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What type of underwear would you recommend?

If you do decide to go "commando" (do Canadians call it going Commando when you go without jocks?) make sure you consider hooking in something cronic with the Vasaline. Maybe its just me but when i went your without undies (and i only did it once) i chaffed like nothing else.
Plus it'll give the boys a bit of a laugh if your smearing your neather regions with cream everytime you stop, you got to keep the fellers entertained!
I go commando (or freeballing) as a lifestyle.  I have never had a problem with chaffing, whether backpacking, sitting in school, playing sport, climbing mountains, going to dances, or breaking out the airsoft guns.  Sort yourself out soldier!
Natsun said:
I go commando (or freeballing) as a lifestyle.  I have never had a problem with chaffing, whether backpacking, sitting in school, playing sport, climbing mountains, going to dances, or breaking out the airsoft guns.  Sort yourself out soldier!

You don't have the right to tell Hale to sort himself out....That's reserved for those of us who either know him, or wear a uniform. Besides, I like him, and KNOW that he serves. I don't know you, and neither does he.

Try wearing no underwear for 3 weeks in the field (and that's a short time), and 3 pairs of combats that you don't get to wash...Yes, chaffing occurs.

How about you stay in your goddamned lane, hunh?

And Klc, I'm happy people get excited over me, but, uhh.....I'm not compensating you for the keyboard
Isn't underwear just underwear? Maybe you should make a prototype for a crazy new kind and get someone to endorse it.  :P
Yea, I vaguely remember a buddy talking about those awhile back.  I'll look into them.  Thanks.
TN2IC said:
Under Armour is pretty good... 
... and has been prohibited from being worn outside the wire in Afghanistan (and personnally, I don't want to learn what happens if that layer of dress melts on you).
MCG said:
... and has been prohibited from being worn outside the wire in Afghanistan (and personnally, I don't want to learn what happens if that layer of dress melts on you).
Prior to deployment, individuals are usually given a chance to"top up" their boxers & T's
But, I like the issue kit & have no problem wearing it all the time.
The UA stuff is great and comfortable but do not sneak it out side the wire.
I am working as a CCNO at KAF now and have seen/peeled UA off way to many troops.

Natural fibers = good
synthetic = bad

Imagine you, on fire, covered with  burning plastic that is rapidly shrinking onto you and becoming one with your skin.
Now we have to get it off. This usually requires anesthetic/ analgesic and a scrub brush!

Perhaps too much detail for some but for others...don't do it!
Sig_Des said:
You don't have the right to tell Hale to sort himself out....That's reserved for those of us who either know him, or wear a uniform. Besides, I like him, and KNOW that he serves. I don't know you, and neither does he.

Try wearing no underwear for 3 weeks in the field (and that's a short time), and 3 pairs of combats that you don't get to wash...Yes, chaffing occurs.

How about you stay in your goddamned lane, hunh?

And Klc, I'm happy people get excited over me, but, uhh.....I'm not compensating you for the keyboard

I've spent five years of my life in uniform.  As for having a right to say anything I wish to, (ignoring that there was absolutely no level of seriousness in that post) I encourage you to use that line with the next civilian that you meet on the street who says something you don't appreciate. 

My lane involves @$$kicking and doing whatever it takes to achieve what needs to get done, done.  I'm sorry, but when you move to a new continent every three-six months, you start caring less about the opinions of people trapped within the mental constraints of their own small culture, such as overzealous soldiers, who compensate for their lack of attachment with society by taking everything even slightly related to their trade far too serious for no reason other than that it makes them feel big. 

I'm in my lane, but I refuse to be controlled by it. 

And naturally, you have my complete and undying respect for being willing to serve Canada with your life.
MCG said:
... and has been prohibited from being worn outside the wire in Afghanistan (and personnally, I don't want to learn what happens if that layer of dress melts on you).

Has the issued underwear and polypro/fleece been axed as well? It's all synthetic and melts the same...
such as overzealous soldiers, who compensate for their lack of attachment with society by taking everything even slightly related to their trade far too serious for no reason other than that it makes them feel big. 

I would say they take it "far too serious" because in times like this their lives depend on it...
Lost_Warrior said:
I would say they take it "far too serious" because in times like this their lives depend on it...

With all due respect, reacting to something that I have 'said' will not save anyone from a bullet. 

Stay in your lane.  If you refuse to be controlled by your lane then you'll be controlled by the restrictions placed upon your account.  When your lane becomes the box of no return, you'll wish you'd stayed in your lane.

This brings a saying to mind; "Any idiot can be uncomfortable. "  Underpants would be classified as something assisting comfort.  While it may be silly, the question is still valid and you as a new member, not knowing members here, and not yet having proven yourself have no right to come in with guns blazing.  Sort yourself.  I wouldn't walk into your regiments mess and spit on your floor, don't spit on mine.

The issue stuff does not seem to have the problems that the pure synthetic stuff does.
The other two options are:

1. go back to the broad loom passion killers
2. Commando!

The troops I have seen with the issue stuff on has not stuck to their skin like the UA stuff does.
But what do I know, I am only there.
Good info, thanks.

Are you seeing the same effect with the polypro/fleece, or is it not cold enough yet to be in use?