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Pushup, Pullup, Crunch game


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Hey everyone I have this new workout I want to share its called The Pullup Pushup Crunch Game its simple here it is:

You start out by doing:
2 pullups with your hands facing outboard
Immediatley after you do 10 pushups then
immediatley after you do 20 crunches.

You will increase your pullups by one each time to until you reach 6 and your pushups by 5 up to 30. You continue to do 20 crunches for each consecutive set.

mount pullup bar with palms facing out wide grip do 2 pullups, 10 pushups, 20 crunches
Further you will do 3 pullups, 15 pushups and 20 crunches. Again once you make it to 6 pullups you will start over with your hands facing inward and repeat the whole thing over.

The first time I did this I ached for about 3 days afterward its awesome and all you need is a pullup bar or monkeybars. You can follw this excercise with a run if you wish. Let me know what you think.

cheers happy PT :)
Sounds like a good plan...I like it.  I love hard  >:D inventive PT.

I am going to Borden for course for the next two weeks, I'll let you know what I think next weekend.

I will try a little variation:
the pull ups as directed,
push ups starting at 20, +5 each set,
crunches starting at 20, +5 each set.

This will give me a max of 8 pull ups, 50 pushups and 50 situps at the set at the end of the workout (well inside the CSOR standards). I figure I'll make it to 6 pull ups the first time.
Try Ladders by Pavel Tsatlouine (Sp?). If your max pull ups is say 6 then you do 1, rest 10 seconds, 2, rest 10 secs, 3, rest 10, 4, rest 10 secs, keep going until you hit a difficult set and then start over again at 1. Russian soldiers use to do this and get amazing results. It works well for push ups and leg raises. Crunches? Come on, be a man. Do planks or leg raises.
planks are where you support yourself up on your toes and forearms only, like the up pushup position, for 30 seconds or longer (up to 2 mins).

edit: 1800th post
Sounds like a good program.  But if I may make a suggestion.  Try varying your pull up style.  Close grip (biceps), wide grip (back), hands forward, hands backwards.....You'll be surprised at your overall up-body strength improvement.
I like the concept, as it SEEMS easy, but probably isn't. Forgive my ignorance of the knowledge of posters into this Training thread, but I would say this is a Crossfit style of workout (link: http://www.crossfit.com/ . I have been trying it (Crossfit) for the last month (with a break due to Xmas, because I decided to be lazy), and have enjoyed the intensity that you can get from seemingly simple exercises. Almost earned my "Pukie" badge after my second workout (damn squats!!!!).

I will definitely try this one, and the beauty is I can do it at home (that way only my wife and kids will witness me hurling....).


P.S Who else has tried using the Swiss/Pilates/exercise ball for doing crunches?? I like it (less strain on lower back), but I'm really wondering if I am getting as much out of it as I should. I was talking to a big fan of Crossfit, and he said that when people stop doing "normal" situps, they lose out on strength/flexibility in their hip flexors, and consequently lose time on their runs. Anybody confirm/deny this through their experiences???
ArmyRick said:
Try Ladders by Pavel Tsatlouine (Sp?).

Pavel Tsatsouline is one of the key people behind bringing the Russian Kettle Ball exercises to the West. During the bad old days, he was supposedly a PT instructor for the Soviet Special Forces (Spets'naz)
I made some Slight adjustments last night to this to see how it would work out, it wasn't pretty and I'm in pain today.

Phase 1:
Started out with 1 set of 15 curls (25lbs per hand)
20 push ups
2 pulls ups
20 sit ups
5 planks (holding for 30 seconds each)
Jump rope at a normal pace for 2 minutes

Second phase was :
Second set of 15 curls (again 25 lbs per hand)
25 push ups
4 pull ups
20 sit ups
5 planks (holding one minute for each)
Jump rope at quick pace for 1.5 minutes

third phase:
Third set of 15 curls (25lbs per hand)
30 push ups
5 pull ups
20 sit ups
5 planks (1 minute each)
jump rope at a fast pace for 2 minutes

Fourth stage:  (which didn't last long i was exhausted)
push ups until failure
Pull ups until failure
sit ups until failure
5 planks or failure holding each for 1 minute or until failure
jump rope for 3 minutes at a fast pace

Final stage was me throwing on shoes and running about 5k, in pain today and ready to do it again tomorrow. Although there will be more minor changes (wide normal and close grip) instead of just normal grip.
Just to report in on my results with the "game": I did it on Sunday, and I am still a little sore today (Tues). I did it as stated, and it took me about 25 mins. I took a little longer than I should have, as I gave my daughters (5 and 7) a chance to do a few assisted chin-ups after the 2nd and 3rd set, as they helped me "cheat" (helped me on last 2 reps by lifting up on my legs - although the amount they helped is neglible as 5 and 7 year olds bore easily (i.e in 1.3 seconds) and let go while I thought they would be helping.... little monsters!!!!).

I'm not sure if I am one to comment on the efficacy (big word for a crewman: effectiveness, in other words) of taking a break during the Crossfit style of workout, as I am a mere rookie and I'm sure it's supposed to be all about the intensity (my perception, anyways). I mention that, A) because I took a few breaks in between exercises (5 - 10 seconds at most) so as not to fall flat on my face after some (especially squats), and B) the use of planks as an exercise (not that this is a slam on your routine Jaxson, as you may have had a different result in mind.... I have heard ). Don't get me wrong, planks start off deceptively easy, but are killer at the end. I guess my point is that I think that there are more effective dynamic (moving) exercises (that keep the intensity up. I just took a look at the Crossfit website, and although I didn't search thoroughly, there are no examples of planks in their exercise guide.

Anyway, keep the ideas coming, as I get the feeling that I am going to keep with this style of workout, as it is a real kick in the ass, plus it doesn't take as long as my "normal" workouts, which seem to drag on forever.



If you have any friends at the Infantry School you might ask them for a copy of the Cross Fit manual that they put together which encompasses a couple years worth of the cross-fit manuals.  They did a certification session a year or two ago and someone secured me a copy.  I believe the Tabatha plus advocates a 20 second period of exercises followed by a 10 second rest until you finish a circuit at which time you take a minute rest then re-start the circuit; so it sounds like your sessions fits the bill. 

Armymedic said:
Sounds like a good plan...I like it.  I love hard  >:D inventive PT.

I am going to Borden for course for the next two weeks, I'll let you know what I think next weekend.

I will try a little variation:
the pull ups as directed,
push ups starting at 20, +5 each set,
crunches starting at 20, +5 each set.

This will give me a max of 8 pull ups, 50 pushups and 50 situps at the set at the end of the workout (well inside the CSOR standards). I figure I'll make it to 6 pull ups the first time.

So I tried the excersice on Monday...I got completed 5 pull ups...struggled thru the 35 p/u and had no prob with the crunches.

Finished 6 pull ups...could not get past 20 pushups. The couldn't lift wieghts at all on Tues for muscle soreness........

darn good work putting that workout together.

I did it as you described on Thurs starting with 2 pull ups and 10 push ups, etc...

I stopped after not completing the 8 pullups, and still feel it tonight.
I think this is a great thread, anytime you get a workout going on that leaves you hurtin' for three days you are doing something right. The crossfit is good stuff. They've got these workouts with girls named that involve exercises that use different muscle groups. Stuff like alternating chin-ups with olympic style weightlifting, but the real boot to the crotch is you do the exercises for time, as fast as you can. It's intense.

ArmyRules- good luck with the recruiting process, it took me a year and in 9 days I'm off the Quebec for basic. You can do it.
Thanks for the vote of confidence JCof and have fum on BMQ keep us all posted bud and hava a blast :salute:
I have been training for a while and i feel confident in my fitness with the exception of my pull-ups and or chin-ups.  Is there any other exercises that i could do to improve this.  I figure i need stronger back and arms.  Thanks.  Matt
Don't forget to stretch after every workout, ya crazy kids. Otherwise you'll be walking like it's your second day in prison.
Hey all,

Alright so here is my dilemna... So yeahhh, the problem I have is pushups. I am about 6'1 and 160 lb, and consider myself a pretty athletic guy. I can run for long distances, lift heavy weights, and do alot of crunches. However, I seem to have a problem with pushups, only being able to do the minimum. I work out biceps chest and abs regulary and am stronger than alot of my friends but for some reason they can do more pushups. So i was wondering what is up with me, like is it a certain muscle group that must be weak or what. Aight so any help would be awesome.

I think that you have the same problem that I had when I tried at first.

How low are you going and how far apart are your hands?

(there is a search thing at the top right corner, try typing in "Pushups" or "Push up")
