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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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I would check into that with your CFRC farther as I am in a 4 year collaborative nursing program as well, and they accepted it for me, no questions asked.  I received my offer this time last year so if this is a new rule, they just implemented it this year.  I do not see how a collaborative program would be considered any different than a regular one.  You are receiving the same education and degree, except at a more convenient location for you.

To be honest, I'm bewildered as well. For example, I applied to the 4-Year UOIT-Durham College Collaborative Nursing Program. I was told by my recruiter and file manager that it is not eligible because it's associated with a college. Any nursing program that is associated with a college such as a "collaborative" one, is not eligible for ROTP because the military doesn't want to "take the risk" or something along those lines. I don't really understand it, since it's not any different from a regular 4-year nursing program that is not collaborative with a college. Interestingly, I called another CFRC not too far from mine and they said that it doesn't matter if it's collaborative, it's still eligible for ROTP.  :-\
Btw my local CFRC is Toronto, so maybe its requirements are unique  ::)

Glad to see another Nursing ROTP Applicant!  Thanks for bringing up the issue of Collaborative Nursing Programs.  I actually planned on enrolling in one of the Ryerson Collaborative Nursing Programs had I been accepted for the ROTP.  I guess I'll talk to the CFRC in Toronto in the next couple of days to confirm whether or not Collaborative Nursing Programs are eligible for the ROTP.

In addition, (If you don't mind me asking) Did your interviewer tell you about your occupation suitability for Nursing? 
After completion of my interview, I was told that I was more suitable for my other occupation choice (Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Officer) because of my past experiences in electrical/construction work and my lack of experience in the medical setting.

Cool! Please let me know what they say regarding the collaborative nursing programs. After my interview, I was just told that I was "suitable". Nursing Officer was the only occupation that I applied to, so they didn't direct me towards a different one. I have some volunteer experience at a hospital, and a science degree with some courses relating to research/healthcare. Have you received all of your nursing offers yet?

Will do!  I actually plan on going to CFRC Toronto tommorow because doing so would allow me enough time to still apply for additional and appropriate programs if needed.  However, after checking the OUAC website, it seems that most nursing programs are closed due to an abundance of applications.  The only nursing programs that are not collaborative programs (and are still open) reside at inconvenient Universities such as University of Windsor and Laurentian University. 

With regards to my Nursing offers, I've received offers from Ryerson University for the Centennial Collaborative Program and from Lakehead University for the Compressed 3 year Nursing Program.  The only offer left that I'm waiting for is from University of Western Ontario.

Just went to the CFRC Toronto today and asked about ROTP eligible Nursing Programs and it turns out that you're right about the ineligibility of Collaborative and Compressed Nursing Programs.  The only Nursing Programs eligible for ROTP are the 4 year Nursing Programs at an accepted Canadian University, of which all four years of the program must take place in the same location.  Furthermore, the recruiter stated that an unconditional acceptance letter to a suitable Nursing Program must be submitted to the CFRC in order to be on the Merit List.

I guess my next step is to apply for the 4 year Nursing Programs at Laurentian University and University of Windsor and hope that they extend an offer a.s.a.p. 

That sucks. I don't believe they had these policies last year. As for Laurentian and Windsor, I think those are collaborative programs as well according to:


Just something you should consider before spending more money on applying to programs that still might be ineligible (like I did).
The policies must have changed then.
1. I am in the UOttawa-Algonquin College Collaborative program and
2. I was merit listed without an offer from a nursing program
3. I was given my ROTP offer with the condition that I was accepted to an approved nursing program (I wasn't accepted to school until 2 weeks after my offer for ROTP)

This really sucks and is extremely unfortunate for you both.  Sorry to hear.  >:( ??? :-\
There are also 5 other ROTP nursing students at my campus in 3rd and 4th year.  This is all kind of bizarre.
nursekatrina said:
The policies must have changed then.
1. I am in the UOttawa-Algonquin College Collaborative program and
2. I was merit listed without an offer from a nursing program
3. I was given my ROTP offer with the condition that I was accepted to an approved nursing program (I wasn't accepted to school until 2 weeks after my offer for ROTP)

This really sucks and is extremely unfortunate for you both.  Sorry to hear.  >:( ??? :-\

Quick question.  Did you start your Collaborative with the University first or with the College first?
I'm thinking maybe it's just an excuse to weed people out, since the number of applications far exceeds that of available positions. I honestly cannot find any logic behind why the collaborative programs wouldn't be eligible, especially if the university is offering the program and they are university courses.

I am in my first year of the program and am attending my classes at the college.  Some are taught by professors on site and others are video conference of professors at UOttawa.  I am considered a student at both campuses and have student IDs for both UOttawa and Algonquin College.  My tuition fees are pain to UOttawa and my student fees to Algonquin College.
Woah Katrina, you gonna get courses at UOttawa during your degree? I study there as well, Gee Gee pride :P
@Katrina: Ah, shame, there's something distinctly excellent about going to school right next to DND HQ. You're always a stone toss away from filling in more paperwork (yay).

@ Journeyman: Pfft, you're just jealous you don't get to go to university anymore and enjoy campus life alongside such elite organisations as the Marxist Student Association, who openly call themselves Maoists.
HI, I'm new to this forum. I have a question about ROTP nursing officer positions for the year of 2014-2015. On the CF website, it shows  hiring but not in demand. My aptitude test score is average for the officer rank, but the lady who did my interview ended up gave me a good score over all. I'm female, 26, I don't drink, don't smoke, never did any drugs in my life, wear glasses, my medical exam went smooth ( the lady called me boring, because I never had any broken bones). I speak three languages fluently. I'm in my second year of Nursing (Sciences infirmière) in a civil university. My grade average in university is 77, average of B+. Does anyone know how many are they hiring this year (2014) for that position  ?

Thanks everyone. :cdn:
No one can tell you your chances. Sit back and wait.

Edit to reply to your edit: Knowing the number of positions will not help to answer that question.
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