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Reg force 031 infantry called sworn in and given date..


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This one is for all ppl who have applied for regular force infantry and who have been sworn in or got a date to be sworn in or who have a date to leave for bmq...
the reason why i have this up is because theres a lot of mixed info going around maybe by the individuals or by the other cfrcs across the  board. Personally when I used to call the cfrc to find out the status of my file they would tell me that Im merit listed and that my file is at borden for job evaluation and all i have to do now is wait for the call to get sworn in, kitted and go. now this collides with the info I got today, that my file is still lying around( i personally saw it with my own eyes) at the cfrc even though all requirements have been met and it still isn't even gone to borden for job evaluation yet.
If that wasnt heart breaking, spirit crushing enuf hearing a lot of ppl posting that they are going at the end of this month or have got the call to get sworn in for regular force infantry and being told (by the cfrc...high ranking officer) that i shouldn't worry that the selection board sits in sept, is just like salt in the wounds, is there something the cfrc isnt telling me or is it that ppl are misinterpreting whats being told to them.
please when answering pls add
reg force
sworn in date or future date

because I cannot understand how some ppl are getting into reg force infantry if the selection board sits in sept. although im still very happy for those who believe that they are in or know that they are in for sure. its all a little puzzling pls help put an end to this emotional roller coaster by stating facts. Im aware if anything is missing constitutes my file not being sent but i have personally sat down with (high ranking officer) and was told that my file was clean and that nothing need to be added. I dissapointed knowing  the fact that by the time my file is processed and sent to borden( thats if it gets reviewed today to be sent to borden) that i will have missed the sept. selection board and fall bmq. Im frustrated and depressed by the process. maybe its because im brown??? heck i dont know at this pont in time any answers seems  valid. yeah don't start!!! not interested!!! and if you do im only gonna get a flame thrower and come after you, earning me a verbal warning so dont!!!
neways thx for your replies and insights in advance
heck i dont know at this pont in time any answers seems   valid. yeah don't start!!! not interested!!! and if you do im only gonna get a flame thrower and come after you, earning me a verbal warning so dont!!!
neways thx for your replies and insights in advance

Are you skitso in any way? :o  ( no offence intended)
I'm frustrated and depressed by the process. maybe its because I'm brown??? heck i don't know at this point in time any answers seems  valid. yeah don't start!!! not interested!!! and if you do I'm only gonna get a flame thrower and come after you, earning me a verbal warning so don't!!!
anyways thx for your replies and insights in advance

dude, wrong century, that stuff is over...find a better excuse..
lol you just had to eh! just couldnt resist it huh! lol ;)

just in case you guys didnt catch the sarcastic parody of that sentence, maybe i didnt set the mood but thats what was intended.
now how bout helping with clarifying the info flying around the board.
Did somebody specifically tell you your file hadn't been forwarded to Borden, or did you just assume that because you saw 'your file' still there?  While I was awaiting selection, I made a few visits to the CFRC from time to time, and they pulled my file for whatever reason.  Even though they did this (i.e. had 'my file' still far away from Borden), my information was still in Borden, and I was good to go for selection.  Just because you have a physical file still at the CFRC, don't assume that they haven't done anything yet and that you aren't being considered for selection. 

Just be patient and don't worry so much.  You'll get your call eventually. 
thx hoser maybe i jumped the gun and assumed that my file was stiill stuck at the cfrc  ;D  :-[  this throws things into new light. 
lol maybe i need some valium... but damn when they brought out that thick file, my heart just sank.
thx for the good reply, if you can do me another favour and clear up the question about ppl getting the call to go even though the selection board sits sept.

thanks for the excellent observation. its good i posted this up or id really be down  ;D ;D

I see His frusteration and its very Valid.
Recruiters seem to be telling people one thing, but either mean another thing or have been given wrong information themselfs.

1 day before i got my offer which was almost 4 weeks ago, i was in my recruitment center asking for info on my file, I was told that i was merit listed and will not go to selection till september for Reg force 031 infantry. The Next day i was called with my offer.

Their is a Serious Gap in transfering information  between the higher ups and the recruitment centers.
In my experiances, no one seems to know what is going on.

my whole story is i walked into the recruiting office in thunder bay ontario just being curious because i couldnt find any other work (mid april).  i made my selection for (reg force)1 infantry 2 combat engineer and 3 a/c structures tech.  by may 13 my cfat, medical, physical, and interview were completed without a hitch and i was informed i was merit listed. august 13 (last friday) i missed a call from the recruiters and called back today (august 16) to find out it was a job offer for infantry in the royal canadian regiment.  i was given a few choices of which day i would be sworn in and i chose august 25 at 1300.  i was also told my basic training will start on september 7 and i will be leaving on september 5.
i feel extremely lucky to have my process take me from walking in the front door to getting a job offer in less than 6 months and i truly feel bad for those of you with lost files.  keep in touch with your recruiter but be respectful and polite or you may end up waiting even longer. they are doing you a favour, not the other way around.
funny thing is that i was told at the start of august i would be waiting for mid september selection, then 2 weeks later out of the blue i get a call and here i am 3 weeks away from basic training.
*CDN*Blackhawk said:
Their is a Serious Gap in transfering information   between the higher ups and the recruitment centers.
In my experiances, no one seems to know what is going on.

Again with the good info?    Have you ever considered that nobody is going to jump hoops for you untill you move higher up the military food chain?
You should   get in your head right now that your the jumper, not the jumpee.
Good luck in basic.

hey tickles man I envy you  :P lol

guessing from your post stating that you got the job offer for infantry with the RCR (rcr being one of the reg f regiments) ..im guessing your going  regular force, if so how the h3ll did you get your job offer in aug if the board for infantry sits in sept.....whats going on here ppl what are we not being told ..this is the kind of thing thats really driving me crazy.

If any recruiters floating here pls clarify why there is such a drastic difference in what we are being told. if the selection board sits sept how come ppl are getting job offers in aug. shouldnt it be job offers mid to late sept if the board sits in sept.

bravo tickles hope you have fun, wish i was you...if I ever do get in look me up, i'll be the shortest guy on the plt lol hhehehe

thx for the good reply, if you can do me another favour and clear up the question about ppl getting the call to go even though the selection board sits sept.

Unfortunately I cannot clear up anything there.  My only experience with the recruiting system is what I went through a few months ago.  I also didn't apply for 031, so I couldn't even factor a guess (well I could, but it more than likely wouldn't be accurate) as to what might've happened.  Your recruiter might be the best person to ask about that. 

But again, I'd like to remind you to be patient.  Use the extra time you've got to get into better physical shape, or to prepare yourself in any other way you think might help. 
thx hoser for putting to rest one of my concerns.
Im the epidmy of patience but just a little confused. i do like my mashed potatoes and steak   not mashed potatoes and mystery meat (sry but i dont want that sentence to come off as sarcastic just meant to say that i'd rather have clear and consice information.(about the aug-sept confliction)
Yes Im using every single extraa day to prepare to go and be in the best shape when i get there. lol this may seem funny but i actually do this just to keep motivated..keep watching the brtc video from time to time or when ever i fell lazy...lol

thx for the motivation and advice


How long has your process been taking so far from the time you stepped into the recruitiing office?
hang in there bro, the way i look at it is they are taking a few infantry now and a bunch in sept. thats the only thing i can think of. i went to wal-mart today and bought everything im gonna need for basic i am so excited!
you never know tomorrow you could get your call!
Thx tickles for the support hope you have fun even if i dont get on the same bmq.

your point of view is interesting although it colides with the cfrc standard wait till sept theory...but hey your answer seems logical and is far more feasible than trying to unravel the mysterious logic the army has, the army works in mysterious ways so i guess that they are taking in some recruits before the sept board sits and they rest will have to wait till sept results...... couldn't the cfrc just come straight out and inform us that it may be that way, lol  other than the  standard maybe today maybe tomorrow... just that all of us here would appreciate a little straight forwardness and also cut a whole lot of (on the phone time) headache of recruits wanting to know their file status..just a thought

don't want to sound paranoid about not getting in but hey im making a career in the armed forces, this is my life, my future and my career im talking about so if i sound  a little paranoid, pls bear with me and the annoying questions i might have, as Im concerned about my future.
thx to this site to let me vent and keep me sane, not that i wouldn't be able too

to all still waiting, keep the faith we are not that far off now...just a couple more weeks

ps. lol  ;D although my questions are valid ....Im what you call a sh1t stirrer and I do like the occasional stir up. pls dont repond to the this sentence.....pls stick with the topic  as Im interested to see different points of veiw on the subject.

thx for your replies, advice and motivation.


so is the selection board for mississauga only in sept? or what? let us know please!

Selection boards are run for each trade, not for each recruiting centre (i.e. if there are 100 spots for a given trade nation wide, and 200 applicants, they take the top 100 regardless of what recruiting centre they applied through).  Boards are run several times a year depending on the requirements for each trade.
heres a phrase i learnt from the capt. handling my file ...it applies to all who are waiting for the call

No news is good news ...they only time they will call you is if you get the job or theres something missing from your file

so relax and do what i do go fishing

sept 15th and 25th seem like the dates that job offers are gonna be sent out

so cross your fingers and hope that you are one of the lucky ones
