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Recce Course

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So does anyone know anything about the recce course? I heard it was really easy. I was just put on a nomination list to go on a reg force recce course? Like what kind of things do i do on recce? Do you have to be fit?
I would suggest asking whoever put your name in for this course those questions.  The recce course is a challenging course that you better be prepared for before you go on it.
i dont know. My reserve DP1 was the hardest one in meaford. So i think im good enough to do it.
monkeyman7 said:
i dont know. My reserve DP1 was the hardest one in meaford. So i think im good enough to do it.

Basic Recce Patrolman is going to be tougher than your DP1 course. Don't go into the course thinking it's going to be easy.

I can't believe you asked if you have to be fit for the Recce course.. do some research into what Recce does, an if anyone in your unit is Recce qualified talk to them.

Show up to the course in good shape as it is a physically demanding course.  One other thing, being nominated for the course doesn't mean you are going to get it.
FishOuttaWater said:
The Royal Newfoundland Regiment , so his profile says.

We know what unit he's from. They're asking which Reg unit he'll be taking the course with.
Basic Recce Patrolman is NOT an easy course and candidates do indeed fail to achieve the required standard. As Skeletor said you need to arrive with very strong infantry skills and in good shape.
popnfresh said:

My thoughts exactly. It gets quite tiring when everyone claims that the course they were on was the "toughest". I guess folks say that to make themselves feel special.

As far as the recce patrolman course goes, it is one of the easiest courses in the military. I suggest you sit around and do nothing but eat donuts, drink beer and chain smoke as part of your preparation, after all you were on the "toughest" DP1 course ever. ::)
2 Cdo said:
My thoughts exactly. It gets quite tiring when everyone claims that the course they were on was the "toughest". I guess folks say that to make themselves feel special.

Well, we all know that his course wasn't the hardest, because my Armoured BTT course in '90 was the most hardest course ever.

As far as the recce patrolman course goes, it is one of the easiest courses in the military. I suggest you sit around and do nothing but eat donuts, drink beer and chain smoke as part of your preparation, after all you were on the "toughest" DP1 course ever. ::)

Really?  Good stuff, apparantly I've been prep'ing for the Recce course for a while now!  :P
Eye In The Sky said:
Well, we all know that his course wasn't the hardest, because my Armoured BTT course in '90 was the most hardest course ever.

Bah.  My Log-Finance course was the harshest course in the history of the CF!  Some days lectures began as early as 8:30AM, and sometimes went well past 3:30PM!  It took minutes of preparation to convince the DS to re-arrange the schedule so our course PT could be an afternoon of beach volleyball at Wasaga Beach (volleyball being optional).

And kids today think they've got it tough...
monkeyman7 said:
So does anyone know anything about the recce course? I heard it was really easy. I was just put on a nomination list to go on a reg force recce course? Like what kind of things do i do on recce? Do you have to be fit?

I would prefer to say 'good luck', but an even more important question comes to mind, which I'm sure someone will take this the wrong way, even if its not yourself, but I'll say it anyway.

Don't you think you should consider whether you should even be on this course in the first place?

In case you didn't know, the recce course is and has always been one of the most sought after courses that your basic infantry soldier can attend.  It is often the route to more challenging courses, peer recognition, and career opportunities, if you pass and show yourself to be skilled.

Lets gloss over the 'WO's favorite', 'son of someone important', and 'tick-in-the-box-as-part-of-my-career-path' types and get straight to the majority of soldiers who take this course.

Persons who get sent on this course are usually singled out for some reason or other.  They are good in the field.  They are good with weapons.  They like doing reconnaissance-related work.  They are seen as natural leaders.  They are physically fit.  The have mental toughness.  They work well in small team environments.  Preferably they have all of these qualities.

Do you have any of these skills/capabilities/qualities?

Again, sorry to be negative, but from the comments in your post, it sounds like your name was drawn out of a hat.
monkeyman7 said:
So does anyone know anything about the recce course? I heard it was really easy. I was just put on a nomination list to go on a reg force recce course? Like what kind of things do i do on recce? Do you have to be fit?

Assuming you can even get course loaded on a Reg force Recce Patrollman Crse. (Not likely) A person asking these types of questions should really think about if you are actually ready to do the type of training that a Recce Crse demands or if you have enough experience to even be nominated, as you have to be COMMS and GWagon qualified as a prerequisite. I recently completed a Recce Patrollman Crse and im not lieing when i say it was the hardest thing ive EVER done. If you think your reserve BIQ was hard as #@%& then you may be in for a unpleasant suprise day one of a Recce Crse.  :'( . 
Silly Wabbits ALLLL of you! My UGSO course was the fracking hardest thing ever! I sat in an air conditioned room, listening to a guest lecturer about how to make things safe, how to conduct safety investigations! My! It was tough! We had all the coffee and tea we could drink, and we had tons of breaks and a good lunch to boot!

Man that was a tough life...
Who told you it was easy? Were they a Pathfinder maybe? Someone pathfinder qualified might find the recce course easy. I never had the chance to do the recce course when I was in the infantry, but I worked as support staff on some and I can remember thinking "poor bastards" pretty much everytime I saw them. I was a very hard course, but fair from what I saw. Quite a few guys didn't make it through and these were reg force infanteers with several years experience in the battalion.

Going back to people saying there course was the hardest, I would just like to mention my mortar course was the hardest mortar course ever. lol.
I'm sure our recent new member gets the idea. No need to continue.

BTW, just for shiggles, the Basic Recruit Course I did in 1968 was THE toughest course ever run in the CF ;)


Milnet.ca Staff
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