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The Pingat Jasa Malaysia Medal


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The Pingat Jasa Malaysia Medal



In 2005 the Malaysian Government approached the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) to seek approval to present their new medal, known as the Pingat Jasa Malaysia, to British veterans and others who served in operations in Malaya/Malaysia between August 1957 and August 1966.
This was not a matter for the Ministry of Defence. On behalf of the Government, the FCO is responsible for administering the policy relating to the acceptance and wear of non-British awards by British citizens. They arranged for the matter to be considered by the Committee on the Grant of Honours, Decorations and Medals, (known as the HD Committee). This is a non-political, pan-Departmental committee, Chaired by the Cabinet Secretary, which advises The Queen on such matters. The Committee considered the matter of the PJM in the light of the rules governing the accepting and wearing of non-British awards and made recommendations to The Queen. As a result, on 31st January 2005 the Minister for Trade, Investment and Foreign Affairs, Mr Ian Pearson made a Written Ministerial Statement to the House of Commons as follows:

Written Ministerial Statement
31 January 2006

Pingat Jasa Malaysia

"The Pingat Jasa Malaysia (PJM) is a commemorative medal which the Government of Malaysia would like to award to eligible British citizens, for their service in Malaya or Malaysia between 31August 1957 and 12 August 1966.

The Committee on the Grant of Honours, Decorations and Medals (the official committee which advises Her Majesty The Queen on matters of honours policy) has recommended that an exception to two of the long-established Rules governing the accepting and wearing of foreign (including Commonwealth) awards be made, to enable the Malaysian Government to present the PJM. Her Majesty The Queen has been graciously pleased to approve this recommendation.

This exception to the Rules means that all of the many thousands of eligible former members of the Armed Forces/Veterans, and others, may receive the PJM. This will be in addition to the British General Service Medal (with appropriate Malaya/Borneo clasp) that many veterans will have been eligible to receive for their service in Malaya/Borneo.
Permission to wear the PJM will not, however, formally be given. It is long standing Government policy that non-British medals will not be approved for events or service:

- that took place more than 5 years before initial consideration, or in connection with events that took place in the distant past (e.g. commemorative medals);

- if the recipient has received a British award for the same service.

However, Her Majesty's Government welcomes, and believes it is important to recognise, the generous gesture by the King and Government of Malaysia, and their wish to acknowledge the service given by veterans and others in the years immediately after Malaysian independence. The exception recommended reflects this and our strong and important relationship with Malaysia.

The Committee on the Grant of Honours, Decorations and Medals reviewed the 5-year and double medalling rules, and considered that, while there were sound reasons why they should be retained, there will be occasions when specific circumstances require exceptions to the rules to be recommended. When such exceptions are contemplated, the Committee will consider each request on a case by case basis, taking into account any special circumstances at the time. The fact that a similar request has been approved in the past will not mean that permission will be granted in future cases.

Applications for the PJM, and its subsequent distribution will essentially be a matter for the Malaysian authorities, in collaboration with the relevant British Government Departments. Large numbers may be involved. It will take some time for the applications to be processed and for the medal to be distributed. The Malaysian High Commission and the relevant British Government agencies will work together to determine eligible applicants. Veterans' organisations and Service and Regimental Associations will also be involved."

Update on the rules for wearing the PJM
On 8 August 2007 Her Majesty granted permission for the medal to be worn during the main independence celebrations in Malaysia.

The relevant period is 15 August 2007 to 9 September 2007.

Applying for the Medal

The Ministry of Defence does not have lists of veterans who served in Malaya/Borneo between August 1957 and August 1966, or indeed for any other overseas deployments, so people who wish to receive this medal will have to submit applications individually, through an appropriate veterans' organisation. Individual applications should not be sent to either the Ministry of Defence or the FCO.

In the first instance you should approach your own veterans' organisation (if you are a member of one) and ask them to assess and coordinate applications on your behalf. You should complete the application form and supply as much information about your service in Malaya/Borneo as possible. Assessment of entitlement to the medal should be possible if you supply your Service Number, the Ship, Regiment, Corps or Squadron in which you served, the years you were in Malaysia and whether you have already received a British General Service Medal with an appropriate clasp for service in Malaya or Borneo. Please note that the application process can take up to one year.

The National Malaya & Borneo Veterans Association (NMBVA) has agreed to coordinate and collate applications on behalf of its members and, in addition, applications from Malaya/Borneo Campaign veterans who are not members of any veterans' organisation, or association. The NMBVA will assess the entitlement to the PJM from the information provided by the applicant, stamp the application as approved and pass lists of successful applicants to the Ministry of Defence for endorsement and despatch to the Malaysian High Commission in London. Any individual applications that have not been cleared by an appropriate veterans' organisation will be sent automatically to the NMBVA. No verification checks will be carried out by the Ministry of Defence.

If you are member of the NMBVA, you can obtain more information by visiting the Association's Internet website: www.nmbva.co.uk. Completed application forms should be sent to the following address:

Mr Fred Burden
Membership Secretary
National Malaya & Borneo Veterans Association
44, Meadgate Avenue
Great Baddow
Tel No. 01245 495238

If you have been given a copy of this information and do not have access to the internet may write to Mr Burden for a form. Please ensure that you enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. We are advised that the medal will be issued posthumously to next of kin.

Can you help?

The Ministry of Defence welcomes offers of assistance from ex-Servicemen’s associations and organisations, including Regimental Associations who have members who served in Malaya and Borneo between 1957 and 1966. If your organisation is prepared to coordinate applications from your members and assess the entitlement of those who served in Malaya and Borneo, in your Regiment, on board ship or in a squadron, please ask your Secretary, or other designated official, to contact the Ministry of Defence at the address below to arrange for their contact details to be added to this website. Please write to:

“Pingat Jasa Malaysia”
DS Sec – Honours 1
Ministry of Defence
Level 8/Zone J
Main Building
London SW1A 2HB

The veterans’ organisations that are assisting with the exercise will be given the qualifying criteria for the PJM published by the Malaysian Government to assist them in determining whether or not applicants have qualified for the medal. We must again stress that the Ministry of Defence and FCO will not deal with individual applications or queries about individual entitlement to the PJM, so please do not submit individual applications to the above branch. Any received which have not been stamped by an appropriate veterans’ organisation or Regimental Association will be sent automatically to the NM&BVA for verification.

Mortar guy said:
Sunil Ram already has one for "saving" Malaysia.


(Heavy sarcasm starts)
Well of course he did, he's a professor of History in North America after all. He's certainly done more for Malaysia than those poor conscript squaddies who wandered around in the ''Ulu' for 16 years (Heavy sarcasm ends)
Lord... this proves what wankers some of really are on army.ca  :salute:
not just that you are uninformed but you are stupid and ignorant too :blotto:

oldlineman said:
Lord... this proves what wankers some of really are on army.ca  :salute:
not just that you are uninformed but you are stupid and ignorant too :blotto:


I think some are waiting for your substantiations in the other thread. Don't forget to stop and answer as you drive by.
Cool. Who knew that the Malayan Emergency would provoke such 'passions' in a Canadian? I can't wait until I start posting stuff about Borneo and Aden!
daftandbarmy said:
Cool. Who knew that the Malayan Emergency would provoke such 'passions' in a Canadian? I can't wait until I start posting stuff about Borneo and Aden!

Deep Woods Off won't protect him there.  ;D