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T.O. judge orders Christmas tree out of lobby

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I think this is getting pretty stupid when stuff like this happens...


A Toronto judge has ordered a Christmas tree out of a provincial courthouse lobby, saying it's not an appropriate symbol to non-Christians.

A Christmas tree sits in Queen's Park, Ontario's provincial legislature, on Thursday. 

The move by Justice Marion Cohen has upset staff, some of whom have called the decision stupid and insulting.

Cohen says she understands the tree has stood in the lobby at 311 Jarvis St. for years during the Christmas season, but in a letter to employees says non-Christians are "confronted" with the artificial decoration, which makes them feel "they are not part of this institution.''

The judge said it's inappropriate that a Christian symbol is the first thing visitors see when they enter the building.

A number of Christmas trees are on full display inside other public institutions, including at the Ontario legislature, Toronto City Hall and at Nathan Phillips Square. There are also trees inside the Old City Hall courts.

Staff at the 311 Jarvis St. courthouse were unwilling to comment on camera, but told CTV's Janice Golding they are disheartened. One man, who said the tree has been a Christmas tradition for decades, was infuriated when he learned of the decision.

Lawyers who work in the building were also upset and couldn't understand the reasoning.

"There's no reason why a Christmas tree can't be put wherever people want it to be. It's by no means an offense, I believe, to any religion," said one counsellor.

"I don't know that it falls upon judges to make decisions of that sort anymore than upon any other member of the public," added another.

The attorney general's office says there is no court or ministry policy that addresses this particular situation.

Cohen would not comment on camera.

The small tree has been moved to an administrative corridor off to the side.

With a report from CTV's Janice Golding and files from The Canadian Press

Although it is called a "Christmas Tree", it really has no roots in Christianity.  It is an old Pagan rite to decorate the tree. 

I wonder if we as Christians should now be offended by and voice our objections to the celebration of Hanuka, or Ramadan, or the Dali Lama's birthday, or............  ::)
This does tick me off.  I am a non Christan, and i have no quams about decorating trees, bushes, buildings and etc.  I do have a problem, when others view such time aged decisions on a silly merit.  but that's just me. 
Judge or no, I don't think she has the authority to make an order like that without a duly filed complaint wending it's way through the court system. Being initiated by her, would make her the plaintiff and it would have to be heard by an impartial third party. Or maybe I'm right out've 'er. Maybe Whiskey 601 can chime in here and give us the poop.

Personally, I'd inclined to wish her a Happy Festivus, along with the obligatory "What I don't like about you" signed off with a single digit wave, and add some more ornaments. ;D

Edited for gender correction, heaven forbid ::)
This is friggin dumb...its the time of year that alot of use celebrate...deal with it..if you don't celebrate it..then don't worry about it...a tree is not going to hurt your feelings....its part of life...man I don't get mad everytime I see other religions celebrating something..grow up!!!
There are Christmas Trees in the Centre Block of Parliament Hill... that should set the precedent for all public buildings!

To the judge:

recceguy said:
Judge or no, I don't think he she has the athourity to make an order like that without a duly filed complaint wending it's way through the court system. Being initiated by him her, would make him her the plaintiff and it would have to be heard by an impartial third party. Or maybe I'm right out've 'er. Maybe Whiskey 601 can chime in here and give us the poop.

Personaly, I'd inclined to wish him her a Happy Festivus, along with the obligitory "What I don't like about you" signed off with a single digit wave, and add some more ornaments. ;D

Like George said, the tree is a pagan symbol, from druids...not Christian.  Perhaps Christmas should be removed as a statutory holiday and everyone goes to work on the 25th...  ::)
I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.  Should a judge named Cohen not be excluded from ruling on " Christian symbols"?  Don't bother rolling out the anti-Semite card, just an observation.
It was common for the early Christian Church to take pagan holidays and amend them into Christian ones.  It was part of the method of conversion.  "Christmas", celebrated on the 25th as it is, replaced Saturnalia, a pagan Roman holiday.  I think that Teutons had the trees for whatever, Christians assimilated it into their religious expression.  I imagine a conversation going like this:
Pagan: "But, what of Saturnalia?  We'll miss that"
Christian: "Oh, you can still celebrate Saturnalia, but let's call it "Christmas" instead."
Pagan: "But what of our festive trees?"
Christian:  "They're okay too.  Just put an angel on top that's all"

Other holidays were also "borrowed" from the pagans for similar reasons, as I understand it.

I find it a horrible sign of the times when it's considered "offensive" for Christians to display their love of God in public, but "celebrated" for others to celebrate their love, whatever that love may be, in public.  We hear outcries when we hear talk of forcing Moslem women to unveil themselves (and rightly so!  It's their religion, let them live it that way!), but we hear not a peep when morons like Judge Cohen attempt to avoid offending less than one tenth of one percent of a puddle of water by offending the majority of people out there.  Shame!
For those who don't celebrate Christmas....just call it a 6 foot air freshener.   ;D
Kat Stevens said:
I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.  Should a judge named Cohen not be excluded from ruling on " Christian symbols"?  Don't bother rolling out the anti-Semite card, just an observation.
The name got to me as well, but I dismissed it.  Cohen, O'Roarke, Abdullah, whatever.  This asshat is a judge, which makes them feel high and mighty to begin with :D

beach_bum said:
For those who don't celebrate Christmas....just call it a 6 foot air freshener.   ;D

Oh ya, that's going to get some use this season. Thanks  :) 
For those who don't celebrate Christmas....just call it a 6 foot air freshener. 

LOL...nearly wet myself!!! love it!!! ;D
(Just my opinion, but hey I could be wrong)... Jeeezly cripes...more politically correct bull-crap! How in the name of all that's holy (oops sorry to our atheists friends  ::) ) do some people reach their station in life!These people should  get a grip on life and start dealing with real issues and stop wasting valuable time & money! Does anyone really think that our Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhists, Christian, Wicca, etc, etc, etc brothers and sisters really care whether a coniferous lighted tree comes across their field of vision?!

PLeeeze  ::)
I was borne in this country 54 years ago my dad called it a christmas tree as did his father and his father before that. If you are offended by the symbles christmas leave.
Lets cancel Christmas and every other holiday.
Have everyone work 365 days a year. No more birthday Celebrations, Aniversarys, etc.

In fact this Judge should be working all of Christmas time, I mean you cant have your dessert with out eating your supper. If I was their boss I would enforce that this Judge in particular work through the Holidays and every other Christan Holiday.
Yup, I bet their mind set changes real quickly. It is a statement by some, others it is a reason to pry the Country I live in from it's roots.
Damn more and more of this crap, try this in Alberta and see what happens.
Sounds like she's harassing Christians based on their religion. ;) Time for OPSEU to start treating them like everyone else and launch a grievance against the Provincial Gov't that employs the judge.