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ROTP offers.....


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Hey guys,

Just wondering if any of the ROTP applicants this year have received an offer yet? Or if anyone here on these boards that has an insider in Log or whoever handles offers has heard about anything coming down the line sometime soon?

The anticipation is just killing me.......even if I don't get the offer (which would really suck), I'd rather know sooner than later......

I just heard back on Thursday: I got an offer for Intelligence in the Air Force. I would think a phone call would be coming your way soon to let you know about the status?
Hey man. I got my offer a week ago for CELE (at which point i nearly jumped out of my skin with excitement) :o. i think the trick is to call you recruiting file manager, like i did. I used to call them every week until they said "yes" ;D
I got my offer last tuesday, heading to IAP on the 2nd of July. Going in as an armoured officer! Should be good times. I got a phone call from the career manager from CFRC Ottawa.
For those who got accepted, were you offered RMC or civie university. And what was your application like in terms of marks and what kind of community service you have done.
C/MWO.Banks said:
I got my offer last tuesday, heading to IAP on the 2nd of July. Going in as an armoured officer! Should be good times. I got a phone call from the career manager from CFRC Ottawa.

Welcome to the Corps.
Pte. Albano said:
For those who got accepted, were you offered RMC or civie university. And what was your application like in terms of marks and what kind of community service you have done.

I got into RMC, with a 95% average and with very little community service. (i think the community service killed me, because i got my second choice for trades). and There was a spot on the application for fitness. at the time of application i just passed the standards. so fitness was pretty bad too. As you can suspect, with these marks, other universities were "encouraging" me to go to their university  but RMC is number ONE!
I am waiting for a ROTP(civie) Nursing Officer offer as well. So the trick is to call them every week...I guess I'll start doing it now.
Also, any idea if you do get an offer when do you start your IAP/BOTC.
And one member here mentioned about starting IAP in July...isn't that too late since you'll be starting school again in September.

Joining in the fun  :D  - I got ROTP Logistics, Army.  IAP JUL - AUG in St Jean, then Civy U in Ottawa and I am thrilled to be going.

to Future-Nurse and others who are still waiting -  I hope you get the answer you wanted soon. I know the waiting part is hard.

Best wishes,
Got an offer a couple weeks ago for pilot, RMC, then a few days later the CAM program @ University of Western Ontario. Marks about 82%, and decent fitness, leadership, and community service.
excerciseboy said:
I got into RMC, with a 95% average and with very little community service. (i think the community service killed me, because i got my second choice for trades). and There was a spot on the application for fitness. at the time of application i just passed the standards. so fitness was pretty bad too. As you can suspect, with these marks, other universities were "encouraging" me to go to their university  but RMC is number ONE!
It's not so much that your lack of community service killed you, it's that they placed you where they felt they needed you. If lack of community service had killed you, you would not be going to IAP and you certainly would not be potentially marching through the Arch in September.
I'll be heading to IAP this July as well...coincidently I will also be attending Ottawa U! See you all there!
Hello all
I talked to my file manager today and she said no offer for me yet. And she added that ROTP board is sitting down next week and hopefully I'll make it this time. If not then I have to see her in first week of may to discuss other options.....this is really depressing. I wish they consider me this time. Till then good luck to all.

Future-Nurse, I wouldn't worry yet.  I got a look at the spreadsheet from Borden and they are sending out 6 rotp offers for nurse in May, 12 for June, 5 for August and 1 in September.  I think it said they were taking 25 rotp nurses, 6 from utpncm and 2 deo.  I was one of the utpncm and got the offer just last week.  I still have no details on St. Jean.  Good luck and hope to see you in the summer.
I got the call Wednesday (4 April) and was offered Infantry Officer, my first choice.  I start IAP 2 July then go to Civie U (University of Alberta) because I have already completed 2 years of my degree there.  See you guys in St. Jean.
thank you so much for such a valuable information. I am a bit relieved now after knowing that ROTP (NO) offers are still on their way. I hope I can make it. Thanks again.

No offer for me yet.  I'm just curious, does anyone know ROUGHLY how many spots there are for armoured officers?  According to their recruiting website, armoured officers are in demand right now.  Would that somewhat increase my chance of getting into RMC?  (By the way I passed all the application process, and had A average in highschool and C average in first year university)
Hi everyone, I'm actually in the same position, although I had about a 75% average my last year of high school with 85% in University English. My first year University average is really low but that's expected for first year students, in a lot of cases anyway. I was going in as a CEOTP Infantry Officer but I chose to take a shot at ROTP and the recruiter told me I was competitive, for RMC. So I'm waiting, many of my friends who are very competitive are still waiting for an offer and their first choice was RMC and a trade in the combat arms.

Touchingthevoid said:
My first year University average is really low but that's expected for first year students, in a lot of cases anyway.
My first year average (first term) was 85%. It was much higher than my high school average, which was around 78%. I don't know, somehow, I got away with doing much less work in university and ended up with better marks. For you people who are from Ottawa, Lisgar C.I. does prepare you well for universities.
Oh, I got an offer a while ago for my first choice, logistics army. IAP on July 2. My summer school is from May to mid-June. Basically, I get two weeks of summer breaks. University is stressful...for most people, not for me. I wake up at 1pm everyday and eat junk food and everything. Don't know how I could adjust to the basic training lifestyle. But then, a toal institution such as the military knows how to resocialize people.
beyondsblue, what faculty are you in at your university?  I bet it's not engineering, computing science, or those faculties that are almost impossible to get good grades in.  By the way, did you get your offer in civ university or RMC?