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Question about the small pack system


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Hey guys, I'm not sure if this is the right section to post this in or not, but I'm just wondering if all infantry or engineer regiments get the Small Pack System(SPS)?

reason I ask is because when I was with 31CER back in '04, we only had the webbing and the rucksack, so the SPS is new to me.  I am planning on going into 4RCR and was wondering if that's a new piece of kit they are using as I'd like to check it out and I personally think it's much better to use/carry for the short period of time rather then a rucksack haha

Info on the SPS

BTW: I've tried to search for this and couldn't find any threads directly on the SPS.


edit:  If anybody has some time and knowledge on the Reserve life of the CF, please let me know as I have a few questions I can't figure out and dont want to start a thread  :)
It's a rucksack that does not have a frame but has a semi rigid foam pad.
It's ok as a day sack.

Try your search again - there are several threads on the subject.
geo said:
Try your search again - there are several threads on the subject.

ok, so I search for 'small pack system'
selected: Search in topic subjects only

and when I search, it brings up tonnes of threads with the keywoards 'small' 'pack' and 'system' but no threads directly about it.  I'm not a forum n00b, unless i'm missing something that searches directly for what I'm writing and not keywoards.
kierankyllo said:
Good pack for long distance patrolling over varying weather conditions.

Patrollling where?  It is not a good pack for any sort of patrolling especially when you have your vest and plates in.  I and most others find it quite simply doesn't do the job. The assine attachment pockets are quite useless and the pack alone weighs a ton more than it has too.  It doesn't use standard Molle so you can customize your pack to your job, instead uses an attachment system that ensures you have to use the craptacular bags that come with it.  No compartments to speak of and you have to take most everything out to access anything at the bottom.  Sternum strap and waist straps look like they were added on as afterthoughts.  So I ask what is good about it?
Shamrock said:
Holds all your classroom needs but your pride :D

Ah... my pride...  :'(

kierankyllo said:
Good pack for long distance patrolling over varying weather conditions.

Are you using some magical NEW small packs?!  ::)
MedTech said:
It's a GREAT school bag, and a POS tactical bag.
Shamrock said:
Holds all your classroom needs but your pride :D

 Haha I've posted this before: a facebook group of civvy-u students and reservists AGAINST small packs as backpacks. I guess on course or even at RMC they're ok.  ;)


Carries your weather kit and additional ammo well enough and it carries a radio much more comfortably than the "rack pack", I don't mind it and as far as I know there really isn't a sound alternative out there in the system.  Of course I am speaking from an "on exercise" perspective and not from any kind of deployment experience.
I for one have bashed the small pack enough in the past, so I thought I would add in some good points:

Its holds out water well (it kept the kit I had in it dry wile out doing patrols in a freaking thunder storm  ::))
It works well as a book bag (for army courses)
works well as a briefcase
works well to hold PT kit 

Well thats all I can think of  ;D it is not a magical do anything bag like CTS makes it out to be, but it is a decent garrison bag  ;D

just my 2 cents

The only decent use I've found for the thing is to carry the 522 - fits better in the radio pocket than the harness that comes with it - but even then, when it comes to using anything on the faceplate, it's awkward.

Good gym bag, though. Thanks, CTS!
Yes, youll have access to it in the reserves. My personal opinion on it is similar to everyone elses. Its junk.
Sure, it has its uses and I have used it in the past for the simple reason that I wanted to carry some spare kit with me for whatever reason and I dont want to go spend money on an actual decent bag, but its a very flawed design. The designe is flawed and doesnt work with the tacvest. The way the straps are done, I find, just causes unnecessary strain in some of my back muscles, not from weight but just from the design of the thing, and I find thew waist belt doesnt fit around the tacvest... You can get around that by lowering the smallpack all the way down and then attaching your waist belt under your tacvest, but then the weight sits too far down.
geo said:
Personaly, I use it to carry my PT gear

It actually sits in my office as a constant reminder of how NOT to produce kit...
I use it for PT gear as well. Once I get out to BC in about a month, I'll be using it as a book bag for school.
Pte Pea said:
I use it for PT gear as well. Once I get out to BC in about a month, I'll be using it as a book bag for school.

I will try and hook you up with a GOOD backpack :D
Yeah, about the only good thing with the small pack is that it fits in the RG's bins well.