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The Whole New Knife, Liz May, Gear Up, Racism Merged Thread

stanp said:
Sorry. They are strictly available to serving CF Personnel.



Any reasons for that?  I would love to get my hands on a few.

Also, I have seen a knife that was supposed to be the one you sold to the CF, that had some etching on the side.  But I can not remember what the exact wording was.

Can you at leaste describe it, or even provide pictures so we can see what the military is getting?


The knife is made for, and only available to, DND or serving Personnel. I have no interest in creating a mass market for this item. I make it with pride strictly for the Canadian Forces. The public doesn't deserve to own this knife. They haven't earned the right. I am not doing this for the money. If I were, I would be hawking them on my web site, ebay, KIJIJI, and any other forum on which I thought I could make a buck.

stanp said:
The knife is made for, and only available to, DND or serving Personnel. I have no interest in creating a mass market for this item. I make it with pride strictly for the Canadian Forces. The public doesn't deserve to own this knife. They haven't earned the right.  I am not doing this for the money. If I were, I would be hawking them on my web site, ebay, KIJIJI, and any other forum on which I thought I could make a buck.


Ease up there Stan.  The guy asking about your knife doesn't exactly categorize as "the public" around here.  He's earned the right.


As I understood it, the Vet was making a comment. He wasn't requesting a purchase. I will certainly sell to Veterans as well.

I apologize for my misunderstanding.

I have been spanked. The contract went to Grohman. I guess I will have to start pissing and moaning about having the contract "taken away" by an evil competitor.


stanp said:
I have been spanked. The contract went to Grohman. I guess I will have to start pissing and moaning about having the contract "taken away" by an evil competitor.



Does that mean you will make them available to the General Public now?

Also, were your knives the ones inscribed with the "Truth Duty Valor." etching?


The knives will not be available to the GP. Mine were the ones inscribed with those words. I made a mistake common for old geezers on the last contract in '07 - I had the opposite side of the knife inscribed with CANADIAN ARMED FORCES. I realize now that the name was incorrect. Should have been CANADIAN FORCES. Darned if I can remember when the change took place. During Unification?
stanp said:
The knives will not be available to the GP. Mine were the ones inscribed with those words. I made a mistake common for old geezers on the last contract in '07 - I had the opposite side of the knife inscribed with CANADIAN ARMED FORCES. I realize now that the name was incorrect. Should have been CANADIAN FORCES. Darned if I can remember when the change took place. During Unification?

Another point could be the spelling of Valour.

"Truth, Duty, Valor"  this is the American way of spelling it. We, in Canada, end Valour with a OUR.

Small point, but could be the stickler when it came down to the line.



stanp said:
The knives will not be available to the GP. Mine were the ones inscribed with those words. I made a mistake common for old geezers on the last contract in '07 - I had the opposite side of the knife inscribed with CANADIAN ARMED FORCES. I realize now that the name was incorrect. Should have been CANADIAN FORCES. Darned if I can remember when the change took place. During Unification?

Just out of curiosity, was the inscription bilingual?

Also curiosity.  When you inscribed the knives with "Canadian Armed Forces" and "Truth, Duty, Valor" was this inscription required/permitted by the contract or was this added on your own initiative?
At the time, the solicitation had no clauses that disallowed the inscriptions. I added them on my own.
stanp said:
..inscribed with CANADIAN ARMED FORCES. I realize now that the name was incorrect. Should have been CANADIAN FORCES. Darned if I can remember when the change took place. During Unification?

Actually, there never was a change.  Although now often used interchangeably, they refer to different things.  It's actually all defined in the National Defence Act, if anyone could be bothered to look it up.  IIRC, the term "Canadian Forces" refers to the Regular Force, the Primary Reserve, the Supplementary Reserve, and the Canadian Rangers.  The term "Canadian Armed Forces" refers to the Regular Force and the Primary Reserve.  I could be wrong on that, but I definitely remember that there were elements that were part of the Canadian Forces that were not part of the Canadian Armed Forces.  Maybe someone with DIN access (since I'm a retired member who is now part of the great unwashed known as the "general public") could quote the applicable portion(s) and correct me if I'm wrong.
Okay, maybe I was wrong.  It looks like the terms are just interchangeable:
National Defence Act
Canadian Forces
14. The Canadian Forces are the armed forces of Her Majesty raised by Canada and consist of one Service called the Canadian Armed Forces.

stanp said:
At the time, the solicitation had no clauses that disallowed the inscriptions. I added them on my own.

Can we at the leaste, have a picture of your product, so that we have an idea what our military was getting?

Hi Stan,

Sorry for the way I asked for Pics, it came across as me demanding them.  Please accept my appology for my crude behaviour.

If you are will to show me pics, please PM me when you can.



I was issued one of Stan's knives the other day.  I hope it keeps its blade longer then the other ones.

Tess I can post pics of mine if you want.
NL_engineer said:
I was issued one of Stan's knives the other day.  I hope it keeps its blade longer then the other ones.

Tess I can post pics of mine if you want.

Now wories Brother,

All is good. 



No offense, but being a proud Canadian and all that jazz ... hoping you have that "valour" typo all fixed up now.

Thanks V.

eye nevr sade I wuz a gud spelur

It will not happen again. I have been thoroughly chastised for that one.
