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US soldier launches puppy off a cliff

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Wesley  Down Under said:
Dead or alive, its what the clip represents and the message it says.

I agree, Wes.  Even if the video is "faked" it's what it implies.  Which is absolutely sickening.  >:(

I'm sure it will "come to light" that these guys have been in Iraq and are suffering from PTSD.  ::)
Sickening and inexcusable.  I hope ALL individuals involved receive full punishment for this.
Wesley  Down Under said:
Are you some type of an video editing and voice expert or something??

Dead or alive, its what the clip represents and the message it says.

Film/video editor to be exact.

I wasn't attempting to take away from anything, as I clearly stated in my post...just simply pointing out what I observed.
Justin said:
Film/video editor to be exact.

I wasn't attempting to take away from anything, as I clearly stated in my post...just simply pointing out what I observed.

Observations should be based not so much on 'yelp editing', but on the message ssent in the video to those who watch it. I don't think the yelp was edited, but I am no expert, but at 20 you must be.
Wesley  Down Under said:
Observations should be based not so much on 'yelp editing', but on the message ssent in the video to those who watch it. I don't think the yelp was edited, but I am no expert, but at 20 you must be.

you seem to be thinking I'm avoiding the message of the video but it appears you clearly missed the message of my post...

and I didn't say I was an expert on the matter but editing for 3 years and understanding the way a video camera works and how sound is captured on microphones that are on the camera I simply explained what appeared to be immediately obvious to me...again, it's not exactly easy to distinguish  on such a low quality video but that was just my first impressions.
What about surrounding and sound dynamics?

Just wondering but did you notice that they were around a cliff? Broad valley of sorts? Smooth rock face bouncing sound off of it, echoing?  So on and so forth? I don't know seems to me the yelping grew more frantic and more urgent then quieter and then nothing.

Regardless the act was malicious, and its intent was obvious. Justin it's not that people want to flame you, its just that you're posting in a pretty controversial post. Something that is obviously wrong, and for all intents and purposes it seems like you're doubting the film's legitimacy.
Justin said:
I don't mean to take anything from what happened here because even if what I say is true it's still disrespectful what these troops did, but if you pay attention to the video it appears that the puppy isn't alive or consciously aware of what is going on. He holds the puppy by the hair on the back of his neck and the camera stays on the puppy for most of what is being filmed. It doesn't move. Even when the other troop (behind the camera) moves in to touch the dog he pulls his hand back from it and the dog makes no acknowledgment of anything going on around it. Even when he pulls the puppy back to throw it there is no sign of life in it.

I watched this video and was truly sickened by it. I've never met a Marine, but I hope this is not typical behaviour on their part.

The dog was not moving because this *sshole was holding it by the scruff of the neck; if you hold a small dog or cat like that, they can't move, simple as that. If you look closely, when this "man" brings his arm back to throw the poor animal off the cliff, the puppy does struggle for a second before our hero throws it to its death. I only hope the puppy died instantly when it hit the ground.

I hope the USMC is serious about prosecuting this individual.

I've never met a Marine, but I hope this is not typical behaviour on their part.

C'mon... what do you think?  ::)

"I've never met someone from Toronto, but I hope this is not typical behaviour on their part."
  Make about as much sense?
Richie said:
I've never met a Marine, but I hope this is not typical behaviour on their part.

Come Ritchie, don't be thick.

As in all walks of society, there are the dregs, the USMC has them the CF has them and so do we down here.

There are losers in every crowd.
I'd say this guy needs a smack upside the head, but he deserves far more than that.

Richie, your comment is asinine.
I'm too busy being sick to be thick.

My comment may have ruffled your feathers, but I'm not in the military and that's how we in the civilian trenches are going to view this; something you may want to keep in mind as this sordid tale unfolds.

As far as "I've never met someone from Toronto, but I hope this is not typical behaviour on their part" goes, the denizens of this city do not go through a program of strict, formalized training as Marines or any other soldiers do; I would expect higher standards of conduct and morality from a member of the military than I would from some of the people I see on the subway everyday.

I understand what Wesley said about losers in every crowd, but doesn't the USMC conduct psychological background checks on applicants before taking them on board? The job of a soldier is to kill when necessary, but this idiot in the video obviously enjoys it and should have been weeded out long before he signed on the dotted line.

This is not an anti-American rant or an anti-military rant by any means, I have too much respect for our cousins south of the border and for the military in general. I have faith in the Marines to punish this individual to the full extent.

It takes a lot to get me really p*ssed off and this did. That's all.
Richie said:
I understand what Wesley said about losers in every crowd, but doesn't the USMC conduct psychological background checks on applicants before taking them on board? The job of a soldier is to kill when necessary, but this idiot in the video obviously enjoys it and should have been weeded out long before he signed on the dotted line.
I don't know what screening they go through, but no system is perfect: people always have, and always will, get through cracks.  Assuming the video is real (and if a prank, a very stupid one), there is also the possibility that the individual in question has suffered some form of psychological damage during/after a deployment or whatever (it has been known to happen!).

Certainly, Code Pink and the rest will try to use this for the most propaganda value they can get out of it, and while it reflects poorly on discipline and leadership, I really don't think Joe Six-Pack is going to believe that this is what the Marines are doing as a matter of course.  Bear in mind that history often seems to remember these things for how they are handled after the fact as much as for the act/problem in the first place: the Marines seem to be doing the right thing.

For the record, I have met a few Marines (some from K-Bay, even), and I consider them to be among the most respectable and upstanding people I've ever met.
Aden_Gatling said:
I don't know what screening they go through, but no system is perfect: people always have, and always will, get through cracks.  Assuming the video is real (and if a prank, a very stupid one), there is also the possibility that the individual in question has suffered some form of psychological damage during/after a deployment or whatever (it has been known to happen!).

That is the biggest bunch of bullshit out there, that PTSD will suddenly make you a sadistic a$$hole and make you rape children, throw defenseless animals off cliffs, or any number of horrific atrocities.  I am not saying people don't suffer if they get PTSD, I am saying that using it as excuse for crimes like that is just BS and a fake claim to avoid punishment, and just makes it that much hard for people "legitimately" suffering PTSD, to be taken seriously.
Hatchet Man said:
That is the biggest bunch of bullshit out there, that PTSD will suddenly make you a sadistic a$$hole and make you rape children, throw defenseless animals off cliffs, or any number of horrific atrocities.  I am not saying people don't suffer if they get PTSD, I am saying that using it as excuse for crimes like that is just BS and a fake claim to avoid punishment, and just makes it that much hard for people "legitimately" suffering PTSD, to be taken seriously.


I know Im still trying to sort out issues within my head since I got back... but NEVER EVER EVER! at any time, could I even fathom doing anything like that....

PTSD and OSI's doesnt make you just go out and be a dick... or be cruel to some defenceless animals you end up dealing more with issues within yourself. and take it out on yourself, not things around you....

as far as the video goes... I hope the Sick B****Tards get brought to justice, Swiftly.......

Lets be blunt - Im sure all of us at one time or another have seen another person do something stupid in relation to animals, bird, mammals, reptiles, whatever... 

Lets also be blunt about our reactions - the reason such behaviour is so rare is because people who do such things get their asses chewed quickly and promptly by other people who know such actions are unacceptable.  It has little to do with being a soldier, it happens all across the board of society.  And its not always 'losers' who get caught up in such things, often its a few young persons who were thinking 'it was a good idea at the time', or 'we were just having fun'...   

But to not only do this - and film it - and then post it...  these guys need psychological help.  I would bloody well disown them if they were related to me.  And I wouldnt accept any bullshit excuse about PTSD either...

Richie said:
I'm too busy being sick to be thick.

I understand what Wesley said about losers in every crowd, but doesn't the USMC conduct psychological background checks on applicants before taking them on board?


We all go through psych evaluations, some just squeak by somehow.
Tommy said:
I know Im still trying to sort out issues within my head since I got back...

Welcome to the club Tommy.


That is too friggin discusting...I was enjoying today until that.  Stupid people.  
I doubt that was caused by and disorder brought on by war, it's just idiots being idiots.  Sadly the world is full of them.  This stunt doesn't happen by only soldiers , it just so happens that soldiers took a video of it.
Wesley  Down Under said:
Welcome to the club Tommy.



Took me 6 months to finally admit it.... but I'm getting some help for it... so hopefully it wont be permanent.. or at least the worst of it will fade...

in any case, for these shitrats to call PTSD or anything like that, Insults those legitimately suffering....