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Questions About Recruitment

  • Thread starter Thread starter tigero0
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Hey, I'm not sure if this website is Army only, but I couldn't get any good info anywhere else so I thought I'd try asking here about the Air Force. I'm hoping to join the air force and become a pilot (preferably for helicopters). I have a few questions/concerns I was hoping you guys could answer for me! I'm currently working on weight training to improve strength, as well as taking physics 30 (never took it in high school, but it's required for aviation) and saving up for custom wavefront prk laser eye surgery. I'd like to apply as soon as I can, I was told by the recruitment office they are hiring pilots right now.

-I have been diagnosed with asthma, I don't think of myself as having it though. I've never had an asthma attack, rarely take inhalers and if I do its for precaution, and I have no symptoms. Would this limit me? Found this on the site, but it doesn't seem right "You will not be disqualified based on a diagnosis or disease. "

-Is it super competitive? I have 80s, but if I need to I can retake some high school classes. I can also pay for some flight classes as experience if its super competitive.

-How hard is basic training? How can I prepare for it, and how will I know when I'm ready?

That's all I can think of for now, thanks in advance! :)
Welcome to Army.ca

I am confident that you DID read the Site Guidelines that were part of the registration to the site.  All of your questions have been asked hundreds of dozens of times.  If you are unsuccessful with the Site Search Engine, try Google. 
Thanks! But unfortunately I wasn't able to find a clear answer to my questions there, still looking! :)
He was politely referring you to the wonderful "search" option above.

Most of the people on the boards have no issues helping out with questions that come up, but after seeing the same question many times tend to be a bit less forgiving for people who have not taken the time to find their own answers.  I can assure you that ALL of the questions you have asked have been answered already (I was doing a search for a friend who wants to try for pilot as well).

Also, there is lots of information for all elements on here - just need to look.
1- Asthma & the CF... http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/1567/post-18380.html#msg18380

2- so, you want to be a pilot? http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/12744.0

3- no excuses (bmq tips) http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34712/post-271149.html#msg271149

Amongst many others...  You did search eh?
Thanks for the links! The question I have is, I understand asthma may be ok depending on the conditions, but I'm wondering if it's different for a pilot. Thanks!
I just read this and wasn't sure. :S

"When you admit to the MO or Physicians Assistant that you suffer from asthma your entire application process will come to a screeching halt. You will be required to take what‘s called a "methacholine" challenge test. This test requires that you stop taking any and all asthma med‘s for one month. The test will be administered by a Respirologist at a hospital. The test is designed to measure your lung output volume while attempting to stimulate an asthmatic response. If you do have asthma, they will give some ventolin to counter the response. The CF views asthma as "a career limitation" depending upon your trade. Rule yourself out for diving and aircrew. Inf??? their crying for guys in the infantry. Good Luck"

Thanks for the reply! I'm just hearing conflicting views so I want to be sure of what's correct.

Edit: My recruitment center also told me the medical can determine what jobs you are a candidate for (suggesting a problem could limit you)
No one here can give you a definitive answer. Apply and you'll know.  Oh.  And READ before asking questions.  They have been answered.  The links I provided  were to demonstrate that to you.  You clearly did not get that.....
Mmmm I'm not seeing it in your post, well other than that quote. The reason I don't want to just apply is I need laser eye surgery and physics to apply, but if I'm not a candidate I don't want to get laser eye surgery or do physics. If it weren't for that wouldn't be a big deal :S

I'm still reading through all 14 pages of that post but I'm not really seeing any more relative info.
tigero0 said:
Mmmm I'm not seeing it in your post, well other than that quote. The reason I don't want to just apply is I need laser eye surgery and physics to apply, but if I'm not a candidate I don't want to get laser eye surgery or do physics. If it weren't for that wouldn't be a big deal :S

I'm still reading through all 14 pages of that post but I'm not really seeing any more relative info.

It may be somewhat surprising, but if you are unwilling to make yourself a viable candidate, there are lots of viable ones who will be selected before you will.  So from the looks of things you've answered your own question (shrugs).  Not sure what else you expect at this point.
tigero0 said:
Mmmm I'm not seeing it in your post, well other than that quote. The reason I don't want to just apply is I need laser eye surgery and physics to apply, but if I'm not a candidate I don't want to get laser eye surgery or do physics. If it weren't for that wouldn't be a big deal :S

I'm still reading through all 14 pages of that post but I'm not really seeing any more relative info.

You aren't seeing any because we (the forum members) aren't the Canadian Forces Recruiting Group.  The only way you can be sure if you are eligible is if you apply at the CFRC; we can't tell you your exact chances. 

Also, understand that not everyone who wants laser eye surgery is actually a good candidate for it, especially as the CF only allows WFG-PRK or WFG-LASIK for Pilot applicants.  So, before you go too far ahead down this track, make sure you're actually good to go for that procedure when you've satisfied all their prerequisites.

In the end, I'll echo what Ayrsayle said.  You're unwilling to improve on your chances to apply and currently don't meet the minimum requirements, so I think you just answered your own question. 
Thanks again for the replies. I'm totally willing to do whatever is needed, however as far as laser eye surgery goes if I am not eligible to join the CF then I'd probably get that at a later date. However, if I am eligible I'll get it done asap. I've already checked with LasikMD and I'm a candidate for either procedure, though they recommended Custom Wavefront PRK. I'm trying to do all that I can to get things rolling.

I just figured someone here might know first hand if asthma is allowed for pilots, and it's worth asking considering both medical officers in my area are on vacation, but I need to book physics and laser eye surgery asap.

Thanks for the help! I'll just book physics and laser eye surgery and hope the med officers can get back to me soon.
tigero0 said:
Thanks again for the replies. I'm totally willing to do whatever is needed, however as far as laser eye surgery goes if I am not eligible to join the CF then I'd probably get that at a later date. However, if I am eligible I'll get it done asap. I've already checked with LasikMD and I'm a candidate for either procedure, though they recommended Custom Wavefront PRK. I'm trying to do all that I can to get things rolling.

I just figured someone here might know first hand if asthma is allowed for pilots, and it's worth asking considering both medical officers in my area are on vacation, but I need to book physics and laser eye surgery asap.

Thanks for the help! I'll just book physics and laser eye surgery and hope the med officers can get back to me soon.

The questions that you are asking can only be answered by CF Medical authorities, based on an actual examination and follow-up as required.  So the best you will get here is a "maybe".  You will never know the "right" answer, until you apply and go through the processing.
For divers, asthma is immediately disqualifying, period. The initial medical includes spirometry and ins/exp XR to catch it.

For pilot candidates the spiro isn't done until they get to Toronto. Honestly your best bet is to find out if you even have asthma - lots of kids are diagnosed with it based on some wheezing when they had a cold, and never had formal testing done. Have your family doc send you for a pre and post-bronchodilator study, or even a methacholine challenge, and if you don't have asthma you won't have to worry. If you do, well...best thing is to see if you can talk to a flight surgeon, they would know if the condition is a show-stopper or whether it depends on severity/triggers/whatever.
just a question i was at the recuit center today to drop off my application sercuirty check pappers and refrences right away the recuiter said i wasnt qualified for the infantry this is the first time i meet anyone. so my question is how do they determaine that right off the bat.
wilf75 said:
just a question i was at the recuit center today to drop off my application sercuirty check pappers and refrences right away the recuiter said i wasnt qualified for the infantry this is the first time i meet anyone. so my question is how do they determaine that right off the bat.

Go back in there and and demand to know why! Ok, ask politely. And if they ask why you want to know. Tell them you are wondering how to become more competitive.

My experience with recruiting centers has been extremely poor. And it's taken a lot of "insisting" on my behalf to get things moving more than once.
Well I was able to find out that for medical reasons I'll have to wait 6months-1year before I apply if I want to be considered. Thanks for the help guys. If anyone has any suggestions for me in the meantime, I'd appreciate it, anything to get me ready and better my chances of being accepted. I'm working on physics and getting physically fit, but I have a year to use. Thanks again for the help.