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Relationships and the CF?

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Jr. Member
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Right now i'm only applied for the Reserves, but I'm seriously considering phoning in to see if i can switch over to Reg. Forces, because that's actually what i've wanted to do since the day i realized i wanted to be in the military, i always wanted to be in the Reg. but, I also didn't want to have to leave my girlfriend... so i settled for the Reserves, but i feel as if this is a decision i may regret for a long long time... 

My question is, if i decide to join the Reg. Force... what are the odds we'd still be together? I mean, do many people in the Reg. Force have long lasting relationships?

I know once (if) i get accepted i go off to BMQ in Quebec for about... 3 months? Give or take. But after that, then what? I know i'll have some more training afterwards (I'm wanting to go into the combat fields, inftantry or artillery) so, then i go off to do more training? But what about after that... How often will i be able to see her? After i'm done my training do i get to choose where i live and can she move there?

I just need some basic details about this, i need to know that i can join the Reg. Force and still be with this girl whom i love. Because i also love the CF.

She's kind of against me joining the military because she didn't want me being sent away, or gone for long periods of time, so after many long conversations, and many tears later (from her, of course) i promised her i'd settle for joining the Reserves... which i did. But, if i can show her that joining the Regular Force won't be as bad as she thinks, i just might.

Thank you.
jaykay said:
I just need some basic details about this, i need to know that i can join the Reg. Force and still be with this girl whom i love. Because i also love the CF.
How old are you?  I mean, you may *think* you're in love, but my (rotten) advice is to dump her before joining.  All too often I have seen people make shitty decisions because they think that they love someone, when in fact, that someone is being selfish and can't imagine you being away for more than 10 minutes.  Then they drop out of the CF (after taking up a spot that could have gone to someone else), and then that very same person is back next year, this time, no girlfriend.
So, if you love her, stay with her and join the militia. If you want a career more (and trust me, you'll find a woman if you join), then dump her BEFORE going away.

That's my advice, it was free, and probably worth every penny.
jaykay said:
I just need some basic details about this, i need to know that i can join the Reg. Force and still be with this girl whom i love. 

No one here can answer this question. We don't know either one of you.
You could join and have a long healthy relationship or she could be getting her monkey punched five minutes after you leave.
Good luck either way.
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