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Island Ryhno said:
I paid a lot of money for the right not to have to buy Trojans, cost me three rings, engagement ring, wedding ring and SUFFERing   ;)

Just be glad there are no rings for divorces....just lawyer bills  ;D
Island Ryhno said:
I paid a lot of money for the right not to have to buy Trojans, cost me three rings, engagement ring, wedding ring and SUFFERing   ;)

Roger out. ;D
kincanucks said:
Ahhh cryptic posts.   What list?

The list you posted in this thread on March the third.   I'm just wondering if the 15 Veh Tech positons available then has any relevance this late in April. Sorry for not being so specific, you seem to post a lot of lists :)
Jordan411 said:
The list you posted in this thread on March the third.   I'm just wondering if the 15 Veh Tech positons available then has any relevance this late in April. Sorry for not being so specific, you seem to post a lot of lists :)

That list was for how many Vehicle Techs were selected on 16 Feb which is very easy to figure out if one follows the thread.  Now there are 181 Veh Tech positions available and that could be found at:

List Posting Maniac  ;D Hey Kincanucks are you saving one of those Armoured Positions for me or what?
Island Ryhno said:
List Posting Maniac   ;D Hey Kincanucks are you saving one of those Armoured Positions for me or what?

Keeping one in my backpocket just for you.
I'm new to army.ca and am very interested in this recruiting process for my son. I was in the regs back in in 76-79, back when you were practically sucked into the recruiting office with a huge vaccuum as you went past the recruiting office. So, I'm surprised and dismayed at  how difficult a time some of you guys are having getting in.

The post that caught my attention, though, was dan476's about  the worst strategy being  to get into reserves first. Is that the common experience, does it really hamper your chances of getting into the regs after or is it poor dan476's (understandable)  frustation coming out? And believe me, I feel for you because I'm working side by side with my kid to get him in and sometimes it feels like it will never happen..
Hey Dross,
I said getting into reserves was a worst strategy, IF you are planning on going regs right away, and there is a reason for that. Not just in my case, but almost all cases I saw, whenever a reservist applies for a component transfer into regs (even same trade) It would take on average anywhere between 6 months to 3+ years. Recruiting process can be very long and weary. First step for transferring into regs is getting your unit to initial paperwork, collect all the info and pass it on to CFRC (really shouldn't take more than 2 weeks, but takes years sometimes, In my case 2 out of 3 attempts to initial paperwork never even made it past my old unit, not because I didn't provide them with right paperwork, but because it sat on someones desk for months collecting dust until someone had to clear up some space for  new ones and mine was trashed, I was told it was lost).
Another thing you must remember is that for a civilian it is by far faster to get in regs because no one has to verify their time in and courses that might or might not count in regular force. If anyone asks me if being in the reserves was a good thing or not, I'd say it was good, I got a few nice courses out of it, and have seen a few places and mainly I got an excellent experience out of it, mostly from being a F/T Reservist.  But if I could go back to the day I filled out paperwork for the first time, I would definitely put a checkmark in REGULAR FORCE box.

i have to redo pt...what is the redo pt test? any idea 21 push?sit up?
i got my offer but i have to do an interview update before sworn in, what kind of interview i should expect? same as the first one??

Dan476, thanks for your feedback.  This info is definitely straightening out our thinking. The worst part is that our longer range strategy is even more convoluted: that is, getting into the British regs. He tried once (yeah, I've been plowing through all the excellent posts on Canadians getting into the British Military) and failed with no reason given, so we firgured it was lack of military experience so our next strategy was to get him into the Canadian regs or reserve, get some military experience and then try again. I won't go into the details in this thread/forum,/whatever except to say, that after reading of the trials of guys like you, we're definitely going to back to the drawing board.

So, thanks again to you and all the other guys for sharing your ordeals.

Also like to thank kincanucks for timely info on selection, etc.

I'd also like to thank the academy...never mind.
I was reading back on the second page and I saw beside Int op was skld. If that means skilled, then what does that mean? Does it have to do with the 4 years you have to be in the military before remustering?

I'm just curious because my end goal is to be a Int op or Int Officer.