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The Whole New Knife, Liz May, Gear Up, Racism Merged Thread

Should we stop dealing with those elected officials who have been caught on tape - mouthing off various messages of intolerance ???
Stan Pioro defends his product and his comments here. Scroll down.

A few excerpts....

The media has portrayed me as a rascist, and states that I have insulted Muslims. Not true. I have never made any comments about Muslims or the Islamic Faith. It is obvious to anyone that viewed this site, that my comments and jokes were directed at Insurgents, specifically those that have declared Jihad on the West

I forgot to correct one of the most important pieces of mis-information of the media blitz. My knives are NOT MADE IN CHINA. They are MADE IN CANADA. Ontario. And more specifically, the Richmond area. There is a true cottage industry flourishing. Local Machinists, assemblers, tanners & polishers benefit from these contracts. As for the Grohmann BS about quality, put my knife & sheath beside the Grohmann version. The superior finish & quality of my knife & sheath is stunning. Grohman  is pissing and moaning about losing the contracts in a open and fair bidding process. NO ONE IN GOVERNMENT TOOK THESE CONTRACTS AWAY FROM THEM. Perhaps if they hadn't been severely gouging DND and the Canadian Taxpayer for decades, they wouldn't have become so complacent that they feel "Entitled" to the contracts.

He has a good grounded sense of humour and is taking it all in stride - good for him.
I still don't get all the hype, other than the fact that Grohmann lost a contract for their poor quality knives, I don't understand the outrage at a few humerous comments directed at the ENEMY,it is  a sad statement on how PC this country has become.
      Let's have a reality check here folks we are at war( well the armed forces are..the rest of Canada is at the mall), the enemy will always be dehumanized, and given some nasty nickname (Kraut, Hun,Nip,Gook,Haji,etc). Why? because it is alot easier to kill someone who you do not identify with. This has been a feature of combat since day one, and will continue despite of what or who decries it as a non PC, rasist practice it will not change either on the battlefield or on the homefront.
geo said:
Should we stop dealing with those elected officials who have been caught on tape - mouthing off various messages of intolerance ???

geo in a democracy like Canada there's a way to stop dealing with those politicians.  Wait until the next election and vote their backsides out.  However that is beside the point,  the CF should make it clear that it WILL NOT do business with individuals or groups that propogate hate.
However that is beside the point,  the CF should make it clear that it WILL NOT do business with individuals or groups that propogate hate.

You'll have to put that into the procument process somehow.

".....shall be awarded to the lowest compliant bidder (unless we don't like your website)."
Farmboy said:
You'll have to put that into the procument process somehow.

".....shall be awarded to the lowest compliant bidder (unless we don't like your website)."

Just imagine the bureaucracy that could grow up around confirming that every bidder had a squeaky-clean PR record on every possible topic of complaint.  And would it be limited to "official" company external publications (hard copy and electronic), or does internal (official and unofficial) documents count as well  How about simply showing that one employee, from CEO to mail room guy, had once said something unsavory?  Where does it start, or end?  How old/new must the example be?

Michael O`Leary said:
Just imagine the bureaucracy that could grow up around confirming that every bidder had a squeaky-clean PR record on every possible topic of complaint.  And would it be limited to "official" company external publications (hard copy and electronic), or does internal (official and unofficial) documents count as well  How about simply showing that one employee, from CEO to mail room guy, had once said something unsavory?  Where does it start, or end?  How old/new must the example be?

- Simple.  We use the political parties to steer contracts to their contributers who have already placed de-elected members, organizers and flacks on their payrolls.  That will insure the supliers remain 'on topic.'  We could also use the same techniques to staff the university administrations.

- Wait: we do all of that already, don't we?
Sooooo, is it a jump knife, a knife engineers get issued, a "boat knife"?

It's a boat knife.... casue you're up the creek without a paddle >:D
Still Available, I have two more left!



Hi Folks,
I just found this Forum, and I would like to clear up some mis-conceptions concerning the knife contract. I own Gear Up Motors, and I am totally responsible for Grohman knives losing this annual Government Contract to me - two years in a row so far, = 3,000 units.

1) Statement: "Ms. Jamieson said the Chinese-made knives look the same as the ones designed by her company except they say "Made in China.
She said the company has received many complaints about their poor quality from users who were not aware they are no longer made by the Pictou firm."

Response: The lady is a liar. She has never seen my knives. If she had, she would know damn well that they do not say "Made In China". For the last contract, (2007), I had the knives laser etched with "Canadian Forces" on one side of the blade, and "Truth Duty Valour" laser etched on the other side.
Grohmann has never bothered customizing their knives for the customer, and making them a source of pride to the people they were issued to.

They knives and sheaths are in fact made in Ontario, by Canadian Artisans, and professional machinists and Tanners.

Second lie in the same statement: "She said the company has received many complaints about their poor quality from users who were not aware they are no longer made by the Pictou firm."

Response: I do not sell at Retail. DND is my sole customer. I price them at the level I do, because I have a deep and abiding respect for the men and women in the Canadian Forces, that are doing my fighting and dying for me, to keep this Country safe from Islamo-Fascists that seek to destroy anyone not of their Faith. My pricing is break-even. This is not a cash cow for me, as it was for Grohman. Call it my small contribution to the Forces.

No one is returning my knives to Grohmann or anyone else. My knives have a lifetime warranty on the knife and 5 years on the sheath. My sheath is so superior to the Grohman sheath in construction and durability, they wouldn't dare put them side by side for comparison.

They would also never put the knife itself side by side for comparison. All details of my knife are sharper and better defined than the Grohmann product. The Grohmann knife looks like it came from a "Dollar Store" by comparison.

Ask the personnel that actually were issued my knives about "shoddy workmanship."

Out of 3,000 knives delivered, I have never had a knife returned from DND for any reason. That is a 6 sigma product in anyones world.

2) Statement: The knife contract was "taken away" by the Government.

Response: I took the contract away by providing a superior product at a better price. Grohman has been gouging DND and the Canadian taxpayer for decades. They feel "entitled" to the contract. It must have been a Hell of a shock when they lost it. At the prices they were charging, it was a serious financial blow.

Re: pricing - Grohmanns retail prices have come down from $100.00 to $75. Strange ain't it?

3) The hack "journalist" Joan Bryden claimed she met the head of Grohmann knives at a Toyota Dealership, where he pissed and moaned about the evil inequities of competition. They were very concerned about buying Canadian.
Isn't it interesting that these "Buy Canadian" fanatics met at a Toyota Dealership?
Obviously, these hypocrites don't really believe in "Buy Canadian".

I have never owned a foreign car. I drive Fords. My wife drives Fords. We put our money where our mouth is.

4) The Solicitation for the knife contracts specifies very particular requirements for the steel and all other components. The product undergoes testing to destruction to determine that they comply with all specifications. My knives comply to the specs, and have never been rejected at Q.A., or any other stage of the bidding process.

I hope this helps dispel some of the BS that has been disseminated by unscroupulous people with an agenda.

Any questions - feel free to email me.

PS: More DND suppliers are going to be pissing and moaning about having contracts "taken away" by the Government. I have some major products in prototype stages.


Stan Pioro
Gear Up Motors
Web page: www.maxus.ca
email: stanp@maxus.ca

Thanks for clearing that up and giving both sides to the story. It now allows our readers to make informed decisions and reach a more suitable opinion.

Milnet.ca Staff
The contract hasn't been awarded yet. The quantity is 1500 units.

stanp said:
The contract hasn't been awarded yet. The quantity is 1500 units.


Roger that,

What is the end date for the bid, or more precicely, have they announced when the award date is?



The close date for bids was Dec 30. There is no time limit on when the contract must be awarded. Delivery date on the sol. was Jan 30 - that makes for a pretty short build and ship schedule.

stanp said:
The close date for bids was Dec 30. There is no time limit on when the contract must be awarded. Delivery date on the sol. was Jan 30 - that makes for a pretty short build and ship schedule.


Do you have any pictures of the knife?  Also, are they available to the public to purchase?  I am a collector, and maker of knives and would love to have one for my collection.

I also belong to a forum of Knife Makers, where we put knives to the test.  I may be interested in a few.

