not been successful in life", in fact quite the opposite. I also don't have some manhood inferiority complex (paraphrasing your words here) and need to carry a gun.

You are very ignorant about what the military really does, I'd suggest 15 Days by Christine Blatchford to start. It's one thing to call for peace and oppose war and another to criticize the individuals that are willing to dedicating their lives, and possibly give them, to protect you from those that would do you harm.

Don't contact me again.

Sorry for the rant but this guy really got my goat. Good saying that "got your goat".  :)
You do realize when you join sites like Crackbook, you open yourself up to both negative or positive view points. Personally I don't think you should be at all surprised.
Not to mention, with a thread title such as the one used here, you are asking for negative comments.
I hate people like that... people that harasse soldiers who give everything for what they believe in. Same thing in Vietnam, those guys came back battered and beaten and after enduring such a Hell were always the targets of these Hippies...    :army:

Cynicism on!

Perhaps, as the topic title suggests, they should all band together and form the Department of Peace, much the same as French Doctors banded together to form Doctors Sans Frontiers.  They could be the perpetuaters of Canada's fine name in "Peacekeeping" and venture off to foreign hotspots and "Peacekeep".  After all, they probably think it is a simple task, that requires very little training other than peacefully standing in between waring factions; similar to all those "Peaceniks" who thought it a good idea to go to Iraq and camp out at hospitals, milk factories, etc. during the last Gulf War.  Yes; they may have come up with the solution to your problem.  >:D

Cynicism off.
George Wallace said:

Cynicism on!

Perhaps, as the topic title suggests, they should all band together and form the Department of Peace, much the same as French Doctors banded together to form Doctors Sans Frontiers.  They could be the perpetuaters of Canada's fine name in "Peacekeeping" and venture off to foreign hotspots and "Peacekeep".  After all, they probably think it is a simple task, that requires very little training other than peacefully standing in between waring factions; similar to all those "Peaceniks" who thought it a good idea to go to Iraq and camp out at hospitals, milk factories, etc. during the last Gulf War.  Yes; they may have come up with the solution to your problem.   >:D

Cynicism off.

i know the whole "peacekeeping" thing has been discussed here before but, there is so much truth to that in every online social network group.  On the topic of facebook, ok well I have seen just last week a woman on the "Canadian Forces" group saying something along the lines of...

"I also support every other troop, and parents,
brothers and sisters, family and friends anxious,
will he or she be another fallen one.

So I mean people's hearts are in the right place I just think its a really common Canadian stereotype.

Cheers, Kyle

EDIT:  PS I love that "Department Of Peace" website, good for a laugh.  As if they get to settle into the Canadian Parliament building after there are "established"  :P
Schütze said:
I hate people like that... people that harasse soldiers who give everything for what they believe in. Same thing in Vietnam, those guys came back battered and beaten and after enduring such a Hell were always the targets of these Hippies...    :army:
