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Search Engine


New Member
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I think there is a problem with the search engine. I was looking for the below thread using the search term "parking" and the results that came up didn't include the below thread (which includes that word):

I have a question about a motorcycle but I dont want to ask it if I can search the answer
My favourite technique is to Google "site:forums.army.ca search words".  I find it's a bit easier to navigate using Google.
Worked OK for me... I put in "parking" and selected just the Recruiting Office --> Basic Training board for the search. It was #2 in the results. The more specific you can make your search the more focused the results will be. :)

Hmm.. I figured not everyone would have this problem Mike since I was the first to report it. I just searched the term parking again in the search bar and this thread doesnt come up. I looked through all the results (less than a page) and they're all from before 2005... none from after.
It did work when I was more specific but it's hard to figure out in which subforum it is sometimes

Thanks, I'll use Google as well from now on (didn't know previously about adding "site:"
koopa said:
I just searched the term parking again in the search bar and this thread doesnt come up.

Where exactly did you use this search bar ?

From the main page, the sub-board or from this thread ?
I just tried from the main page and got the same result as koopa - 1 page 2005 and prior posts. Selecting recruiting only gave me 2 pages.

Thanks for the google DAP - never thought of it.