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Using Initials in the Military


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A debate came up today at work regarding the use of initials for use on Chat functions and in log books and such.

The one side said you HAD to use your First Name initial and then your Last Name initial. i.e. William George Thompson would be WT (William Thompson). (You could also use WGT, William George Thompson,  but if sticking to 2 letters you would use WT).

The other side said you could use whatever initials you wanted as long as you used the same initials every time and it was associated with you. i.e. William George Thompson could be WG (William George), or GT (George Thompson), or even BT (Bill, short for William, Thompson).

Is there a Military Document stating what is considered as your initials and what has to be used?

I did a search but couldn't find anything. If there is already a Post I apologize but I did look and like I said, I didn't find anything.

Thanks very much.

I can't speak to chat, because I haven't used it for a long time, but I've been initialling using my middle and last names for my entire career (35+ years).  When I use me full signature I use, "G.D. Pusser," but when I simply initial something, I use, "DP."  It really doesn't matter what you use as long as you are consistent.  You are simply, "making your mark."  You could draw a picture of a cat if you like and that could be your signature.  At a court martial, you would be asked, "is this your signature," or "are these your initials?"  Whatever you use is correct as long as you are not using it for a fraudulent purpose.  If I initial something with "DP" and then later claim that no, my initials are "GP," not only would I not get away with it, there is a good chance I could then be charged with fraud, perjury, alteration of an official document, etc.
Early on in my military life I was encouraged not to use my full initials “MAD” Murray A. Davidson as it looked unprofessional.
Pusser said:
When I use me full signature I use, "G.D. Pusser," but when I simply initial something, I use, "DP."

For "God-Damned Pusser", no doubt...
official chats use your position (with a prescribed format for your unit code etc) as no one cares what your name is at that point, and most workstations have a generic position login anyway.  Others that have a specific user login will have their own tag for the user in their metadata as required for whatever logging is done.

It's not really complicated to initial something so don't overthink it, but also use something easily identifiable for yourself.  Most people go with their first/last for that reason (or something similarly straightforward), but some use initials from their common name. If you get too complicated or overly time consuming, you will be opening yourself up to some ribbing (similarly if you have unfortunate initials like P.E.E.). 

There is also a spottily used tradition on ships for different positions to use specific colour pens.  Aside from the XO green though, not really widely used, but does make it easy to very quickly see who has already signed off on something.  (For some reason, orange for the CSEOs never caught on after it disappears in red lights at night). Never used purple myself, but know others that insisted on it.

Anyway, you do you!
Ugh.  Hit "Reply" to the wrong thread in my timeline