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Sweet success: How the Hadhads went from refugees to employers in 1 year


Army.ca Myth
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BZ to the Hadhads (maybe now Havehaves  ;D) for their success.  I'd be interested to know if anyone has tried their stuff in Antigonish.

A Syrian family in Antigonish, N.S., says they're financially independent on their one-year anniversary in Canada, having made a sweet success of their start-up business.

The Hadhads are so successful they now employ 10 people at their small chocolate shop.

The Hadhads are arguably the best-known former refugees to land in Canada. Their story has evolved far beyond how any of them could have imagined.

The Hadhads had never been on a plane before they made their journey to Nova Scotia.

They landed with no belongings but a few bags of clothing, tired and nervous about what was to come.

"We were thinking that finding a job would be hard for me and my family," Tareq Hadhad, the eldest son, told CBC News.

But they were wrong. Their one asset was their ability to make chocolate, their former family business. It didn't require any translation.

The community embraced the Hadhads and their sweets. In a matter of months, they were selling at farmers markets in Nova Scotia.

Volunteers in Antigonish helped build the tiny shed-turned-factory. Tour buses started dropping by and news agencies around the world started calling.

Their biggest break was when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau highlighted their accomplishments in a speech at the United Nations.

"We just explored every option to be integrated as fast as possible," said Tareq Hadhad.

The transition wasn't always smooth. Tareq was surprised to find out he wouldn't be able to enter medical school right away to complete his degree, which he had nearly finished before he was forced to flee Damascus.

The family was also forced to leave behind their 25-year-old daughter, Alaa, and her two children when they moved to Canada.

The family was finally reunited in December, but when her mother, Shehenaz, was asked to reflect on her first year in the country, she described it as "sad" because of their separation.

Now, a weight has been lifted off her shoulders, she said. "I want to now help my husband and make chocolate," she said.

The entire family flew to a conference in Toronto in November. While many Syrian families are relocating to larger centres to find work, they say they'll never leave Antigonish because for them, it represents a feeling of peace and safety.

Their next steps are to expand the business. They started accepting online chocolate orders just before Christmas, but had to shut down almost immediately because they couldn't handle the demand.

"We had thousands of orders," said Tareq Hadhad. The 10 new staff members will help them process all those orders, but they'll need more help.

Hadhad said they realize other Syrian families are having a tougher time with the transition. Their plan is to hire some of them in other locations to help distribute their chocolates.

While all the family members are helping with their chocolate shop, their teenage daughter Batoul says she has plans that she could have never imagined one year ago. She wants to get into university and study geography.


FB profile of their shop:  https://www.facebook.com/peacebychocolate/?fref=ts&pnref=story
Too bad that not all the new arrivals will find it so easy to fit in and make a go of it.  I applaud the success of the Hadhad family and when I get back home, I will make the time to visit their shop in Antigonish for a taste.
jollyjacktar said:
Too bad that not all the new arrivals will find it so easy to fit in and make a go of it.  I applaud the success of the Hadhad family and when I get back home, I will make the time to visit their shop in Antigonish for a taste.

I ordered some for my mother in Newfoundland. The Hadlhad family did have money when they came to Canada and some refugees who did have the resources generally they have been successes. Many have moved to larger centers where there are sizable ethic populations where they can rely on support, food etc. It was a pipe dream that they would stay in smaller communities.
I know Tareq personally. He's an inspiring guy.

Their shop is awesome. It started as a baby barn and is now two baby barns laid lengthwise together in their yard. If you know Antigonish, head up towards the main entrance to St. Martha's hospital. They are the last house before the hospital's driveway.

I know most here aren't fans of our current PM, but what a story it made when he mentioned the Hadhad's at the UN speech. They also got to meet him in Sydney recently. Tareq is a local celebrity and is doing well to make himself a part of the community. In fact, they had just barely started turning profits when they donated money to the FMM fire relief. We need more of them!
Amazing what an immigrant can do when they connect to their new society and have the determination to succeed.