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So there I was.......

....with lawyers running through the streets chasing ambulances and staking out the golden arches for hot coffee incidents. But one day there was a big flash of light ....
...alas it was flashes out light from 155 illum rounds, guiding our way to...
... an emerald castle, where bombast and bright lights take the place of leadership and recognized authority ...
... of the little tin men who were demanding personal oil changes be performed immediately by fair maidens brandishing whips and ...
a collection of principalities in the east end of the city . . .
...where the broad, magnificent , boulevards and streets were lined with...
.... bureaucrats and paperwork kiosks so as with any government endeavor it turned out all wrong, so the materials were all salvaged and used to ....
...build H-Huts at Arctic Bay Barracks, the regimental depot of the newly raised...
.... Corps Of Outdoorsy Muscley Guys And Gals, their first CO was ...
... former US Navy SEAL and accomplished politician, Jessie Ventura who, it turns out, acquired honourary (note the spelling of "honourary") Canadian citizenship when he wandered, drunk, across the Minnesota border and accidently rescued...
....two ditzy blonde twins who had been on a tequila party cruise and lost their ............
.... chaperons who mysteriously disappeared while traveling past Army.ca HQ, but they made out quite well being taken care of by the ever friendly ...
... 48th Regulator, that paragon of virtue, eloquence and civility.  Our hats are off to you, Tess, for once again....
providing guidance to a contingent of jump qualified Patricias who went astray on a night compass march across the Shilo ranges . . .