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Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

Soldier of Fortune

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I was just wondering if you can be promoted to 2nd lieutenant from master warrant? I know that if you go to collage/university you automatically become an officer but can you reach officer level through promotions?
If you were a MWO, and wanted to become an officer :eek: ( god knows why!) you would apply for CFR( commisioning from ranks).you would become a Capt,I believe. One doesn‘t Automatically become an officer by going to University(you can become or stay as NCM) TheCF prefers their"gentlemen" :rolleyes: to have degrees. You can become a NCM then, later, apply for officer training. :crybaby:
You can become an officer through what is known as comissioning from the ranks (CFR). To be eligable one must be qualified to the rank of Sgt, have a minimum of eight years in the ranks, and be going into the officer MOC related to thier current MOC. Sgt and WO ranks will get promotted to Lt upon CFRing, CWOs will go up to Capt. I‘m not sure if MWOs go to Capt or Lt. This is not a promotion, and must be applied for.

btw: One does not automatically become an officer if they have a university degree. There are some NCMs in the forces with university degrees. Individuals must apply if they wich to become officers.
I though I had read somewhere that if you go to RCMC (Royal Canadian Military Coledge) and graduate then you become an officer...?
Attendance at RMC requires enrollment in ROTP or RETP. Since both of these are officer enrollment schemes, all graduates will be officers. I do not know if University Training Plan NCM (UTPNCM) candidates may also be permitted to attend RMC. All such candidates who I‘ve met were taking thier degree programs at civilian universities. UTPNCM is another officer training program which offers NCM‘s the opportunity to get a university degree and a comission.
MWO become Capts, and there are rumours now floating about that "senior" CWOs can CFR to Maj.

As to why any sane level headed WO or SNCO would CFR, think of a wolf in sheep‘s clothing
I have been asking myself this question for a while now: Do promotions in the Canadian Forces only depend on how long you‘ve been serving, or does dedication, hard work and loyalty get you promoted? Could a private get promoted to corporal say, after 6 months after joining if he‘s an outstanding soldier?
Nope. For the reserve, it‘s a minimum 2 years as a private before you can get promoted to Corporal. The Cpl rank is kind of a gimmie rank, but after that it gets harder, and you have to show that you deserve the promotion, and there needs to be space.
In the reg force you can get advance promoted to Corporal but I think you still have to do at least 3 years as a private. Otherwise you would get your corporals after 4 years. Any thing after corporal requires you to be two years in rank before promotion.
For the reserve, it‘s a minimum 2 years as a private before you can get promoted to Corporal
Depends on what trade you are. For example to be promoted form Sapper to Corporal you HAVE to do your QL5 now Section 2IC Course and have at least one year in the ranks as a Spr.
I also heard for some trades, (eg: Sig OP) If you sign something like a 5 year contract with the reg force, they automatically promote you to Corporal either upon completion of basic or even upon being sworn in (someone else can look that up though, I just heard that by word of mouth)
Okay, I have been reading articles on the internet regarding the military (deployment to Afghanistan, etc.) and have notices about 90% of the quotes are from Corporals. Are there often promotions in the infantry, or if I join up will I be a career corporal with a very slim chance of moving up the latter?

Could someone break it down, like how many Master Corporals, Sargeants, etc. are in each battalion (i.e. PPCLI 3rd Battalion, etc.)
Well it all depends on what you want. If you want to be a CFL (corporal for life) then so be it. If you desire to advance then those options will become available after about 3 years and your not a waste of skin. Once you get all the sub courses (mods 1-6) then promotion will occur in a healthy time (seems like they will give the leaf to anyone these days) provided that openings are available. As for numbers it really isn‘t relevent and it would take me too long to count them all. Typically though a Warrant heads a platoon. A sgt runs a section (3 per platoon). Mcpl‘s act as 2 I/C‘s (same numbers). Then there are other postions for Jack‘s to fill and often someone is doing the job one or two levels above ie Sgt running the platoon. This is a quick and simple run down but there are many other postions which I‘m not going to get into.
Not exactly sure what your question means (wish i was in Hawaii), but when a Jack has done enough time then he goes on his Sgt‘s course (can‘t remember the name since they changed the course) usually run in Waignright or Gagetown (I think).
A Sgt in my regt just did finished a WO‘s course last spring, and it was at Gagetown.

He said it was a real work out (the field portion, anyway.

He went on to use his new-found skills as a PL WO, and I think he figured he‘d get a break from that during Stalwart Guardian, but he continued as PL WO during the ex as well!

I know this doesn‘t answer any questions, but I thought I‘d share anyway! ;)
****, if we didnt go off topic once in a while this place wouldnt be as intreasting :D
I‘d like to inform you all that tonight I was promoted to sergeant.

For some reason I don‘t feel greatly happy.

Maby it‘s because I was "Volunteered" myself for the Drill team on sunday... They are missing one person,(That person decided to go AWAL) without 15 cadets in the team, they cannot enter into the competition..

in effect... I took the silver bullet for the team. So as of sunday the 21st I have to learn drill rifle movements and all these other advanced stuff that the team has been working on the whole year for the competition this saterday the 27th at Fort York...

I‘d never thought I‘d see myself in the drill team... Even the officers know if there we‘re one team I wouldn‘t join it would be the Drill team.

Ohh well... at least I like the blisters on my hands from handling the rifle for soo, soo many hours.. It reminds me I accomplished something today.

Just like to let you guys know. :)
Does this mean you get to go into the SNCO‘s mess now?