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Reserve Force Application


Jr. Member
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Well here goes, I found a lot of these stories helpful so i though I would give it a go. Hopefully this might help someone who is looking into joining or wants an idea of how the process is these days.

   After a couple years of looking into the army reserve and looking around at this web site, I finally get a drive down to Pembroke to my local regiment (1st Air defence) and hand in my application. This happens on 19/11/05. When I get there I find out that the recruiter had left to go to north bay even after I called earlier telling him I was coming in. So I handed in my application to a corporal and she told me she would hand it in to the recruiter. OK, so that evening I get a call from the recruiter telling me that everything was good except I forgot to give a photocopy of my sin card and birth certificate ( ugh   :P) but then he tells me that he would drive down to my town and collect it from me the next morning. Sweet deal i thought. Anywho next morning sipping a hot chocolate in the Timmy's parking lot I see him pull in. So I handed in my photocopy and he tells me I should get a call within 2 weeks for my aptitude test if my references clear. So home I go waiting for him to call hoping that I filled everything out properly.

28/11/05- After I get home from school I go to check my answering machine for ( well guess) and low and behold theres a message! It was the recruiter calling to tell me that my references cleared and that I was scheduled for an aptitude test on Monday Dec 5th. Woohoo! So I cal him back but theres no answer so i leave a message that I was good to go.

01/12/05- Alrighty so I call the recruiting center and talk to a different guy working the office that day. Tell him my situation and he tells me that he already knows about me (made me feel important ;D) and that he would pick me up from my school at quarter to 10 on Monday for my testing) He also tells me that I had my interview that afternoon    :o . OK, so I thanked him, got off the phone and ran to my computer to start researching artillery. (the regiment is air defence but they are changing in the summer) I was also told that I would be in one of the first groups to take artillery training for that regiment (if all my testing goes well). And now I am writing this. So I will update on Monday after my aptitude testand interview. Wow, i actually fell better writing all this out. Cheers

oh man lets hope your not color blind AUTOMATIC disqualifier for ARTY. but you lucky bum; i had to be at the armouries at 5:30 am ( up at 4 because of the 30 minute drive to ) and testing started at 7:15am sharp. wow what a day =P now just waiting for my call.
Really, jeez thats early. About the colour blind thing, I read it up on a sheet about the arty That my recruiter gave me. To the best of my knowledge I'm not colour blind but I guess I'll see soon enough.  ;D . Man I'm nervous, I guess I'll go read tail of two cities to get it off my mind.
UPDATE- 05/12/2005

alrighty, I got picked up by my recruiter at quarter to 10 at school this morning. Drove me to Pembroke to the local reserve armory's. Met up with 2 other guys there and we talked for a bit. One was a bit of an idiot the other guy was pretty cool. Then a corporal who came down to give us our testing Called us into another room (it was very cold by the way) and told us to sit down by the test booklet with our name on it. Also another neat thing was that she gave us our service number. I was surprised because i thought i wouldn't get my service number until I was enrolled. Anywho we commensed examination. 5 minutes for the first part, er i think 10 minutes for the second part and 30 for the final. alrighty so I breezed through the test and then we went into another room and watched a video. As we watched the video the interviewer (a petty officer) called us in 1 at a time and interviewed us. I was last. He called me in asked me questions got me to confirm a drug sheet thing i filled out earlier and then told me I qualified for all trades (yay) and that he found me suitable for the armed forces. After that I went back downstairs to the recruiting office and I'm scheduled for my pt test on Monday and then my medical on the Thursday after that. So, so far so good. Now I just have to wait until Monday (and maby train a bit  ;D)
UPDATE- 12/12/2005

Well I had my p.t. test today and it went great. I passed with 25 push-ups and 29 sit-ups. I know it sounds bad but I'm happy with it. the step test was a bit of a joke ( that damn music is stuck in my head  >:( ) but all in all it was good. Bad news is that my medical got canceled for Thursday because the doctors up in north bay apparently decided to have a Christmas party  ::) ) so I have to wait till after the holiday season. Anywho almost there. Cheers
Well I'm back in business. Got called Friday and was informed that my med would be on Thursday. almost there, hopefully everything will be fine on medical. My only concern is my eyes, I don't where glasses but i was given a prescription for them back in the day. My vision is only slightly blurry but meh, I was able to get my license without them i should be ok. Ah well until Thursday...

Had my medical today. Everything went fine except vision test. The doc told me he believed that I had V2 vision but because it has been 4 years since my last check up I have to get another one and get my optometrist to fill out a sheet with my eye level. Called today and have to wait 2 weeks for my appointment, back to waiting....
That sounds great, man! You're lucky you've been going through the steps so quickly....I feel like I've had to fight tooth and nail to just get my application in!
that's like the quickest recruiting I've heard of. Good luck the rest of the way in and welcome to the family.
thanks everyone, my recruiting process has gone fast especially considering the Christmas holidays in the middle. I'll keep you posted.
UPDATE- 03/02/2006

Well I went to my optometrists today and got my eyes checked. They are worse then they were before but they are still at a V2. so now I am really relieved. he filled out my form then I took it straight to post office and sent it on express post I think. So now I have done everything and the rest is up to them, feels good. if everything goes to plan I should be sworn in by next week.
UPDATE- 03/20/2006

Well this thread is starting to roll to a happy close. I just got a call today from a captain heading my recruiting center telling me that my file is complete and was sent to my unit today. So as soon as they get it (said Wednesday) I should get a call for my swearing in. While I'm not going to celebrate right now due to the possability of my file getting lost or burnt into a crisp in a horrible mail carrier accident (cross fingers) I am very confident I'll be in by next week.  ;D
damn you. why cant it be that fast to join the AF...

o yea, im being stubborn by only wanting 1 specific spec trade...

Congrats/ Good Luuk!

Well got called today! I get sworn in on Friday at 1:00! Woohoo!
is your basic at st.jean or borden? im going borden april 1...maybe i'll cya there