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PRes DP1 Changes & Signals Intelligence Specialist DP1


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I know there have been 1000's of the questions asked but I need to know if there has been a change of direction in terms of DP1 courses. I am seeing some threads online, on here and the new handbook. Additionally some wording has changed on the forces website including; "The 19 weeks of training may be divided into modules in order to facilitate attendance by those with civilian jobs or studying full time."

Do we have any idea of this is something that is actually more feasible for "those with civilian jobs or studying full time" or is it still chunks of 3-6 weeks needed at a time to complete.

ANY help suggestions at all would be appreciated. I know commitment is obviously what they are looking for and I understand it take valuable time and resources and I have been looking into this for 4+ years and can commit to tons of time throughout the year, just not in chunks of 3+ weeks at a time.

Additionally for Signals Intelligence Specialist, I see here : "No previous work experience or career related skills are required. CAF recruiters can help you decide if your personal interests and attributes match the criteria for this occupation." AND " If additional training is required in order to specialize their skills, arrangements will be made by the home unit." Does this mean this trade may be more feasible for "those with civilian jobs or studying full time".

I know, I know talk to a recruiter but the time it takes for a response, I was hoping there would be someone on here with some feedback.

Any help/suggestions/feedback would be of the utmost appreciation.

I am seeing some threads online, on here and the new handbook. Additionally some wording has changed on the forces website including; "The 19 weeks of training may be divided into modules in order to facilitate attendance by those with civilian jobs or studying full time."

Do we have any idea of this is something that is actually more feasible for "those with civilian jobs or studying full time" or is it still chunks of 3-6 weeks needed at a time to complete.
The 3-6 weeks chunks of time ARE the broken down mods for reservists. Ideally your DP1 could be done in the summer, with a mod done online at your home unit, a mod done in person at the school, and another mod done at your home unit again. Most courses need to be taught at the school related to the trade for consistency. They (the CAF) have found that when they do decentralized courses, the standards are not the same across the units and country.
The 3-6 weeks chunks of time ARE the broken down mods for reservists. Ideally your DP1 could be done in the summer, with a mod done online at your home unit, a mod done in person at the school, and another mod done at your home unit again. Most courses need to be taught at the school related to the trade for consistency. They (the CAF) have found that when they do decentralized courses, the standards are not the same across the units and country.
Thanks, so ultimately it's still not really feasible for "those with civilian jobs or studying full time"
Thanks, so ultimately it's still not really feasible for "those with civilian jobs or studying full time"
Well, yes it is. Civilian jobs may have leave provisions for reservists (particularly in the public sector) or may be willing to look at a leave without pay, and CAF has people who help to reach out to employers for to advocate for reservists. Full time students usually have a Sept - April schedule, leaving a summer open for studies. So it’s fair to say that these are achievable options.