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ROTP civie


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I just got my offer for ROTP civie. The corporal told me the new procedure is that you don't really have a trade at the entrance. They tell you what is your trade, within the 3 choices you did when you filled papers, after you have done BOTC. However, they tell you a trade when they give you an offer. So I suppose that this trade is the one they think you will be after BOTC. For example, my 3 choices are respectively aerospace engineer, electrical and mechanical engineer and pilot. Whey the corporal called me, she told that i got an offer as an EME officer but it's not really my trade for sure depending on my aptitudes during BOTC. So, i wish i'll be aerospace engineer even if it's not the trade canadian forces need the most. But i'm still really happy cause I study in mechanical engineering!

Is everyting right or i misunderstood something when i got my offer.

Thank you

That's about right. The new system has been confusing a bunch of people, if you search around the 'Recruiting Office' threads you will find a bunch of people in the same situation. We have been told a trade, then told it is not a for sure deal. Good luck with it though! I always wish I had the math skills to get an engineering degree.
This doesn't make sense, really, someone gets an ARMY trade before BOTP, then after they get the AIRFORCE trade they wanted?! Seems like alot of un nec logistical work!
Oops, looks like I'm mixing up my engineering trades. I didn't know EME was specific to the army, in that case your general category is probably Land Operations Support? Or maybe Land Engineering? In which case Aerospace wouldn't be an option.
Ok so I have no choice to be EME officer? So the only way to be aerospace engineer si to transfer after my contract as an EME officer cause my element is land?
And suppose they don't want me to be EME officer cause they are not satisfied about my performance at BOTC (which would be very surprising i did once to get in the reserve 4 years ago), they can affiliate me only in an other land officer trade? If yes, I prefer to get my release cause beside the 3 trades I chose when I filled papers, there's nothing else in canadian forces I wanna do!...well maybe another one but it's not army anyway!

That is all I can say.  I am dumbfounded after that. 

Is English your second language?
Hey it's not that bad! I'm sure you understood:P

and yes english is my second language....I'm not very good in grammar give me a chance!:P
steven18 said:
Hey it's not that bad! I'm sure you understood:P

and yes english is my second language....I'm not very good in grammar give me a chance!:P

Just asking, and it explains a lot.  There are problems with your whole post, not the grammar parts, but the process that you are going through.  I am sure that you will find the end solution, only after you have completed a couple of years, if not all, at RMC and they have a better idea of what direction your career may take.  You may in fact find that you will change elements.  Who knows.  Time will tell.
I'm not going at rmc, i'm subsidized at Laval university because i already did 2 years successfully in mechanical engineering...So 2 years left!

Some guys with aeronautic experience in both the military and civilian have been requesting occupational transfer in the AERE trade but have only been offered EME. With their background in aerospace (AVN tech, Mech Eng, pilot training) one would expect AERE transfer the only logical outcome but it is not.

From what I have seen they are trying to stream the ceased trained guys on the army side so I'm not suprised they are doing the same with the ROTP dudes.

The needs of the service !

Bonne chance!

Although it's a good thing to plan for your future, don't dwell too much into it right now. Two years will go by fast, especially as an undergrad, but you will also face plenty of challenges and obstacles along the way. Your third year is coming up and in my opinion it's the most difficult year of all. It was for me and my colleagues, and I presume it would be for your program too. Take it one step at a time and focus on the task at hand. Don't worry too much about if you can get into the AERE trade or not right now, you still have plenty of time. Yes, the AERE trade is a difficult one to get in, but keep up the hard work to improve your chances of getting in down the road.

Also, be happy that your education is being paid for. I took out student loans to pay for the expenses needed to complete both of my Bachelor degrees and it's biting me in the ass right now. When I was living on my own, the interest alone on my massive debt was greater than the cost of rent and utilities. Not fun at all. Don't go into debt!

Right now, get into shape for your BOTC and brush up on your vector calculus, differential equations, Fourier transforms, etc. for the fall.

Best of luck on your studies and congrats on your ROTP offer.  :)
I already did fourier transform and differentiel equations last fall...in mechanical engineering we have 7 courses of mathematic and I did it all!... and I think maths are the easiest courses in my program...physics courses are really harder! The real challenge in engineering is not math if you can juggle easily with formulas...Anyway I know I still have a lot of work until the end of my program and yes my third year is gonna be really tough but i'm not worried about the result it's gonna ends! With a paid each month for going at university, it's really motivating to study every day!!;D
And this fall is when you'll be applying those maths. You'll be using it so much that you'll be able to do them in your sleep! Which is why I do recommend that you brush up on the maths for this fall. You will need it. :)
yeah thanks for this hint dude! ;) I just wish I won't dream about maths! haha...But I know 'Servomechanism and controller' course I'll have to use a lot of Laplace Transform...And in aerodynamic a lot of Fourier! >:(