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The Whole New Knife, Liz May, Gear Up, Racism Merged Thread

the 48th regulator said:
Being in supply I thought you would understand the shipment of goods.

2006 might have been the last shipment, however who knows if the contract stipulated the inventory amount.....i.e each shipment of goods provided to the CF will be every 1...2....3 years supply worth.

I doubt that each knife was individually sold to the military, as per the demand to to issue....



Her contracted expired in 2006 (she says in the article her contract expired 2 years ago). Up to 6000 knives per year (in bulk shipments) - until contract expiry (she says in the article she supplied the knives "up to 6000 of them/year" until 2006).

Contract expired - supplying is overwith. New contract awarded ... new shipments from new contractor begun.
ArmyVern said:
Her contracted expired in 2006. 6000 knives per year (in bulk shipments) - until expirey.

Contract expired - supplying is overwith. New contract awarded ... new shipments from new contractor begun.

When did the bid go out?  before or after 2006?


the 48th regulator said:
When did the bid go out?  before or after 2006?



Also from the article (her own words again ...)

Two years ago, Ottawa opted to buy army-issue knives from Gear Up Motors, which offered to supply 2,400 knives at a cost of $40 each.

"Opted to buy" ... ie "Awarded a contract to a lower bidder who met milspecs".
ArmyVern said:
Also from the article (her own words again ...)

"Opted to buy" ... ie "Awarded a contract to a lower bidder who met milspecs".


Interesting, well as long as the new ones have made the transition for the troops with no set backs, then I guess it was a good procurment.

By bad, I guess I let my passion get in the way of good sense, yet again.


the 48th regulator said:

Interesting, well as long as the new ones have made the transition for the troops with no set backs, then I guess it was a good procurment.

By bad, I guess I let my passion get in the way of good sense, yet again.



Only because you like knives!   ;)

Now ... about the knife that I mentioned I had made for you at the end of this post ... what's it worth to 'ya?  >:D
Green foil (it matches my helmet!!).

It's awesome if you ask me.  ;D
- I seem to recall that waaay back the preferred knife for Jumpmasters was the Russell BOAT Knife.  It's intended purpose was to cut the static line of a 'hung up' jumper who would have had one or both hands on his helmet, proving he was concious.  If he was not concious, he would have been retrieved - it being considered poor form to cut away an unconcious jumper.  I believe the drill was later amended to retrieve ALL hung-up jumpers.

- In any case, I am bemused by comments in reference to a mere jumper cutting his harness or shroud lines. Such an act may have resulted in a short ride south from CABC to the CFSP&DB.  The only cutting needed should have been the 80lb test cord around the rifle and snowshoes (and for my fellow dinosoars - cutting the folded Sub-Machine Gun, 9mm, C1 from the frame of the Rucksack, Universal, C2).
ArmyVern said:
Green foil.

It's awesome if you ask me.  ;D


All we need now, is to find a third for our triumvirate!


TCBF said:
- In any case, I am bemused by comments in reference to a mere jumper cutting his harness or shroud lines. Such an act may have resulted in a short ride south from CABC to the CFSP&DB.  The only cutting needed should have been the 80lb test cord around the rifle and snowshoes (and for my fellow dinosoars - cutting the folded Sub-Machine Gun, 9mm, C1 from the frame of the Rucksack, Universal, C2).

Or for 'doing yourself in' if your parachute came off the DZ without the flyer's kit bag, and you heard that the CQ was headed your way.
“My next thought was what kind of other shoddy non-Canadian goods are being purchased for our soldiers in cost-cutting measures?" said Ms. May's statement.

As opposed to shoddy Canadian made goods being purchased as cost-cutting measures.  I was issued one of the belt knives in '81 during Basic Para, then again in '87.  They make nice conversation pieces but I don't think I actually used it for its intended purpose.  Just not practical, or safe to use.
Old and Tired said:
“My next thought was what kind of other shoddy non-Canadian goods are being purchased for our soldiers in cost-cutting measures?" said Ms. May's statement.

How about a WHOLE hockey-sock full of footwear that soldiers detest and that injures or hurts them ... because we must purchase "Canadian" ... so "Canadian Companys/Suppliers" have ZERO incentive to change squat because they know we've got to buy from Canadian Company.

Seems to me she was taken by surprise that another Canadian Company bid on a contract to provide something she thought she had all wrapped up and in the bag.
I've said it once, and I'll say it again. The ONLY thing the majority of Canadian companies are good at it seems are the ability to whine, b***h, and moan about NOT getting a contract. I have NEVER heard of them saying "Oh SH*T we really f*cked up on that last product/design, so much so that people are getting injured! F*ck me! We better change something and let the CF know!" No, instead, this is probably what they're saying "Oh fack us! Thank goodness that we're only supplying this to the CF! If this was the civilian market we'd get sued out of our a$$e$ and then forced to foreclose! Good thing the CF is filled with a bunch of idiots *snicker*"
Sure that may have been a little harsh, but hey, frack me am I tired of constant complaining from these people!

Come on! Why do you think the best boot makers don't come from Canada? Well because of our constant Crown protection of these idiots! If we were anything like the States, we ALLOW for competition, and as fierce as they can be! Look at how many boot makers there are? Altima, Puma, Adidas, Danner, Corcoran, 5.11, Oakley need I say more? They come out with NEW and IMPROVED footwear almost every single year! What does our boot makers do? Oh... MkI... Whooppee! MkII... Wow big step forward! MkIII yay the epitome of CANADIAN military clothing technology!

I mean PLEASE, stop moaning and start MAKING. Start thinking why many soldiers don't wear issued gear? One simple answer, made in CANADA. Crap.

The end.


We don't have healthy competition up here. There is no will or desire to advance because the crappy specs and designs provided by the CF results in crappy gear to end with.

In the States, company makes a ground breaking advance in Gear, goes to DoD procurement and says "look here sirs/ma'ms, we got product X, what do you think?"

DoD procurement "Hmm that's interesting, we need to bring this to testing, with your company's help and expertise. Here's a few mil to help kick start the project."

Up HERE, company goes to DND/TB "Look here sirs/ma'ms, we've got product X!"

DND/TB "well... Why do we need X when we have W?"

Company "well because X is way more advanced then W and it does everything X does and more!"

DND/TB "well... Why do we need X when we have W?"

Company ".... Because it will benefit the troops! It's light weight/warm/cool/frag and ballistic protection/ what ever the reason"

DND/TB "so... Why do
We need X when we already have W?"

Even if it be some MIRACLE that it goes through, the next questions usually are "how much? Do you mind if we get a group to work on this without your input? Did I mention that it's a group that has absolutely no clue what this product does, and how it's supposed to work? Mind if we make changes to this and not consult you about it, then we say no to your design, patten our own crappy changes and issue it anyways?"

Man, I know the last part is not what happens... It may not even be close! But in my mind that's what happens everytime I think about bidding on a contract. That's what I'm affraid of, and in the end I don't even freaking bother because I KNOW that no matter how freaking innovative my designs are gonna be, it won't matter frack all.

I might as well take my ball, go home, and sit down. Turn on the T.V, pop in a DVD and make a steak. Or I can take my ball and go play with the big boys down the street, who are more open minded and willing to play with my ball then my supposed friends in this neighbourhood.

Anyways.... That's just me, my opinion on Canadian businesses and Crown protection practices. Relying souly on government contracts is a huge mistake. Just look at the unamed company that closed not too long ago. No contract anymore. Company gone. It's sad... But hey, in a realm with no competition, the cheapest and least crappy looking thing wins, I guess government bids are just useless.

Definition of insanity: To do the same thing over and over again, but always expecting a different out come."

We ARE insane.
I can't Vern, I'm stuck trying to catch the naughty types of our society again ;D.

But honestly, the people who suffer the most from the aforementioned rant aren't the companies, it's everyone of us who end up wearing/using/driving/cleaning or what ever that piece of crap.

We few, oh loyal few, we band of Canadian Soldiers/Sailors/Air Crew.
Anyone have any details on the new knife?

I would like to get my hands on one, and would like the order the correct piece from the new Vendor.


This is going to keep on going.

Story about the new supplier's website below

AJFitzpatrick said:
This is going to keep on going.

Story about the new supplier's website below

I would say this guy's chances of ever getting another federal contract can be quantified as slim and none.
I always thought of the Grohmann Boat knife as being best used in the national boat, a Canoe.
They make supurb canoe tripping knives - easy to sharpen in the field, great for preparing a nice stew, and comes with that beautiful leather sheath that hangs well and does not get caught up. Perfect for my purposes.

However, it never struck me as a aggressive, military purpose utility blade...