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What are the chances an engineer becomes CDS?


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This is a topic I thought might inspire some thought provoking discusssion.  With Gen. Henault's recent appointment to NATO and some discussion about the next CDS, I was wondering if an engineer has ever been CDS or even Chief of Lands Staff?  What obstacles prevent an engineer from having the top job in the Forces? I read posts on this forum and have read outside information about Maj. Gen. Caron (infantry), Lt. Gen. Hillier (armour), and Maj. Gen. Leslie (artillery) perhaps being future CDS.  They seem like geat officers and have the potential to be great CDS.  I believe Maj. Gen. Fitch is the top sapper at the moment in the CF.  Has an engineer before or since unification held a rank above Maj. Gen.?  How are engineering officers regarded in the upper ranks? Is there some red tape that prevents engineers from getting the top spot? 

Could happen I suppose.................Not sure if Fitch is the man or not. Appleton maybe............he is good. Or how about CFR'ing Greg Lacroix and making him CDS?

I don't see an engineer ever being CLS. I fully admit my bias in believing that only a true combat arms officer should ever lead an 'army formation.' Even though CLS isn't truly a formation Comdr position, it is still the leader of the army and should be armour, infantry or artillery.

On the other hand there is no reason why a competent and qualified engineer couldn't rise through one of the other positions, ADM(whatever), DCDS, VCDS,  and go on to become CDS. It's not common but you just have to look at Ramsey-Withers, a Sig who became CDS when the highest hard Sig position was BGen.
Sappers are true combat arms soldiers.  Aren't they?  ???
Depends on who you ask......

Chimo,  Kat
...But the answer still is yes, Sappers are true Combat Arms Officers. They made a trucker CLS ( ::)), why not a sapper for CDS? ;D
Now thats somthing to ponder.
Steve Appleton as CDS.
Fitch is retired and is a reserve Off. now in charge of the Militia.
Applehuge would be CDS for about 20 mins.  The first time he kicked a door in demanding more money, beans, and bullets, he'd be hustled out the back door to some weenie outpost.

Chimo,  Kat
Only after he popped the bureaucrats head like a zit!  ;D

In the words of the immortal Scooter: Long live the tick!
SprCForr said:
Only after he popped the bureaucrats head like a zit!   ;D

In the words of the immortal Scooter: Long live the tick!
Yup the Tick! ;)
I witnessed him firing Officers on an Ex.
We tried to leave but he told us to finish our job and let loose and we witnessed his oration on these poor buggers!!!
Kat remember the Ex up in Braylorn?

He was a hard task master but even as a Militia he knew my name and every one else in the Regiment by there names.
He was tough, but brutally fair with it.  Didn't want to be lied to, and wasn't afraid of anyones opinion.  If his Regiment needed it he got it.  1 CER's Armd Eng Tp would never have got off the ground without him kicking ass.  He pissed everyone off, but I liked him!

Chim,  Kat
kat,I just hope he's still the same Man today as we knew him and that polotics have not given him that lobotomy as some receive when they reach those exalted Rank's ;)

I still remember me and Binnie trying to get his model of the Monument right!!
The changes that were made were unreal!!

Get your helmets on!  :warstory: (turn on air raid siren)
    At Bralorne, he was told by the helo crew that they needed minimum a tent with electricity, heat and cots with air mattresses and coco matting for crew rest. Down it comes to C/S 8. So I detailed the SQMS to organize it. It happens. Quite the little set up. Crew takes one look at the outside, decides it is unacceptable, heads for the nearest hotel. They don't bother telling anyone. OC/SSM show up looking for crew, the large redhaired man wants them for the O Gp. They come across the troop that saw them turn up their nose and take off. APB on loose aircrew! They get found a while later and dragged back to C/S 0. I imagine that "conversation" would have made any soldier proud. He later thanked the SQMS for his efforts even though the tent and eqpt wasn't used. Mully, Pom and the rest of the boys sure did!

Helmets off. (sound all clear)
Bring back CWO Williamson and give hima commission and the CDS job !!!!

Wait..........on second thought

"there's 3 things i hate in the world : bitchers. whiners, crybabys and ******* tefts"

Some of you may remember this line.....
Willy...hee hee hee what a guy. His welcome speech to QL 3s coming to MindWarfare and Domination('91):

You look at me and tink I am crazee, but I am not! I am soldier! I get up in de Saturday mornings and iron de uniform, shine my boot! I don't watch de Flintstone and eat de Rice Krispee because I am soldier! You want to be me! Of course, I am professionalismness! (About now the "I hate tree tings bit comes into play...") You can have de pot or de flower...

Another Willyism: MCpl Nicholas (MWD Stmn) is not your goofer! He is my goofer!

Of course all this is at the top of his lungs and he is turning beet red. Oh and add lots of profanity.

I could never keep a straight face with Doug Bell, Terry Evoy, Kenny Bryanton, Jeff Wight, and Tim Tattrie cutting capers after every O Gp. My guts never hurt so much from laughing.
you guys should be familiar with Willy's "you people think i know nothing...i tell right now...i know f**kall"

I still have vivid memories of him in the morning in front of Z-101 coming out with little yellow stickies......."yesterday was payday, i told you to pay your canteen chits.  This morning i have sticky on my desk, there's still 2 f*****g ass****s in my f*****g regiment who havent paid.....MWO ********* and SGT *******........"

Another Willy quote " You may think it is flowers now but watch out for the pot." or " We are going out to the field tell your mom, your dad, the wife, the dog, the snake you will be in the field."

Bubbles up
I'll nevr forget the snake bit...........he was so pissed off........some guy hadnt told his wife we were going to Gagetown !!!  That was 94 i think for eastern thunder.........i was in 1 troop then........

Seems so long ago  :-\

Another one from those days: One man one kit..one F****g box lunch"