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UN/NATO tours


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I am currently in the navy res, is it possible to get on any sort of tours? Is there a better chance in the
Army res?
Everyone wants a tour, and the hard fact is that after Afghanistan there's like 100 positions internationally on UN observer missions, thats it.

You're in the Nav Res, why can't you get on ship and sail for a few months? Or does it not work that way?
I agree with PuckChaser, you're likely better off looking for a sailing gig. For NavRes, the most likely deployment overseas might be for Bosn or Diver... but both of those would be at a more senior rank. For officers, LogO, PaffO, and IntO... but again with some experience and seniority. With TFA shrinking in size, there will be a corresponding reduction in the requirement for Res pers to augment the force. I wouldn't transfer to the Militia solely to go on tour. You'll probably be unhappy with the outcome.

NB: A little more info WRT your rank, trade etc might result in something more informative.
I am a OS Bosn, and not to interested in sailing... I know it's stupid to be in the navy if I don't want to sail so I am looking at other options.
PuckChaser said:
after Afghanistan there's like 100 positions internationally on UN observer missions, thats it.

Going by this, it looks like you'll be waiting a while... a long while
SharkBait said:
I am a OS Bosn, and not to interested in sailing... I know it's stupid to be in the navy if I don't want to sail so I am looking at other options.

Have you asked your chain if you could transfer to the nearest militia unit providing they have a spot for you?
As an OS Bosn, sailing is probably your only opportunity, unless you transfer.
They had a pile of NavRes guys that got sent to do airfield security - they belonged to the port security group here in Vic and were various trades.  Having said that, with the downsizing, wouldn't see it happening now if you're hard sea.

Currently, UN and NATO missions involve very small contingents, comprised mostly of officers and senior NCMs as they tend to be in advisory/staff positions.  Any junior NCMs (i.e. corporals and below) tend to be in support trades (RMS, supply, etc) in direct support of the Canadian contingent (whose support requirements are generally quite small).  Unless there is a requirement for general duty personnel, the chances of an OS boatswain being selected are pretty much next to nil (never say never, but...).

To be honest, your most realistic option to get out and see the world is to get yourself on a ship deployment.  If you're not interested in doing this, then you really need to assess your membership in the Naval Reserve and consider a transfer.  Your future as a boatswain who doesn't want to go to sea is less than limited.

Having said that, just how much sea experience do you have upon which to make this judgement?  If you haven't actually tried it, perhaps you need to.  I think you owe it to yourself, as well as all the other applicants whom you beat out for your position when you enrolled.  OT applicants who have given things an honest try and are thus making an informed decision also tend to fare better in the process. 