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Where Have All the Real Men Gone?


Army.ca Dinosaur
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All present and accounted for at this end, Sarn't Major! :salute:

Where Have All the Real Men Gone?

"The exemplar of the modern male is the hairless, metrosexualised man and decorator boys who turn heter-osexual slobs into perfumed ponies. All of which is fine as long as we can dwell happily in the Kingdom of Starbucks, munching our biscotti and debating whether nature or nurture determines gender identity. But in the dangerous world in which we really live, it might be nice to have a few guys around who aren’t trying to juggle pedicures and highlights."

Though I can, if need be, pretty up for the lasses, I for one turn away from the whole metrosexual-look, and neither do I allow "decorator boys" to turn me into a "perfumed pony".  Don't know if that makes me a man, but is sure doesn't make me a metro! ;D
Rugged looks and charm beats out metro-fashionable any day of the week...
Can't stand it when it takes a guy longer to get ready than me...especially when I have long hair AND take the time to dry it.

Seriously, they are out there.
One is one of sons......going down to pick up milk, 15 minutes in washroom.....duh...
And it takes a professional, disciplined Canadian soldier to still want to protect that populace.   :salute:
twistedcables said:
And it takes a professional, disciplined Canadian soldier to still want to protect that populace.   :salute:

Are you kidding me?  Some of the worst offenders are military!
I have met males who do the following; take longer to get ready than I do, take longer in the shower I do (in the proper sense), squirm at the gore in horror movies to the verge of turning slightly green, and my personal favorite was the guy in my college biology class who refused to cut into a dead cow's heart, because he said it was "gross and disgusting, and he was techician not a cave man"

All these things are not attractive to the female of the species in any way, I do not want to date let alone sleep with a male who acts like more of the female stereotype than most females I know. It's just not happening, females who do need to give their head a shake.
Strike said:
Really?  You should see some of the guys at the gym nowadays.

Some of the pilots here are just too GQ for their own good.....lol

Whats a gym ?
Greymatters said:
Rugged looks and charm beats out metro-fashionable any day of the week...

here here

as for the pilot comment - not all of us!  I'm a pilot and I get ready in... 5 minutes? 10 tops?
AirCanuck said:
as for the pilot comment - not all of us!  I'm a pilot and I get ready in... 5 minutes? 10 tops?

Are you out of flight training yet  >:D
haha I KNEW that would provoke that comment.  :D  I haven't even started in the military, although I have been flying in the civilian world for 5 years now.  In fact I'm doing my commercial license ride next week, likely  ;D
AirCanuck said:
haha I KNEW that would provoke that comment.   :D  I haven't even started in the military,

I thought so........ >:D

"I'm not a pilot but i play one i civvy land"

CDN Aviator said:
I thought so........ >:D

"I'm not a pilot but i play one i civvy land"


haha very funny, very very funny.  It's all part of the journey  ;D  besides, you never REALLY stop flight training.
Since when did how long you shower or how you present yourself dictate if you're a man or not. What a load of crap.  I know many "metro" males who are more of a "Real Man" than half the bearded shlubs I know.

Like an old friend once said to me

Being a man is not about how much you can lift, how long you can last in bed, how many girls you can pick up, or what kind of car you drive. Being a man is a matter of being able to make a promise and keep it. Being a man means that your handshake is stronger than steel and worth more than gold. Being a man isn't whats on the outside for people to see, it's what you present to people for them to see.

Now it's about time for me to nair my stomach, shower for a hour and wear that pink (angry salmon) shirt I have.

wear that pink (angry salmon) shirt I have.

YES! I remember that commercial where the dad is buying the shirt for his kid..

"It's not pink! It's Salmon! Grrr...Salmon! Tough fish! Grrr!"
