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tess' rememberance day challenge

the 48th regulator

Army.ca Fixture
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Ok Folks,

I wanted to get a proper thread going for my challenge.

I have reposted my Challenges to all Canadians..

It is interesting to see what is known as the "Flag Flap".

I have read articles indicating that there are some hopping mad citizens.  That they have contacted their MPs in protest of our Leader's decision to return to protocol.

Here is a challenge, November eleventh is not a Holiday here in Ontario.  How about all people dedicate one day of their Holiday allotted time from work and visit a parade or commemoration.  Drop by a legion or an Armouries.  Instead of whining about what the government should do, or offer you to remember, I Challenge you to show it by sacrificing one day for your time...

That is the John Tescione [size=12pt]"tess' rememberance challenge"
  of 2006.

Give up a day to remember.

That is exactly it folks you can do something, or better yet;

Jack Layton You ask the Prime Minister what he is trying to hide?

Bill Graham You say "We should not be hiding these things, Canadians are proud of their soldiers. They want to express their respect."

Ujjal Dosanjh you as the Liberal defence critic  said "He (The Prime Minister) has lifted a page from the Bush book and borrowed the Bush modus operandi,"

Garth Turner,  Daryl Cramp, Gordon O'Connor, and the list can go on...

I challenge you to make November eleventh a holiday.  A day where absolutely nothing is open.  A day where people must go to the appropriate venue and remember the sacrifice of Canadians for our Country. 

I challenge all Canadian media to block all broadcast of non essential shows, and provide coverage of the days events.  Provide documentaries describing the sacrifice of Canadians Past and present.

It is easy to jump on a bag wagon with a  catchy phrase like "Flag Flap" but let us see you put your ideas and values where they count.


John Tescione
I totally agree. people just want Rememberance Day to be a holiday so they can get off work or out of school. they SHOULD just take time off to go to a ceremony. I believe that if they get this as a holiday, they will just stay home.
Which is why I challenged the Media to broadcast only programming dedicated to the sacrifice that have been made,  whether it is live coverage of ceremonies or documentaries detailing the efforts that have been made.

That way the Canadian public will understand why they have the freedom to sit on their rumps, instead of working.


Im there every November! 

For those no longer with us...   :salute:

Not to belittle your admirable project, John, but I think you are preaching to the choir - how do we get this message to the uneducated masses?  In particular the civi youn'uns aged 16-20?  I think a lot of them are 'turned off' by the religious overtones of the ceremony.  (So I have heard them say - Heathens!)
I like this,a lot! We know they have been watching these pages pretty closely,Just by what's been showing up in the general media, So here it is,lets see all the canadians who are so hopping mad, come out and support our fallen!
Come On Canada,I gave You seven Years of my life,Come out and hold my hand while I grieve for my friends!

                                        1st canadian Infantry Division
                        Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry
Centurian1985 said:
- how do we get this message to the uneducated masses?  In particular the civi youn'uns aged 16-20? 

By posting a letter like this to your local MP:

Dear (insert name of MP):
I an sending this to let you know that, as a veteran and still serving member of the Canadian Forces (insert name of unit), I support your Government's decisions regarding the Peace Tower flag and media access to the CFB Trenton repatriation ceremonies.  However, I would suggest that the "ramp" ceremonies conducted by and for the comrades of the fallen should still be open to the media.  I know that's the way my family would want it.

Since tradition seems to be important to the Conservative Party of Canada, I challenge your Government to make November eleventh a National statutory holiday, as it was in years gone by.  A day where absolutely nothing is open. A day where people can go to the appropriate venue and remember the sacrifice of Canadians for our Country.   No work; no school and no "early Christmas shopping day".  The Governments of Canada and her provinces and territories can legislate that all shops and business be closed on Christmas Day, a religious holiday and New Year's Day, a family holiday.  Why not similarly honour the memory and sacrifices of those who fought and died to preserve our rights to celebrate these holidays? 

I challenge all Canadian media to cease all broadcasts of non essential shows.  No reality TV; no afternoon soaps; no game shows.  Provide coverage of the Remembrance Day events, from the National War Memorial to small town British Columbia.  Provide documentaries describing the sacrifice of Canadians, past and present.  Now that's reality TV.
The Conservative Government of Mr. Harper has stated that they support the Canadian Forces and all it's veterans.  Let us see your Government put your ideas and values where they count.

Plagiarize away, folks!  I certainly did (right Tess?).  ;D
That's ok!  :D I am honored you did Haggis.

That's it people,  I have already challenged my MP with a letter and a link to the site.

I am challenging all those that have made a noise regarding recent events to put their view where their mouth or pen is.

People, let's not find the challenges, I think I have recognized and found one solution.  Let's get this challenge out.



I've sent it to a bunch of Conservative MP's and to the other party's with minor changes. So far, I've got an automatic read response from the lieberals. Probably just deleting out the email box before the weekend ;D
Why are we dredging up the "ramp ceremonies" stuff in this thread? I disagree that repatriation is a "media event" (besides which, no one seems to have answered my question - what else do they do besides slow march the remains from the plane to the hearse?) and think that if we are going to write about the flags and the excellent Rememberance Day challenge, we should stay on message.  Let the media work out the repat ceremonies and let's focus on Rememberance Day.

I say we write to the networks directly - ditto shopping malls, MPs, MLAs and city councilmen.

The federal government does not legislate when the TV stations will run afternoon soaps. Nor should they.
Hey Mike,

Write it any way YOUR heart desires and send it to whoever. The above was just a suggested template, with very clear instructions to change what you want. Have a ball. Try not to create an issue where one really doesn't exist.
From:  Tait Simpson  (Liberal party)


Subject: Re: Remembrance Day Policy

Thank you for your email. I have passed it along to our Defense Critic.

:-[ I stand corrected. They did read it. Hope it gets them thinking.

Received the following e-mail in response to the one I sent to PMO and opposition leaders regarding lowering of flag and repatriaitoin of our fallen:

Thank you for writing to inform me of your views regarding protocols on lowering of the flag on our nation's Peace Tower.
While we may not agree on this issue, New Democrats believe it is important to honour our fallen soldiers. That is why NDP MP Chris Charlton brought forth a motion in Parliament to have November 11th recognized as a national holiday. Although her motion did not pass, we will continue to work towards fully recognizing this important date. Please see below Chris' comments and motion.
Again, I appreciate hearing from you on this important matter. All the best.
Jack Layton, MP (Toronto-Danforth)
Leader, New Democratic Party of Canada

    Ms. Chris Charlton (Hamilton Mountain, NDP): Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to the brave men who lost their lives in Afghanistan. They served our country with honour and distinction and deserve our respect and thanks.
    The Prime Minister has indicated that he will not respect the tradition of lowering the flags to half-mast in honour of those who have died serving our country, nor will he allow Canadians to participate in the solemn ceremony of paying our respects as the bodies are returned to Canada.
    The Prime Minister suggests that November 11 is the only appropriate time for honouring the men and women who died serving our country in wars and in peacekeeping efforts.
    I take the Prime Minister at his word and would ask him to demonstrate his commitment by giving unanimous consent to both waiving notice and passing today my private member's bill which amends the Holidays Act to make Remembrance Day a legal holiday and to give it the same status as Canada Day.
    I will give a copy to each House leader. I would ask all members to remain in the House after question period so that we can unanimously endorse this sign of respect for those who have sacrificed their lives for Canada.

  Ms. Chris Charlton (Hamilton Mountain, NDP): Mr. Speaker, as I indicated during statements by members, I rise on a point of order to request unanimous consent for the following motion: “That this House waive notice of the private member's bill which redefines Remembrance Day as a legal holiday in the Holidays Act be deemed to have been read a second time and referred to a committee of the whole, deemed considered in committee of the whole, deemed reported without amendment, deemed concurred in at the report stage and deemed read a third time and passed”.

    The Speaker: Does the hon. member have the unanimous consent of the House to propose the motion?

    Some hon. members: Agreed.
    Some hon. members: No.

Michael Dorosh said:
Why are we dredging up the "ramp ceremonies" stuff in this thread? I disagree that repatriation is a "media event" (besides which, no one seems to have answered my question - what else do they do besides slow march the remains from the plane to the hearse?) and think that if we are going to write about the flags and the excellent Remembrance Day challenge, we should stay on message.  Let the media work out the repat ceremonies and let's focus on Rememberance Day.

I say we write to the networks directly - ditto shopping malls, MPs, MLAs and city councilmen.

The federal government does not legislate when the TV stations will run afternoon soaps. Nor should they.

Thanks Recce,

I think it is very plain and simple.  If it is legislated, we will not have to write the Malls and such....

Anyway to whomever you want to.  But thanks for the input Michael....


I've sent the email, with some changes to my MP, who happens to be Conservative.

Waiting out for Reply, will advise of response
I have received a very prompt response from my MP,

Dear Mr. Tesione,

Thank you for your letter concerning the lowering of the peace flag.  Mr. Lee appreciates you taking the time to share your concerns on this matter.  I will bring your letter to his attention as soon as possible.

Please feel free to contact our office if I can be of any more assistance.

Kind Regards,

Meagan Rapley
Parliamentary Assistant
Office of Derek Lee, M.P.
Scarborough-Rouge River
633 Confederation Bldg.
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
T: (613) 996-9681  F: (613) 996-6643

We are doing it folks!



Mine is sent,to my MP.And my two old friends from the war are sending theirs off as  I write this.We are contacting anyone still alive in our ranks to join in!
Tess, i will write my  MP the mighty Cheryl Gallant I just hope some on her staff can read it and explain it to her, i do not have much faith in her but I will try.
Opie One
Right on Opie,

Use some of that training you and I did, to mentor her to do the right thing  ;)  that course was a hoot.


This is the letter i sent to the Pm's office

Dear Mr.. Harper

As a military mother, first I would like to say Thank You for all you are doing to support our boys and girls that are serving our great country.

Mr.. Harper, there are quite a few of us parents, serving members, retired members, husbands, and wives who think that November 11 should be a national holiday, this is the day that we the people of Canada should be at services for our veterans not at work at the local Wal-Mart Canadian Tire etc. November 11 should be a day that the average Canadian can spend with their families and with the people that have seen the battles of years gone by.A day where we can reflect on the men and women in uniform that have been laid to rest.It should be a day that we can bow our heads and remember the names of the soldiers within our family and think of the families of the men of the Canadian military that have lost their lives over the last few years.

Mr.. Harper  I know that you have supported the families of the military and now I hope you will listen to the people of Canada and declare November 11 a national holiday so all of Canada can take the time to remember.
