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Quebec sovereignty?

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I strongly suspect it's a fantasy budget based on creative accounting, and hand waving away of issues.

When Gatineau collapses because the Federal PS, and all of its employees leave, I suspect that will hit the bottom line. I believe Gatineau is the third largest city in the province.

When the CAF, and all of its personnel pull out, I suspect that will impact Chicoutimi, St-Jean, and Shannon.

When Quebec companies can't bid on Federal contracts, or have to compete on equal footing with the rest of the world, that will hit the bottom line.

Those are just a few quick examples off the top of my head, I'm sure there are even more concequences down the line that would see Quebec begging to rejoin Confedeation within a decade.
Another issue Quebec would need to consider is the need to negotiate trade deals with the US, as they would be a sovereign state not covered under USMCA, or other Canadian trade deals.
There‘s a difference between surviving as a country (which Quebec obviously could) and prospering as a country (which is very doubtful). Quebec currently has a GDP per capita well below the Canadian average, but that’s still ten times that of Tunisia.

On the plus side, an independent Quebec might have such a screwed up economy and be so hostile to newcomers that housing might actually be affordable.

I might retire to an independent Quebec. Maybe with a side job as a smuggler across the Ottawa River.
New Brunswick would have something to say about that.
They can have all 10 says they get in parliment...

If Quebec was out, the balance of power in Canada would shift West, and I suspect that would have a massive impact on Canadian politics. Things like bilingualism might not survive in a Canada centred west of the Laurentians. If it did survive, I suspect it would be in a much diminished state.

Edit: I also expect all support for English in a sovereign Quebec would cease on day one, and Anglos would be told to learn French or leave. So it's not a case of one side being better than the other.
Things like bilingualism might not survive in a Canada centred west of the Laurentians. If it did survive, I suspect it would be in a much diminished state.

Canadas second language would become mandarin or Punjabi.
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Another issue Quebec would need to consider is the need to negotiate trade deals with the US, as they would be a sovereign state not covered under USMCA, or other Canadian trade deals.
Imagine the stuff Quebec would have to give away to just save the Dairy Supply Management? Canada had to give in many other areas to save it when we last negotiated.
If Quebec was out, the balance of power in Canada would shift West, and I suspect that would have a massive impact on Canadian politics. Things like bilingualism might not survive in a Canada centred west of the Laurentians. If it did survive, I suspect it would be in a much diminished state.
Power would shift, but much of it would shift to the GTA and Queen’s Park. A Canada-without-Quebec would have almost exactly 50% of its population in Ontario. Admittedly, I haven’t crunched the numbers on how long that would last — Ontario‘s population is growing faster than Alberta but slower than BC — but at least in the early years Ontario would be the centre of gravity.
Power would shift, but much of it would shift to the GTA and Queen’s Park. A Canada-without-Quebec would have almost exactly 50% of its population in Ontario. Admittedly, I haven’t crunched the numbers on how long that would last — Ontario‘s population is growing faster than Alberta but slower than BC — but at least in the early years Ontario would be the centre of gravity.
A mostly Anglo region, and the weight of Western votes would not be countered by Quebec. Seat redistribution would likely stick to the current system where the idea that regional representation trumps population, so even more seats might go west to ensure there was a "counter" to Ontario.

Bear in mind that there would likely be some desire to remove laws and policies that people saw as favours to appease Quebec, and it's not hard to imagine things changing quite a bit all across Canada.
Also very generous of Quebec to take 19% of the federal debt with 23% of population of Canada. Sure why not!

I love that budget has no defence budget.

Reading this Quebec would like Canada to remain defending Quebec, paying for things like RCI and keep all federal government jobs and offices in Quebec like the space agency and others.

What deal...Ontario or Alberta should vote to leave to Canada before Quebec does.