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U.S. sailor leaked info about Canadian warship


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U.S. sailor leaked info about Canadian warship

Updated Sat. Mar. 10 2007 7:22 PM ET

Canadian Press

WASHINGTON -- A former U.S. navy sailor facing espionage charges allegedly disclosed secrets about a Canadian frigate that was part of a large force headed to the Middle East in 2001, court documents say.

Hassan Abugihaad, 31, also known as Paul Hall, is accused of leaking the location of ships and the best ways to attack them, including HMCS Winnipeg, a multi-role patrol frigate.

He was charged Wednesday with supporting terrorism with the intent to kill U.S. citizens and transmitting classified information to unauthorized people.

Abujihaad allegedly gave the data to London-based terrorists.

During an appearance Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Phoenix, Ariz., he accepted removal to Connecticut. He apparently was working as a delivery man in Phoenix.

He's charged in the same case as Babar Ahmad, a British computer specialist arrested in 2004 and accused of running websites to raise money for terrorism.

Ahmad is scheduled to be extradited to the United States to face trial.

During a search of Ahmad's computers, investigators said they discovered files containing classified information about the positions of navy ships and their susceptibility to attack.

Abujihaad, a former enlisted man, exchanged e-mails with Ahmad while on active duty on the USS Benfold, a guided-missile destroyer, in 2000 and 2001, an FBI affidavit said.

The documents include drawings of a navy battle group that included the Winnipeg, saying it would sail into the Persian Gulf on April 29, 2001.

The memo said the battle group could be attacked using small weapons such as rocket-propelled grenades. The ships were never attacked.

It noted the Winnipeg carried 150 personnel and specialized in anti-air warfare.

It added the Canadian sailors were armed with MP5 sub-machine guns and 9mm pistols.

"There is a possibility that the ships and submarines that are capable will carry out a strike against Afghanistan," said the memo.

"Main targets Osama bin Laden and the Mujahedin, Taliban etc."

The incident apparently occurred just weeks after al-Qaida terrorists bombed the USS Cole in Yemen, killing 17 U.S. sailors.

Authorities discovered Abujihaad's military e-mail address among the computer files and he had a secret security clearance that would have allowed him access to that material, the affidavit said.

The investigation was run out of Connecticut because Ahmad allegedly used an Internet service provider there to host one of his fundraising websites.

Ahmad was arrested in 2004. Abujihaad received an honourable discharge from the navy in 2002, the affidavit said.

I founds this while popping onto Ctv.ca for a quick check, and thought some here would like to have a quick read.
I looked around.. Didn't find it posted anywheres else, so I put it here.

During an appearance Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Phoenix, Ariz., he accepted removal to Connecticut.
Is this considered rendition to a "less-civilized" society?  ;D
There was a lot of complaining last year when the email was locked down on a certain ship that was on an Op. A lot of folks thought the COC was over reacting. I guess this kind of puts things into perspective doesn't it? :o
Well lets hope they start using that clause again instead of letting them rot in prison or spy exchanges.
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
Well lets hope they start using that clause again instead of letting them rot in prison or spy exchanges.

There is a Marine, (or soldier, not sure which) in the U.S who recently was facing espionage charges for info about plans during the beginning of the war in Iraq. I'm not sure if the case is still on-going, but I am almost positive that there was an attempt to go for the chair.

I'll do a quick google and try to bring something up about it to show.
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
Well lets hope they start using that clause again instead of letting them rot in prison or spy exchanges.
for an exchange, you'd need a host country willing to bargain for him - and I don't think anyone would be interested...

WRT death sentences.... haven't heard about any one of those being carried out by the military for a long time... and they have plenty of instances where it could / should have been applied.
Hassan Abugihaad is a complete idiot!  He didn't have his facts straight, 150 on a frigate? Specialized in AAW?

What trade was this loser?  The only information of any value was the in theatre dates, which at that time could have been obtained from any source.  Going to prison over information that can be obtained from Janes or google.com is retarded.  There might be more that we don't know about, but I doubt it.

WAY TO GO HASSAN ABUGIHAAD..... Wait a minute.... Did anyone else notice this?  ABUGIHAAD  GIHAAD = JIHAD Freaky....... ::)  What a kcid!
Maybe the lesson is that military security should be tightened up. I have a real problem with people demanding and/or getting information that's none of their business (like the press).

Sure, I'm as curious as anyone else, but I realize the limits of my need to know.

In our struggle against radical islam I think we are going to be forced to scrutinize muslims serving in critical areas of our armed forces We already try to screen out gang members. I hate singling people out by religion but some of these people have more loyalty to their religion than their country.But people have also betrayed our country for money and for ideology[communist sypathizers].Our CI people will just have to widen their net when trolling for traitors. But it is also incumbent on all service members to report anyone acting suspiciously or making commnets that would make us question their loyalty.
Israel has been quite active operating intelligence gathering all around the world - including North America. Consider Islam as just another sect to keep an eye out for
The last Israeli spy we caught is still in prison - Jonathon Pollard.
yup... the last one caught....
And Mossad likes Canadian passports.
Several well documented instances of Mossad using our Passports for their undercover ops.



Israel maintanis an agressive intelligence gathering network AND an even more agressive operations network, extending the reach of the Israeli gov't beyond it's borders - regardless of the country that has captured their interest.