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Ranger Course

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I just want to know if the ranger school is open to canadian ncms or just officers or both. My Dad (ex.airborne ranger 67-72 C/75 RGR I Field Force) said that when he was there they only had officers from other countries because they could go back and train the ncm‘s. And if canadian ncms are allowed what are the requirments to go?

Thank you for your time
Thats weird, NCO are the one who train the troops not the officers, in a course they are there for paperwork. Ive known some NCOs who did their US ranger course(im not sure if thats the course you are talking about)
Yeah, it‘s possible for Canadian NCOs or NCMs to go, but USUALLY it‘s only given to people who already have the Canadian pathfinder course (which is much longer and harder, by the way) or are in some para capable unit, or in a recce platoon, and is pretty much exclusively offered to the reg force.

There are exceptions to this, as always.
Pugil that is true about this country and the u.s but maybe in some countries they have officers teaching..i don‘t know that is what he said..... he could be wrong to.

Combat medic i have also read that the pathfinder course was a lot harder...it was on the dnd site......they had us rangers saying that it was even tougher then ranger school.I found it by typing in pathfinder in the dnd search engine. :cdn:
After the you do the pathfinder course what unit are u then qualifed for a recce pl? or is there a actual pathfinder unit?Or would u just go back to your infantry company?
The Pathfinder course is open to all trades. You don‘t really have to be in a Recce Ptl. I‘m Armour and was slated for the course but due to taskings I got bumped.
The PF is harder, my Brother in Law did both. He said the only hard think about the Ranger course is
the jungle phase , we don‘t have jungle here in Canada. As posted I have the study package, if anyone would like it.
DND is given 5 openings for the Ranger course and most of the time a Canadian tops it.
Even with the Ranger jungle phase it is done in Florida, it is not really a jungle over there. im not saying thats easy but the real jungle is in the southern hemisphere. The SAS do their jungle phase in Brunei or Malaysia (not sure) for a full month.
Do u get to wear the Ranger tab on your combats to?Or just on your dress uniform?

Since where on the topic off international army courses what other courses are quite popular in the canadian forces to take? :cdn:
As posted I have the study package, if anyone would like it.
yes please :)

my email and msn is bacardi_by_night@hotmail.com

thank you!!
The SAS and British Paras train in the jungles of Belize formerly the British Honduras.
The Pathfinder course is definitly not a prereq to the Ranger course. In fact, I personally don‘t know anyone who has both courses.

You can wear the Ranger tab on your DEU‘s.
I know at least one. He did PPF first, then Ranger. But PPF is definately not a prereq for Ranger. :cdn:
One guy that I know did Ranger first, then went on PPF. When he got feed up with the crap that comes with the course he pretty much said screw this, I‘ve got my Ranger course....and PI and MFPI and MOI and the list goes on...
MOI(Mountain operations instructor) is one of the hardest course in the CF. We dont hear it often, the failure rate is around 50% and the course last around 2 and half months . I had a vandoos instructor who did pathfinder, ranger and MOI. He recently came back from the Cambrian patrol winning silver medal.
Thank you, Pugil - for telling us about an interesting course that Canadians do. We lament the average Canadian citizen‘s lack of knowledge about the CF, and it seems that we talk more about Rangers and the Foreign Legion and Delta Force on here, than we do our own stuff... :rolleyes:
"We lament the average Canadian citizen‘s lack of knowledge about the CF"

"and it seems that we talk more about Rangers and the Foreign Legion and Delta Force on here, than we do our own stuff... "

Then start a post on Canadian courses...that could be a start.....just my opinion...

"Thank you, Pugil - for telling us about an interesting course that Canadians do"

Canadians do the Ranger course y can‘t we be interested in that?
Canadians do the Ranger course y can‘t we be interested in that?
The problem is not interest, but exclusivity. People come on this forum and ask about the rangers, the marines, recon, and other American bull$hit. I‘m not sure if you‘ve noticed, but the URL for this site is CDN army, not US army. For the most part, if there is a Canadian equivalent to American courses, they‘re longer and more difficult. Why not be interested in those? If all you want to do is the ranger course, go talk to an American recruiter and change your citizenship (besides, it would be easier to get that way). If you want to do the pathfinder course, then by all means stay.

American courses are not the be all and end all by any stretch of the imagination. While me may be low on funding and technology, Canadian training is some of the best in the world. Yes, Canadians will do the Ranger course, but they may also do training with the SAS or Foreign Legion, which, by the way, is way harder than the Ranger course.
Well said. To many people in Canada think the end all and be all of most things is American. Be it movies, music or combat courses.

It doesn‘t help that there little information on these courses on DnD sites. Unless I‘ve missed then by all means, please list them as I would to read up on them; and who knows maybe even take some them in the future.
Part of the problem is a scarcity of readily available on-line information regarding Canadian Army courses run by any of the combat arms. Popular media hype results in certain roles (snipers, pathfinders, etc.) and types of units (marines, JTF-2, etc) being popularized as career targets for the eager potential recruit.

Even as these discussions go back and forth over what certain choices mean for training and career experiences, we often miss the point of frequency (of courses), probability of attending (both by timings and numerical odds) and the realistic integration of certain skills into a military career.

For example (the following are rough numbers off the top of my head), we have about 60,000 in the CF, at 600 per infantry battalion there are 5400 in the Regular Force infantry battalions, and at about 6 snipers per battalion, there are 54 soldiers in ‘hard‘ sniper positions at any one time. Even if we replace them at a rate of 50% annually and no vacancies are filled by previously trained snipers returning to the sections, it means that the infantry training requirement for snipers is 27 per year, split between 9 battalions. So, 1% of infantry soldiers are in a sniper cell, and, on average one soldier in 200 gets the course each year.

If we want to reorient new discussion topics to the higher-probability courses, the ones many prospective recruits will eventually get one or more of, we first need to share the available information of the courses being conducted.

The Infantry Schooll website can be found at http://www.brunnet.net/infsch/

Follow the left-hand menu links for "The School" and "Joining Instructions", this document identifies the courses run by that school. (I expect the moderators would also like us to move these threads to the applicable Corps forum.)

Questions on these courses should be posed starting a new thread for each relevant course.

I have yet to locate on-line lists of courses run by the Armour or Artillery School, perhaps our black hat and gunner friends can help here.