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The Whole New Knife, Liz May, Gear Up, Racism Merged Thread

This doesn't seem to me, to be a whole lot different than the comments by Ms. H Mallick, on CBC. However, I don't see the 'left whinging press' or politicos creating much of a hubub about her comments.

Rocks and glass houses, he who is without sin and all that jazz. I'm sure no one here has ever smiled silently or giggled a bit in private company after hearing similar ::). I'm not going to give this legs by second guessing a private citizen over the protestations of agenda seeking competition, politicians or press. Righteous indignation is such a waste of energy.

It's just not worth my time.
Dumb question from the peanut gallery...
Is Heather Mallick married to Victor Malerik {sp.} ?  Because they both seem to engage in horrible ethics and deplorable biased journalism.
I have half a mind {don't say it!!} to actually write the ombudsman and complain...but I'll probably just to the proper Canadian thing and turn the other cheek so someone else can smash that one too.    ho -hum.. :-\
Between Atlantic Canada and Quebec ... I don't think anyone should feel "neglected" in the way of federal contracts
Without digging too deeply, statement should encompass most all other provinces - everyone loves to pork barrel - given half a chance
geo said:
Without digging too deeply, statement should encompass most all other provinces - everyone loves to pork barrel - given half a chance

I agree,...who's really at fault, those who kick and scream or those who give in to those who kick and scream?
Bruce Monkhouse said:
I agree,...who's really at fault, those who kick and scream or those who give in to those who kick and scream?

All in all I like the Grohman knives. I found it to be  a better quality knive than the plastic handled one that some of the crew were being issued. I will be buying one once I am back on ship, with a spike.  I am not a Bos'n but a good knife is always handy. I was carrying two knives, my Grohman and my own personal high quality "multi-purpose" knife.

I will admit that a sailors needs are perhaps different than what is needed by someone in the army. Perhaps having one knife of the yachtsmans type is not what we need in the CF? Buying them from a place with the rep of China... Thats enough about that from me.
MedTech said:

Nope, someone who represents an area should kick and scream to get benefits for his/her area.

Much as I liken Danny Williams to the scum I scrape of the bottom of my shoes, he's just milking the cow,...and if the cow can't resist, well, baaaaaad cow.
I don't believe that there hasn't been one province in this country that has not gotten something from the Feds at one time or another. Danny only got for Nf what they deserved. NS wouldn't have gotten what we got without a Danny Williams. Our wonderful Premier, at the time, was an arse kisser and spineless.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Nope, someone who represents an area should kick and scream to get benefits for his/her area.

Much as I liken Danny Williams to the scum I scrape of the bottom of my shoes, he's just milking the cow,...and if the cow can't resist, well, baaaaaad cow.

I seriously think its both. In fact it's cyclical. Those who kick and scream were in a way encouraged to do so when those who gave in, well first gave in. So when it worked the first time, it must work the second time and so on and so forth.

Of course those who have large campaign contributions from those who kick and scream can't say "No, it ain't happening this time" without getting some sort of repercussions i.e. cut backs on contributions so those who gave in does it again.

See, cyclical. it's encouraged behaviour almost. It's political game that ties into businesses and so forth. People don't run the governments, businesses do. 
Some of the latest (highlights mine) from CanWest/National Post
.... Pioro said he sold knives to the Canadian Forces in 2006 and 2007, and sold them flashlights this year.  Neither the Department of National Defence nor the Canadian Forces would make a representative available to confirm the contracts.  On Sunday, Kory Teneycke, Stephen Harper's communications director, told the Canadian Press that since Gear Up Motors is a private company, there is little the government can do about the content of its website.  "I think the chances that this company will be doing business with the military in the future would be very much in question as a result of this," Teneycke said. Pioro said it would not matter to him whether he got another contract with the Canadian Forces, saying they are only a "medium" customer.  Pioro said he took down the image by his own choice, but that a federal government employee did suggest to him on Sunday that some people may find portions of his website offensive. ....

And a bit from Canadian Press:
.... Kory Teneycke, a spokesman for Prime Minister Stephen Harper, has said that Gear Up Motors has fulfilled its contractual obligations to the military and has no ongoing contracts with the federal government.  Teneycke has predicted that the chances of the company doing any further business with the government in future "are very much in question as a result of this" controversy over the website.

More on links
I see this person has no idea of how Government contracts are awarded.  How many here have witnessed the folly of the government in awarding contracts to the same companies, large and small, who have riped off the Government?  We can look at vehicle contracts.  We can look at the Quebec Construction firms who built Quarters and hangars in Petawawa, declared Bankruptcy near completion of the projects, and then went on to return later with the same personnel, but new company name to win another construction project on Base.  The list is quite long, perhaps endless, of companies that have committed "harm" and yet been able to win future contracts.
Must say that the spokesperson who issued the comment from "Gear up motors" really wasn't thinking about being PC when he wrote what he wrote.....

Then again, anyone remember the CDS refering to "murduring scumbags" not all that long ago.
But, he never called them ragheads, did he?  Slight difference there.
Oh yeah.... big difference

Unfortunately, although the CDS was talking about terrorists; the individual on the street only hears what he wants to hear.  He will interpret and extole the virtues of what he feels he has heard - with a personal spin thrown in for good measure.

Someone at Gear up motors is definitively showing some major intolerance.
Hope he can live with the consequences

Liberals, Morons, Media & other Humorless drones - please use the "BACK" button on your Browser NOW! 

This site excercises Freedom Of Speech, Freedom Of Expression, and most frightening of all, humor.


Heh.... at least he says Please

Teeps74 said:
EDIT TO ADD: I personally know FD here, and I know he is merely pointing out a fact.

I'm actually not giving away any secrets here, there was a story not too long ago printed about bathroom graffiti in KAF. (The article found it's way to army.ca)
Basically the author just talks about some choice phrases (giving examples) he found written in various bathrooms on KAF.

The web page stuff wasn't in good taste. If the CF is that upset don't renew the contract that's all.
Those comments just goes to show that there's still no shortage of ignorant c*&#s out there.  The Canadian Forces has no control over what a supplier puts on their website but they should stop doing business with them as being associated with such individuals only undermines the battle for public support (which is difficult enough already) for the extremely important mission in Afghanistan.