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"Swan Island protesters claim they were hooded and stripped at ASIS base ....

The Bread Guy

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.... Critics say 'dumb' to trespass in heightened security climate" - this from Aussie media:
The Defence Force has initiated an inquiry into claims by a group of anti-war protesters that they were hooded, stripped and dragged on a Victorian island used as a military intelligence base.

Swan Island, 90 minutes from Melbourne, is used for training by the Australian Secret Intelligence Agency (ASIS), the overseas arm of the country's spy network.

It is not open to the public without Defence or ASIS approval.

Early last Thursday, eight protesters from the Swan Island Peace Convergence made it on the island where they split into two groups of four.

When four of the men took photos of themselves holding anti-war banners, they were apprehended by a group of plain-clothes Defence personnel believed to be from the crack commando unit, the SAS.

"We heard a car come screaming around the corner and two plain-clothed men jumped out and rushed towards us," protester Greg Rolles told 7.30.

"This man charging at me was one of the scariest things I have seen. For about the last 15, 20 metres I had my hands in the air saying, 'I'm a non-violent protester and I won't be resisting'.

"That didn't stop him from tackling me as hard as he could and throwing me into the ground."

Mr Rolles still has the marks around his wrists he says are from the cable ties his captor used to handcuff him.

"He then went on to put a hessian sack over my head, and after that was on I heard one of the two men say, 'Welcome to the bag, motherf*****s'," he said ....

And from the protesters, this news release:
Before dawn on October 2, eight peace activists entered the top secret Swan Island military base near Queenscliff, Victoria.

The group entered the base to nonviolently disrupt preparations for the imminent war in Iraq. Four of the activists were discovered, detained and assaulted by SAS soldiers on the base. The treatment of the activists by the SAS bordered on torture.

The four were forcibly stripped naked, handcuffed, struck on the face and choked. Their clothing was cut off with knives, hessian bags were placed over their heads and they were told, “welcome to the bag motherfucker”, and asked, “do you want to go for a swim?” before being dragged naked across the ground.

SAS personnel stood on activists’ heads and backs causing injury and said: “If you move we will kick you in the face.” Activists were dragged and dropped on the ground when they didn’t respond to questions.

When the Victorian Police arrived on the scene, the assaults ceased. Peace activist Sam Quinlan said: “I was thankful for the arrival of the police — when they got there I finally felt safe.” An ambulance was called to the front gate as activists were released from custody to attend to their injuries.

Another activist who entered the military facility, Greg Rolles, said: “The use of these tactics on citizens of Australia peacefully protesting the actions of the SAS is an alarming indication of the use of torture the SAS is employing in Iraq, Afghanistan and other undisclosed locations.”

Hugh de Kretser, executive director of the Human Rights Law Centre, said: “These are extremely disturbing allegations which need to be fully investigated. If true, this behaviour is clearly unlawful.”

Another member of the group, Jasmine Pilbrow, said: “We were trying to disrupt the preparations for this imminent war and are concerned that Australia’s involvement will only play into the hands of militant extremists.”

The group is particularly concerned about the role of the SAS, who use Swan Island in their ongoing role in Afghanistan as well as likely roles in Iraq and Syria.

“There are clear alternatives to bombing ISIS,” said Fiona Taylor, who was protesting at the Swan Island main gate. “Blocking oil supply channels, having arms embargoes and support of a regional solution all will cripple ISIS without breeding another generation of militant extremists.”

The protesters are part of the Swan Island Peace Convergence, which has blockaded the island’s only entrance since September 30, preventing traffic onto the island. It is the fifth consecutive year of protests at the island.

Mess with the bull ....
Got to love the Sheep who don't think that the Sheep Dogs need to protect themselves, not just the Sheep, from the Wolves out there.