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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Khaalid said:
so after my first year, that summer they send me to quebec right for 10 weeks training? when im in university my break is from may till september, so 4 months, when do they start the 10 weeks training? and when i come back from that, what happens next?

My best advice for you is to start reading other threads because you will be able to find this information quite easily. Follow PMedMoe's advice and use proper capitalization, punctuation etc. because other users will get frustrated with you and it will affect the quality of responses you get to questions.

To briefly answer your question - you need to understand that course dates are not set years in advance. You will find out when the time comes. When you go ROTP the military owns you during the summer, so frankly it shouldn't matter when the course starts. In between the time that you finish school and the time that course starts you will be given other work to do.

Anyway, go read some other threads and don't ask questions until you have used the search function to make sure it hasn't been asked before.
Sorry about the double post, I'm pretty sure it's bad etiquette in most forums.

23 days to go, who's hyped? who's nervous?  I can't wait to get underway!
Hey All,

A little late to the party, but hey, better late then never right?
I posted in the 2012-2013 thread....crap...1.5 years ago!

So here's my story: :) (prepare yourselves, will add truncated version at end)

I applied for ROTP when I was finishing up Grade 12 - now 3 years ago.
I didn't get accepted, but that was fine. I figured I'd get my foot in the door, and continue on with university, so I transferred to the reserves as a Vehicle Technician with 36 Svc Bn in Halifax.

I completed my first 2 years of Mech Eng at Saint Mary's University, and then switched over to Dalhousie (as that's how it's run here in Nova Scotia...politics).
I figured I was finally ready to put my CT in transfer to ROTP EME Officer, so did that in October of 2011. I had heard from fellow coworkers who had also put CT's in that it can be a lengthy process, and boy were they right.
My hopes were up to hear something before the summer of 2012, but nothing. So more Reserve training it was! I didn't fret though, as I was content with what I was doing.

I started my 3rd year of MechEng at Dal, and boy oh boy that's when "life experience" came at me. I had a motorcycle accident in October of 2012, requiring me to drop that semester, take time off to recover, and then decide whether or not to register for classes for winter of 2013.
I did so, and man was it ever boring! So register for classes I did. But the fun didn't stop there, as my family was hit with some unfortunate news: My mother had been diagnosed with cancer. She was in Toronto with the rest of our family while I was the only one left in Halifax, studying (or trying to). I tried my hardest to do my best, but it was difficult, and my grades suffered.

But fear not, for the summer was coming and I was set to do a Co-op session in Montreal! At last, close enough to see my mom! Meanwhile I still have not heard anything about my CT, so my mind had put it on the back burner. I enjoyed the opportunity I was given. My co-op was going great, I loved what I was doing. I loved being in Montreal! I've also been able to see my mom a handful of times which has been excellent.

Now to the good part. On June 2nd I was emailed my offer from Ottawa: Accepted for ROTP to attend Dal to finish my degree and become an EME Officer! I didn't know what to think, but I accepted! Pretty much one of the best emails ever.  ;D

So a message to those out there who have been rejected, or had issues, or whatever the case may be: don't give up. "Good things come to those wait".

TL;DR version (Too long didn't read version)
Applied for ROTP Grade 12 - got rejected.
Joined reserves to get foot in door as vehicle tech.
Completed 2 years MechEng
Put in CT to ROTP EME Officer.
Started 3rd Year MechEng.
Personal/Family Issues
Got offer for EME Officer ROTP YAY!!  ;D
Hello Everyone!
I am writing today wondering what the steps are to apply to RMC after one year of university? I will be attending Carleton this coming September, and after this year I would like to switch over and enroll into RMC. I was planning on applying out of high school, but a sports injury prevented me from doing so (I needed shoulder surgery, and am currently in recovery). The questions I had were: Does recruiting focus more on your university marks rather then high school? (or vice versa), is there a good chance of getting in one year late? or would I start as a first year? and would my courses, i.e. psychology, philosophy, etc. transfer over to RMC or would I need to start a new? I am planing on applying as a MARS officer (like my Dad). I was also wondering if being from a city (and more so Ottawa) would limit the odds of getting into RMC (I heard it becomes harder when you are from a city). My Dad has already answered most of these questions for me, and I am just looking for others experiences or knowledge on the questions/topic. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
M.Z said:
I am writing today wondering what the steps are to apply to RMC after one year of university?

You may find these discussions helpful.

Is it possible to transfer from a civilian university to RMC?

Transfer from Civilian U to RMC 

Transferring to RMC from the University of Waterloo 

College to RMC transfer 

Transferring from community college to RMC?

"has attended university/college before and completed four full courses (24 credit hours) or less of coursework;
has attended university/college before and completed four full courses or more but less than a full degree and wishes to be a transfer student; or, has completed an initial university degree and wishes to complete a 2nd degree.";

M.Z said:
Hello Everyone!
I am writing today wondering what the steps are to apply to RMC after one year of university? I will be attending Carleton this coming September, and after this year I would like to switch over and enroll into RMC. I was planning on applying out of high school, but a sports injury prevented me from doing so (I needed shoulder surgery, and am currently in recovery). The questions I had were: Does recruiting focus more on your university marks rather then high school? (or vice versa), is there a good chance of getting in one year late? or would I start as a first year? and would my courses, i.e. psychology, philosophy, etc. transfer over to RMC or would I need to start a new? I am planing on applying as a MARS officer (like my Dad). I was also wondering if being from a city (and more so Ottawa) would limit the odds of getting into RMC (I heard it becomes harder when you are from a city). My Dad has already answered most of these questions for me, and I am just looking for others experiences or knowledge on the questions/topic. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

The application process is exactly the same as anyone else.  Recruiting doesn't look at your academic performance, it is RMC Admissions that assesses that part.  Moving over to RMC is somewhat conditional upon your degree program being offered by RMC.
Thanks for answering, so are you saying that RMC would look more at my high school marks rather then my university ones?
M.Z said:
Thanks for answering, so are you saying that RMC would look more at my high school marks rather then my university ones?

I'm saying that "RMC" looks at your academic transcripts, both high school and university.  The academic assessment is done by them and not by the recruiting system.
M.Z said:
Thanks for answering, so are you saying that RMC would look more at my high school marks rather then my university ones?

No, what he is saying is that there are two separate but distinct processes that take place.

First, RMC will determine if you qualify for acceptance to the academic program, based on the academic information you provide, and if your degree / field of study is part of their curriculum (Same as if your were to switch to any other university or academic institution.)

Second, the CAF will assess your application to join based on the standard criterion which is used to assess all potential recruits.

To attend RMC, you will have to receive a positive assessment from both sides of the process. If RMC does not accept you academically, you could still become an officer in the CAF through some of the other routes available, assuming that the recruiting system accepts your application, positions are available, etc.
Staying at carleton for all 4 years has crossed my mind, but carleton was never my first choice. I've wanted to go to RMC for as long as I can remember, and my shoulder injury was the only thing holding me back (well from actually applying, I understand getting accepted is very much a challenge). If RMC doesn't work out though staying at Carleton and applying for ROTP is definitely a great option and one I'll think strongly about.
Acer Syrup said:
No I mean ROTP Civy U

Gotchya! For some reason I understood that as finishing university at Carleton and then applying.  :P
Acer Syrup said:
My only question would be why RMC? Why not stay at Carleton and go ROTP.

When you apply to the ROTP program, it is the CF's choice as to which academic instituition will be offered to you.  RMC is always first and foremost, unless the specific degree program is not offered there.

So when you apply to the CF under the ROTP program, it is "technically" an application for academic acceptance into RMC.
Hey, I am a new OCdt as of this fall going to RMC. I was wondering what kind of things I can take to RMC? I got a packing list for CFLRS St. Jean but there are some things that are not included such as a laptop or printer. I was wondering if anybody who went through RMC would be able to tell me what I should bring as well? Thanks!


Kevin Snee
Officer Cadet
Shnee35 said:
I got a packing list for CFLRS St. Jean but there are some things that are not included such as a laptop or printer. I was wondering if anybody who went through RMC would be able to tell me what I should bring as well?

This may help.

RMC personal belongings question 

( Last post was in May, 2010. )
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