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Who is your all time favourite comedian??

Ron James

Saw him live in F'ton awhile back, we laughed so hard we could hardly breath and my cheeks hurt for days!!

Ron 'Tater Salad' White


Ed Byrne:

His airport security routine, as well as "Isn't it Ironic." His DVD "Pedantic and Whimsicle" is on Youtube and if you have an hour to kill its pretty funny.
Gibert Gottfried.

He's obnoxious, loud and horribly offensive. In other words, my kind of comedy.

George Carlin is also up there, as is Bob Sagat (yes, the guy from Full House).

Scott Taylor, every time he opens his gob, something hilarious falls out.
Kat Stevens said:
S***t T****r, every time he opens his gob, something hilarious falls out.
Great, that name mentioned again; three more lawyers born and a kitten killed  >:(
Bob, I knew you were going to say that.

And now for the old guy input, my favorite comedian is Jack Benny. My favorite group is the old Carol Burnett show crew with Carol, Harvey Korman, Tim Conway, Vicki Lawrence and Lyle Waggoner.
Billy Connelly

Still have him on tape, yes thats right I'm not too young to now know what a cassette is.  8)
MedTechStudent said:
Billy Connelly

Still have him on tape, yes thats right I'm not too young to now know what a cassette is.  8)


I have a large collection of Bill Cosby on vinyl.
George Wallace said:

I have a large collection of Bill Cosby on vinyl.

Oh jeez....I remember buying Hold Your Fire by Rush and The Sport Of Kings by Triumph on vinyl at some garage sale.  Damn things are at the house.  Wonder if my turn table was sold.  ???
Does Stephan Dion count or maybe George W. Bush?
I think May is funnier than both put together

Seriously, what about Pinette?
"GET OUT OF THE LINE  :rage: "
Some of my favorite comedians are on this site  ;D

An example here (cut and pasted)

Re: U of Windsor Pres Wonders Whether AFG Mission is About Oil
"I don't know. Is it really about a better future for all of us? Is it really a war on terror? Is it about oil? I just don't know and I wish I did."

Mr. O'Leary's hilarious response--a rip-snorter IMHO and yes I was literally  :rofl:

« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2009, 22:09:44 »

If only he worked somewhere where he could ask smart people about viable oil reserves in Afghanistan.

I borrowed Mr. O'Leary's witticism at work one day when this conversation was taking place (for those who don't know, I work at a university) I don't think it earned me many brownie points ...  ;D

But it sure was fun  ... thanks, Mr. O'Leary!

leroi said:
If only he worked somewhere where he could ask smart people about viable oil reserves in Afghanistan.

:rofl: !!!!

And so true.  I go to post-secondary. Barely anyone there I have seen, has any room to comment on AFG.
Richard Prior?
Eddie Murphy? (Raw and Delirious anyone?)
Dave Chappelle?
Dennis Leary?

Edit: Dennis Leary made my list as a token White Guy.
SoldierInTheMaking said:
The Chappelle show was awesome, I miss it lol

I rented the best of DVD recently.  The "blind black white supremacist" one was so awful it was awesome.  It really is too bad the show's over.
Demetri Martin Joke-  I was on the street, and this guy waved to me and he came up to me and he said, "I'm sorry, I thought you were somebody else".....I said...... "I am"  hahah to funny. Another one, "This summer I learned at a party that, there's a small but important difference between peeing in the pool and peeing into the pool, location location location.  :rofl: