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Re-application and A.D.D NEED HELP PLEASE!!

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I applied to the reserves over two years ago now, i was dumb and told them i was border line a.d.d, it dosent effect me in any which way shape or form.
I had excellent refferences from my bosses and teachers and people in the community, i smoked all the testing, and i also told them that the only reason i took the pills and the only time i used them was while i was in school for concentration. I never use them on weekends or days where i am not in school, i am in university now and i take them twice a week, i got rejected because the information my previous family doctor gave them was almost 12 years old, i am currently with a new doctor and i have reapplied almost 3 years later, they said they closed my file, and must re-do the whole prcess again. does this mean that in theory if i forgot to tell them i was a.d.d that i could go through, i did say that i previousley applied, i do not want to lie because that is dirty. But if i did say i dident have a.d.d would and could they check my previouse medical record and i want to also know if i can get a letter from my doctor saying that yes i do use concerta{my drug} but i am in no way dependent on it and it is only used for school and i function normally in any other setting with out useing it. sorry for the long post input would be greatly appreciared.
Here are three threads to start out with.

Withholding medical information:

ADD thread:

ADD (some posts with relevance):
Question answered, topic locked.

The Army.ca Staff
I was the guy who was in the predicament with the a.d.d, i went to my doctor and i brought in my prescription and told her i am not going to take them any more i do not need them. The good news i do all my testing in three weeks time, the better news thanks to the help and info you guys gave me i was able to solve my problem the way it should have been solved with out any lieing or cheating and she has agreed to write the letter stating i do not in any way shape or form need the medication and i no longer have a.d.d, next step is my officer training in the summer thanks every one.
Merged with the original Topic.

No need to create a whole new website for this topic.

Topic still Locked.

The Army.ca Staff
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