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thinking about changing trades

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this has to have been asked before, I tried searching for "remuster" "changing trade" and various other terms ... all returned zilch

I am lucky and received a few more days leave from BMQ on top of easter holidays so i have access to the forum atleast for now

my question

is it possible to change trades while in bmq or should i wait till after graduation
I get mixed answers from the folks i talk to .. and dont really want to bother staff with this question

what would the steps be

write a memo ..... but when is the best time ? what do I need to know? Is this a good idea or bad idea ?

any and all input welcome  :army:
Your Question has absolutely nothing to do with "Recruiting".  Try another forum; specifically one that deals with OTs/VOTs/etc.
damn it i was looking under the wrong rock ..... >:(.... will do as suggested  ;D
A couple of years ago we had a meeting with CFLRS staff and the CO he told us he would NOT entertain any requests for VOT. So unless you can find away around that your pretty much going to finish BMQ as you started. Once your done and in your next unit look up VOTP in either CFAOs or DOADs. It will have all the info and not someone's "interpretation"!
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