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Recruiting Targets and Statistics


Former Army Pilot in Drag
Staff member
Directing Staff
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I may have missed the bleeding obvious, but searches here and elsewhere have failed to turn up the info for which I am looking: What is our recruiting target (overall number) for this year, and what is our progress towards it to date?
Fiscal year 07/08 Strategic Intake Plan, Version 3, 10 Jul 07

Reg Force NCM: 5172
Reg Force Officers: 1262
Total Reg Force: 6434

Total Reserve Force: 6805

Total Force: 13239
Greetings. I know the last time that I went down to the recruiting office here in Winnipeg for my interview and to furnish them with a Dr.'s report), the target numbers for new recruits verses actual recruits were posted up for everyone to see. While I am unable to recall specifics about the numbers, I do remember thinking that for the early part of July (with over half the year already behind us) that the ratio of new recruits to their target for the year was about 1 to 6. Does anyone know whether or not the recruiting office operates on a calendar year (from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31) or is there another start and end date that they employ...Just curious...the phantom aka dale
CF Recruiting said:
Fiscal year 07/08 Strategic Intake Plan, Version 3, 10 Jul 07

Reg Force NCM: 5172
Reg Force Officers: 1262
Total Reg Force: 6434

Total Reserve Force: 6805

Total Force: 13239

Why are they looking for so many officers? That ratio of NCM to Officers seems a little out of wack. But then what do I know? Im just a sad civilian.
A number of factors go into it.  A big one is the attrition rate and this will vary by trade and element.  Retirement is also a pressing concern and a good many officers will be entering their retirement zone.  Without statistics to back this up, it is likely that the attrition rate among officers is higher than among NCMs.  Keep in mind also that it takes longer to train most officers than it does to train most NCMs (yes I know some NCM trades can be longer).
Also keep in mind that there are a number of officer positions which, effectively, aren't command positions. All those planes need someone to fly them, after all :)
Seem to me if you recruit Targets they are bound to end up as
Statistics,excuse me, I just could not resist.I am sure this would
be an artillerymans view of this threads title.
Not only pilots but look at specialty officers....we are always short of doctors, dentists, nurses...all officer trades. In my Branch alone (Chaplains) we have a target of 20 per year for the next five years. Chaplains enter as Captains by virtue of their Masters degree in theology. We have 200 in my Branch but the attrition rate due to the boomers retiring over the next five years and the creation of new positions, primarily to support ops overseas (all army bases are receiving extra billets) is making it necessary to boost our recruiting. Someone has to replace my sorry carcass in 7 years after all!